2017-2-14 Windsor Rotarian Love Stories

President John LeCave kicked it off at 7:30

Laura Beuhler led us in the Flag Salute

Michael Juric gave us a few lines from love songs and told us to get out there and love the people we are with… Rotarians are full of love.

Marc Elin led us in the classic song… You are my Sunshine

Scribbles by Tom Boylan

Visiting Rotarians:

Ken Moulton introduced Pam Moulton our incoming Assistant Governor.

Lovely Guests of Rotarians:

Anna Smith introduced Stan Smith

Jack Hyde introduced Janet Hyde

Warin Parker introduced Leslie Parker

Susan Nelson brought John Nelson

Joe Deacon Introduced Pat Deacon

Pres John introduced Donna LeCave

Pegi Ball introduced us to our future exchange student Emma Hackathorn, who is on her way to Sweden. Emma is selling a few heart shaped donuts for people who love something sweet.


Condolences were shared with Wally Krutz for the loss of his brother George.

The Lobster Feed has moved to the Boys and Girls Club to save $19,000

Tom Hassur says we will be having a meeting, at Airport Business Center 5 pm to get the Lobster Feed moving. Look for the raffle prizes to make this a success.

Glenda Sales niece and sister in law had a bad accident and need our prayers and thoughts.

Robin Phillips pitched the treasures of Sonoma County. This will be a major raffle for the Lobster Feed. 6 treasure chests will each hold a different treasure reflecting Sonoma County’s best in Wine, Food and adventures. Be here next week for the lottery of who gets what.

SCARC is on for the last Thursday Of this month and will be the Cloverdale annual crab feed. RSVP for this sell out event.

Make plans to attend the District Assembly to learn more about Rotary and to gather with fellow Rotarians. Dinner is on Friday evening and the lessons in Rotary are Saturday at the Mendocino Community College.

What’s in the pot? $210 and it could be Sandi Krutz’s if she finds the quarter… But she didn’t.

John and Donna LeCave kicked off their love story for how they met.

Donna was a sophomore when she met Pres. John. She caught the eye of John… The senior and they wound up typing together. Her yearbook held a special message and 6 years later they started dating.

Susan and John Nelson

Sue was reading the afternoon Press Democrat when this tall guy showed up at her family’s home to make arrangements for her sister’s double date… With some red haired girl that never materialized. John saw Sue and decided that he didn’t want to date a red head, he wanted to date Sue. They celebrate 40 years married this year.

Joe and Pat Deacon

February 7, 1972 Joe met Pat… It was some enchanted evening. A friend introduced him to Pat on a night when she was getting ready to date someone else. Joe waited until the next day and took her on a picnic… Prior to her next date that night. He wound up manipulating flowers that other suitors had left on a porch… He threw away the other cards and wrote “Love Joe.” It must have worked because they are celebrating 44 years married.

Anna and Stan Smith

Newly divorced Anna also moved to Santa Rosa and a friend said to place an ad in the newspaper, or respond. She did and there first date he wound up getting stood up…only because he didn’t give her a phone number so she could call and say her children were sick and she couldn’t go. Somehow they made it to a second date and that eventually turned into a 32 year marriage with a wonderful blended family.looking to meet new people or two relating to love

Ken and Pam Moulton

They met each other when working together and married… To other people. After 6 years they were both single and a friend suggested they ought to meet one another. Although she didn’t date anyone in the school district that they both worked for, she did agree to a meeting on a Sunday afternoon when he showed up with a rose… That afternoon turned into an evening and that made it to early morning, 4 am. They might not have been looking for marriage, but it found them 11 months later. They are celebrating their 28th year of wedded bliss.

Robin and Carlos

Their relationship started as best friends that loved each other. They both were previously married and combined two families into one with 4 children between them. Their friendship from the coffee house grew into a low key relationship and their kids made it a little more official when they met and her daughter let her future siblings know they were dating.