Click here to see documents relating to the latest Club Meeting
Laura Buhrer led us in reciting Rotary’s 4-Way Test.
Inspiration by Susan Cole was from the 17th century writer, Francois de la Rochefoucauld: “Perfect valor is to behave, without witnesses, as one would act were all the world watching.”
Dave Ruprect led us in a rousing rendition of “California Here I Come!”
President Maureen opened our meeting with the happy news that we were inducting a new member into our Club this morning: Ruben Martinez, Chief of Police of the Town of Windsor. Windsor Police Services has a corporate membership in our Rotary Club, and Ruben and his entire staff are welcomed to enjoy breakfast with us anytime. The entire Club lined up to shake his hand and welcome him to our morning meetings.
Photos of a very successful de-bunking of Past President Sandie were shown. It was a typical rousing Rotary party to show our thanks to Sandie Krutz for serving as our Club President for the year 2018-2019. Special thanks to Steve and Mapi Klick for hosting the party at their home, and to Steve for cooking a delicious kahlua pork.
Our Powerhouse Rotarian of the Month, Renee Hyde, reported that we had our last night at the Rotary Bar on the Town Green last Thursday, where we “boogied to the Beattles”. Numbers are not yet finalized, but it looks like we grossed about $22,000 at Hyde’s Bar this year. Hooray and cheers from the Club!
President Maureen praised her Rotary Board and gave an overview of what issues were raised at last night’s board meeting. This is a very creative, resourceful and imaginative Board. Our Club is facing lots of decisions and turning points this year, including making decisions about upcoming activities and fundraising possibilities. Everyone in the Club is offered the opportunity to make any comments they wish and put them “in the bag” which is on their table, and Madame President promises to read them all.
We received a lovely thank you note from one of our Windsor High School scholarship recipients, which President Maureen shared on a slide for all of us. What we are looking for as a Club is to create relationships, engagement, and make a lasting impact on people’s lives, not just write checks. Our relationships in the Windsor school district are significant and on-going.
The SCARC event (Sonoma County Association of Rotary Clubs) is in Sebastopol this month – September 26, and President Maureen recommends attending this one – it’s about awards!
Carol Martin called our attention to Tri-Tip Tuesday coming up on October 8. This is a fundraiser supporting our own WRCF and the Windsor High School Vineyard Academy. Bill Conklin will be doing the barbecue work with help from Oliver’s Market in Windsor and Dave Culley of KC’s on the Green. Carol says “WE NEED YOU!” That’s all of us to purchase a complete Tuesday night dinner. Our goal is to sell 200 dinners. Send the word out to all your friends and family. Post it on Facebook, Twitter, Twatter, Instagram, Kodachrome or shout it from your rooftop, but let’s all make this a successful fundraiser. There are cookies, too!
Paws for a Walk will take place at 9AM, Saturday, September 14 at Foothill Park. Both 2-footed and 4-footed guests are welcome to take a hike.
John LeCave is serving as Nomination Coordinator searching for a good candidate for our Club Presidency for the year 2022-23. Our current line-up is: Bill Bolster, followed by Pam Moulton.
Our speaker next week will be Lamar Collins, Windsor High School Principal.
Guests today include Alyssa Schulz and her Father, Alex, introduced by Bill Bolster. Alyssa was our short-term (three weeks) youth exchange student this year. She traveled to Barcelona, Spain, and reports that this was her first time on an airplane alone, first time traveling internationally, and she found it quite challenging, particularly her first night in a new home. But she had 10 years of Spanish under her belt and her host family told her that her Spanish was perfect. They took her lots of places – famous churches, beaches (oh, she loved going to those beaches), and also spent a day in France. The biggest cultural differences that Alyssa noted between Spain and home was 1) smoking and 2) the very positive attitudes of the people – they didn’t seem to focus negatively on themselves. Alyssa is looking forward to college where she intends to study film and psychology.
Alyssa’s Dad, Alex, spoke briefly about hosting Adriana from Spain, adding another daughter to his home. This was a direct exchange where each family “traded” daughters for the 3-week exchange.
As JB Leep (our computer guru) readied a short film by our guest speaker, President Maureen introduced Barbara McChesney, Burt’s sister, who organizes “Dancing with the Stars and Stripes”. Barbara tells us this is the fifth year of the program which is the primary fundraiser for Veterans Resource Center. And, she’s looking for a few more men . . .
Our guest speakers today were Burt McChesney, Board Member of Veterans Resource Center, Chris Johnson, President and CEO of VRC, and Joe Milsap, Marketing and Community Relations for the Windsor Veterans Resource Center.
After a short and very moving video about VRC, Joe Milsap introduced us to the VHDC, which is the housing side of Veterans Resource Center. The Windsor Veterans Village broke ground in late July and is scheduled to be complete in 2020. It will be a 60-unit apartment community for low-income veterans and their families, located within walking distance of the Windsor Town Green.
VRC says that our Rotary Club can be involved, first of all, by inviting folks to breakfast, so they will be connected to the local Rotary Club. This is in addition to financial assistance, which is always needed and welcomed.