2017-08-29 Official District Governor Visit

President Steve Klick rang the bell at 7:30am.

Flag Salute

Ken Moulton led the morning’s Flag Salute.


Bill Bolster shared a few inspirations in advance of Labor Day, including:

“There is no substitute for hard work.” – Thomas Edison

“The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play.” – Arnold J. Toynbee

“Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.” – Confucius

“The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.” – Vince Lombardi

and closing with a final quote:

“Prepare for everything, be ok with it, adapt, thrive and move on.  Let the frustration pass.  Allow the one who angered you grace and understand that your emotional health is more important than complaining to your family, friends, co-workers about the people who angered you.  The ability to remain calm – and even happy – in the midst of crisis is not just a gift, it is also a skill.  Live [this] way and nothing will surprise you.


Bill Arnone showed his prowess for songwriting and affinity for the SMART Train, by reworking “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad” to the updated “I’ve Been Waiting for the Smart Train”.

Introduction of Visiting Rotarians

Assistant Governor, Pam Moulton introduced Sebastopol Rotarian Peggy Rodgers and Sebastopol Rotarian and 2017-2018 District Governor, Bob Rodgers.

Introduction of Guests of Rotarians

Dick Bishop introduced his personal assistant, Madison.


The Rotary Bar at last weeks Summer Nights on the Green brought in over $1000 to the club.

This Thursday, August 31st is the final Summer Nights on the Green event for this season.  It will feature the Beatles Flashback band – Tribute to the Beatles.  At the event, will be a welcoming party event for Yana, the new exchange student.

Bill Arnone reported on the first of the Mini-Fundraisers was held on Saturday, Aug 26th by the Lime Team.  In deference to the oppressive heat on Saturday, “Shots & Guac” evolved to “Margueritas & Guac”, but nevertheless the shots were still flowing.  The total monies raised was still being ‘counted’ but the Lime Team Press Secretary assured the room, additional funds will be raised.

The other mini fundraising teams are still working on event details and will be announced as they evolve.

Sandra Krutz ran into Leigh Mateas at this past weekends Farmer’s Market.  Leigh reported that his wife Lindy has had her share of treatment challenges, but that her medication protocol seems to be getting in order.  Fortunately, she has shown some recent improvement, putting a few consecutive good days together and the entire club has her and Leigh in their thoughts and prayers.

President Klick reminded the group that raffle tickets were for sale for the District Gift Basket.


Assistant District Governor and Windsor Rotary Club Member, Pam Moulton introduced this morning’s speaker, 2017 – 2018 District Governor Bob Rodgers.  Mr. Rodgers has been giving service above self for a decade now, as he joined the Sebastopol Rotary in 2007.

Rotary: Where Dreams Take Flight

Mr. Rodgers began his presentation with a video capturing the 6-day, Pedal 4 Polio ride.  Rotarian bike riders rode the entire 350 miles covering District 5130, from Crescent City to Petaluma.

Mr. Rodgers discussed the inaugural District 5130 fundraising event, Pedal 4 Polio.  Pedal 4 Polio has raised over $60,000 towards it’s goal of $84,000.  Mr. Rodgers reminded the group that achievement of the $84K goal, through the 2:1 funding match commitment from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, will create over $250,000 in funds towards eradicating Polio.  As an acknowledged polio survivor, Mr. Rodgers enthusiasm in making a difference to end polio was ever-present and inspiring and is to be a clear focus for his time as District Governor.

This year’s District Conference event, titled “Rotary: Where Dreams Take Flight,” will be held May 18th – 20th, 2018.  The event will be aptly located at the former McClellan Air Force Base in McClellan Park, CA.  Mr. Rodgers discussed some of the activities scheduled to be held during the event, including the assembly of thousands of ultra low-cost meal packages to be sent out to those in need globally.

Mr. Rodgers challenged the room of Rotarians to Dare to Dream, whether it be a small, big or audacious dream.  He reminded everyone that Rotarians have accomplished some amazing things, because one Rotarian had an idea and shared it.  He encouraged everyone to find something important to them, regardless of size and share their dream with their fellow Rotarians.  This will help that dream take flight.

Mr. Rodgers closed by answering a couple questions.

Then, upon closing of the meeting, the gift basket raffle ticket was drawn and the gift basket winner was Maureen Merrill.

President Steve Klick rang the closing bell and challenged all to go out and do something Rotarian!