Steve Jorgensen: Flag Salute
Inspiration from Maureen M: ‘Choose to be optimistic, it feels better.’
Song from Allan Christensen: Grand Ole Flag
Visiting Rotarians: Dave Shrugman from Sebastopol, Nina Park from Healdsburg and Mike McGuire from Healdsburg
Visitors: Lovely Donna LeCave, Doug Williams, Rotary son Vincent, Outbounds Mina & Morgan, Carlene Revitch, Heather Cullin, and Louise Turner
Happy Birthday to Past Prezident Tom Hassur
Happy Anniversaries to: Maureen & Mike, Sandie & Wally, Steve & Mapi, E-Marie & Floyd, Anna & Stan
Next week’s speakers are Rotary son Vincent and President Caveman
Jack’s Bar raised $2,500 during the two previous Thursday nights
The pot continues to grow as guest Doug Williams did not guess the number correct number
Susan Nelson chatted with Senator Mike McGuire who shared that we have more wineries, more craft breweries and grow more oysters than other state.
Our Senate District includes all of Marin, Mendocino, Lake, Humboldt, Trinity and Del Norte counties. In Sonoma County, it takes in Santa Rosa, Sebastopol, Windsor, Healdsburg, Geyserville and Cloverdale.
Senator Mike also shared that we are in the seventh year of growth out the recession and we currently have $10 billion in recession reserves.