A social gathering got our members a little engaged prior to President Bill Bolster offering a ring of the bell at 7:30 with 28 present.
Michael Ragsdale got us in a patriotic mood with a rousing Pledge of Allegiance before we even heard the bell.
We had to look no further than Susan Cole to share a message from her Mother Theresa, “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.“
David Ruprecht thought it a good idea to recognize the special people in our state, “California Girls.” The girls are prettier than the East Coast ones.
A fine job was done by the scribe, who wrote these words. Tom Boylan is looking for a few volunteers, not to join the Marines, but to become an alternate scribe. Let him know if you can help.
Photography was shared by Sue Nelson.
Rotarian Guests:
Today’s speaker, Mark Thayer, with Cloverdale Rotary.
Guests of Rotarians:
Sahari Hernandez, a Windsor Rotary scholarship recipient.
July Rotarians of the month are this year’s board members.
- Bill Bolster –President
- Maureen Merrill –Past President
- Pam Moulton –President Elect
- Leah Hansen –Secretary
- Ed Turner -Treasurer
- Glenn Sugden –Community; President-elect designate
- Carol Martin –Community
- Sandie Krutz –Youth
- Doug Williams –Vocational
- Ken Moulton (John Hackenburg) –International
- Renee Hyde –Membership
- Alison Huber –Director at large
We heard that our club gave 3250 toward the Healdsburg 20-30 Kids Spree, which gives the children in need a shopping spree for clothing and a little something extra. Sandie Krutz let us know that this year was a little different from past years where the students had an opportunity to shop for themselves with an adult guide. This year the shopping was dome working off of a list provided by the kids and shopping done by adult volunteers.
There is a continuing food security drive with multiple locations for any of us, or our friends to drop off food. If cash is easier, please head to our website and make the donation online. Thank you to Heather Cullen, Barbara McChesney, and Renee Hyde for their leadership in the food drive.
Carol Martin gave us an update on next Sunday’s Senator Mike McGuire Chili Feed to benefit those in need, not necessarily in need of chili, but in need of the support this event will generate in dollars. There will be a 5 PM online chili feed emceed by the Senator.
Glenn Sugden is looking for more volunteers to help kids learn about the world of robotics. Let Carol Martin or Glenn know if you can help.
Sue Nelson introduced a program that we can participate with Windsor High School Vineyard Academy to help students understand the details of being in business and the community that supports businesses. We are looking to have a series of one-hour discussions with students that will take place on the weekend mornings. Let Sue know if you can help a group of students learn more about your specialty. The program will allow for panels of three speakers to share experience and knowledge. (Find information at the end of this bulletin.)
Upcoming events might include working on the ZOOM presentation skills to better show off the beautiful slide that Pres Bill said he would have shown if it worked. In lieu of a slide, we are asked to just attend.
Checking the stats for today’s ZOOM and we are at 35 attendees.
Barbara McChesney took the lead on an invite to a September mini-fundraiser, Windsor Rotary Bingo Night. Great prizes are in store and we can play online, so consider this an opportunity to invite friends and family to play a socially distanced yet socially fun event. If you have an idea for donating a prize or two, contact Barbara. More to follow.
Job Listings:
If you would like to have a say in how we write about our club meetings, become a scribe. The pay is negotiable and the perks are that no one gets to edit your words. Seriously looking for a volunteer or two, or three. Let Tom know if you have a want to become a columnist for Rotary.
The Rotary Club of Windsor needs a Social Media manager. We are looking for someone that can post to a new platform and have our notes appear in several social media. The platform allows you to create posts once a month and set a schedule to appear on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. This is a guaranteed fun job and the pay will none. Contact Chris Landwher if you are interested, or just post it online.
Diane Brabetz’s weekly COVID update:
Total Cases – 3753Deaths – 50New Cases – Saturday 125. Sunday 114 Monday 83Hospitalizations – 45The largest amount of Positive cases in 26-44 yr oldsSonoma County now has a State Health Dept Strike Team here assisting and working with senior facilities to try and decrease the spread of the infection. The largest outbreaks are in the workplace, extended households, Senior Care facilities, and social gatherings. Please keep yourselves safe. Do not forget your masks, social distance, and wash your hands. Stay home as much as possible and help health care workers do their jobs! There is a County Health Dept Hotline for questions.
Maureen Merrill introduced Sonoma State’s newest student for the fall semester, Sahari Hernandez. She is a member of the Youth Services Council and thoroughly enjoys working with children in the community in need of some support and guidance to grow. Her advice to other young people is to not be afraid to reach out and open up to others.
Sahari gave us an education on the important work of reducing the stigma that surrounds mental health problems and the need to understand what it takes to remove the stigmas so people with mental disabilities can become stronger and active members of our communities.
JB Leep gave us an introduction to Mark Thayer, but first shared his appreciation for club members’ suggestions for upcoming meeting topics.
Mark is a member of the Cloverdale Rotary and an influencer of the community having served as a president of the community association and working to develop a community center in that community.
Mark took the microphone and gave us a news flash from 1968. He reminded us that back then there were no more than 4 networks to discover the news, unlike today with hundreds of networks available.
We were reminded that there were four major events in 1968, including the loss of Dr. Martin Luther King, the assassination of Robert Kennedy, the announcement by then-president Lyndon Johnson to not run for reelection, and the upheaval that surrounded the Democratic convention in Chicago, which he had an opportunity to report on.
Mark worked for AP News, which was responsible for delivering reports to the various news networks, including radio, TV, and newspapers. He let us know that he was there when the ticker tape flew from the machine and into the newsrooms across the country.
Richard J. Daly was the mayor of Chicago and ran the town with an iron fist. Back in those days, the news team found a payphone, (remember when?), to file stories to the AP headquarters. He shared an unusual situation to be directed to a payphone in a room that was being occupied by a group of policemen dressed in riot gear. Rather than share their story with the entire room he and a fellow reporter opted to try and find another phone.
We were reminded the demonstration that took the world by storm took place in Lincoln Park, where rioting between demonstrators and police would be unleashed. It would appear that the actions of Mayor Daly to show Chicago as a leading city in the nation was more than likely how the activities of the police and the reaction of rioters unfolded. We heard that 1968 was a year where the totals for voting was not as instant as we are used to today. There was a wait for information and a wait to hear that Richard Nixon won the election.
He left us with an AP slogan; Get it first, but get it right.
Windsor High School
Vineyard Academy
Vocational Program – Virtual Internships
August 11, 2020
The Program
Marie Ganister in the Vineyard Academy is requesting the participation of Windsor Rotarians to serve as panelists in a Vocational Program for Seniors this fall. The program will address careers in each of the following areas:
- Financial
- Legal
- HR/Administrative/Banking
- Hair/Nails/Personal Services
- Construction
- Small Business
- Fire/Police/Public Safety
- Physical Fitness
Time Commitment
Participants will serve on a total of 2 or 3 panel discussions with approximately 15 students for a period of about 1 hour. Panel discussions will occur via Zoom and the program is scheduled for the latter half of September.
Sign Up
Additional details will be provided for all those who are interested – Please reply to:
Sue Nelson [email protected] (707) 838-6964
Please indicate your particular career area and provide your contact information. Also, please feel free to suggest the name (with contact information) of a colleague, spouse or friend who might also be a good panelist.