With 28 in the room we got our opportunity to see President Bill Bolster share a screen or two with Michael Juric at the ZOOM controls.
Catherine Hanron gave us a rousing rendition of the Four way test
Susan Cole gave us some inspiration: “When you can’t control what is happening, control yourself to how you respond.”
Dave Ruprecht gave us a Happy Trails to You to recognize that he is planning to move to Novato, where he will be leading the song for the Rotary Club of Novato. He must have gotten tired of our being out of tune, but he was a true performer to keep singing regardless.
The scribe for the day is still Tom Boylan. The images are still courtesy of Sue Nelson.
Guests of Rotarians:
Scholarship winner Nancy Hernandez Rocha is on hand.
Our speakers for today’s program were introduced, Town of Windsor water specialists Sandi Porter and Elizabeth Cargay.
The July Rotarian (s) of the month continues to be the Rotary Board of Directors:
- Bill Bolster –President
- Maureen Merrill –Past President
- Pam Moulton –President Elect
- Leah Hansen –Secretary
- Ed Turner -Treasurer
- Glenn Sugden –Community; President-elect designate
- Carol Martin –Community
- Sandie Krutz –Youth
- Doug Williams –Vocational
- Ken Moulton (John Hackenburg) –International
- Renee Hyde –Membership
- Alison Huber –Director at large
Carol Martin let us know that we raised $900 last week for the food drive. Totals are $8182 that we have provided to our community food pantries.
Carol Martin and JB Leep helped to raise $65,000 through the Senator McGuire Boots, Beans and Brews drive-through fundraiser last weekend.
Scribe needed:
If you would like to have a say in how we write about our club meetings, become a scribe. The pay is negotiable and the perks are that no one gets to edit your words. Seriously looking for a volunteer, or two, or three. Let Tom know ([email protected]) if you have a want to become a columnist for Rotary.
The Rotary Club of Windsor needs a Social Media manager. We are looking for someone that can post to a new platform and have our notes appear in several social media. The platform allows you to create posts once a month and set a schedule to appear in Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. This is a guaranteed fun job and the pay will none. Contact Chris Landwher ([email protected]) if you are interested, or just post it online.
Glenn Sugden is looking for more volunteers to help kids learn about the world of robotics. Shoot an email to Glenn at [email protected].
Windsor High School Vineyard Academy is still in need of Rotarians to provide some understanding to the High School students as to what your vocation requires to succeed. Get hold of Sue Nelson ([email protected]) to sign up to spend only an hour over the course of three weeks in mid to late September. There is no preparation required; just talk about yourself and what you think is needed to succeed in your profession. This is a virtual internship that would make a difference. Look at the bottom of this bulletin for more information.
There is a whole lot coming up for future meetings and you want to be sure to see what’s coming up by reading JB Leep’s weekly email notices.
Be sure to watch the following music video on YouTube featuring our own Carol Martin and JB Leep. https://youtu.be/UTtZnkQjnY0
Leslie Lewis is back throwing out some recognition and asking for those who are mentioned to make their check payable to the Windsor Rotary Club, be sure to write in the memo where you want your dollars directed to so we can put the dollars where you want them to go.
Daniel Myers shared a spoiling opportunity with his birthday celebration. He made a donation to the Windsor Rotary Foundation for birthdays and anniversary.
Brian Ling got tagged for celebrating a 35th wedding anniversary and his birthday celebration. A donation was made to Rotary International.
Sue Nelson went to dinner on the lawn at John Ash to celebrate 43 years with John Nelson.
Robin Resendez is celebrating her second anniversary with her husband’s first wife coming to dinner. COVID brings out the best of us!
Overcoming Obstacles Scholarship recipient Nancy Hernandez Rocha was recognized by Maureen Merrill for her exceptional work in her studies at Windsor High. She let us know that she is currently working and is planning to start college at California University Santa Cruz in October. Nancy shared some frustration she has dealt with regarding the misconception of many, including her own family of a “women’s place.” She is planning to major in Community Studies so that she can have an impact on the future.
JB Leep introduced this week’s speakers, including Elizabeth Cargay and Sandi Potter, both from the Town of Windsor Public Works department. They want to let us know about how the geology, wells, area watersheds, drainage, and other factors affect the sustainability of groundwater in our area.
Various regulations concerning local well certification are coming into effect, but the availability of water is important to all of us. We had a picture shared of the declining water tables with more than 4.8 feet of the ground collapsing in the Central Valley due to the loss of groundwater. The sustainable groundwater management act was enacted to deal with the problems we face in Sonoma County with a continued reduction of groundwater. Windsor is within the Santa Rosa Plain.
Elizabeth let us know that California was the last of the western states to enact a law to deal with groundwater use. There is a new agency that was created to make decisions regarding groundwater. A committee with a diverse swath of different interests, including rural residential, agriculture and others are working on the direction the new agency will take with regard to regulations on groundwater and wells in general. The goal is to move toward developing a groundwater sustainability plan by January 31, 2022. Once the plan is in place, California law is requiring that the Santa Rosa Plain achieve sustainability by 2042. For a better understanding of the topic please visit: srcity.org/857/Groundwater
Sandi came back to tell us a little about the cost for the program and how so far we have taken advantage of more than 2 million in State grants. It would appear that we are also going to be funding this by paying a fee of $19.90 per acre-ft of groundwater pumped. A rural homeowner is going to be paying approximately $9.95 annually. Even more, information can be found at: www.santarosaplaingroundwater.org
Our weekly COVID report by Diane Brabetz:
- Total Cases – 4465 / Deaths – 57 (50 out of 57 in seniors)
- 19% 25-34 yr old and 18% 35-44
- New Cases Sat 136, Sun 84, Mon 88, 1/3 of new cases in last 2 wks
- Hospitalized 50
Most transmissions are in senior facilities, but the County is seeing new and increased transmission through social gatherings and travel. It has been suggested by those in the know for COVID, that if you travel to a COVID hot spot or out of the area, you should plan to isolate for 10 days.
Help us keep this virus at bay – wash your hands, wear your mask, and stay in your “bubble”.
Windsor High School Vineyard Academy Vocational Program – Virtual Internships
The Program
Marie Ganister in the Vineyard Academy is requesting the participation of Windsor Rotarians to serve as panelists in a Vocational Program for Seniors this fall. The program will address careers in each of the following areas:
- Financial
- Legal
- HR/Administrative/Banking
- Hair/Nails/Personal Services
- Construction
- Small Business
- Fire/Police/Public Safety
- Physical Fitness
Time Commitment
Participants will serve on a total of 2 or 3-panel discussions with approximately 15 students for a period of about 1 hour. Panel discussions will occur via Zoom and the program is scheduled for the latter half of September.
Sign Up
Additional details will be provided for all those who are interested – Please reply to:
Sue Nelson ([email protected]) (707) 838-6964
Please indicate your particular career area and provide your contact information. Also, please feel free to suggest the name (with contact information) of a colleague, spouse or friend who might also be a good panelist.