We continue to gather these days as a ZOOM meeting. Today we had 27 participants and President Bill Bolster started the meeting with a BANG on the bell at 7:30am.
There was lots of chatter before the meeting allowing many of the members to socialize and kind of catch up “Zoom-style!”
President Bill reviewed the previous meeting with Igor Paniche and thanked Susan Cole for doing the inspirational update on Nigeria and the Polio eradication!
President Bill engaged in some discussion about the status of the fires including the Walbridge and gave credit to each of the volunteers! Doug Williams asked to do the Pledge of allegiance
The inspiration was delivered by Mike Merrill
Who recounted words of wisdom from the last Indian Chief to fight the American government – Geronimo. He talked about what his mother had share with him on how to kneel and pray for health and wisdom. He recounted Geronimo’s mother who said that God doesn’t care about pettiness (I kind of lost all the words as per Geronimo’s mother, but the gist was…BE BIGGER than the problem!)
Special thanks to our photographer Sue Nelson and her uncanny ability to get photos of the members with interesting facial expressions as they marvel at the wonders of Zoom!
Your scribe for the day is Pam Moulton!
Heather Cullen led us in song. She sent the link with the music but it never made it to the ZOOM master’s email , so she ended up signing by herself – A cappella! We all had the words, but generally just marveled at what a great job Heather did in signing a song about friends….”We’re going to be friends”
And “Safely walk to school without a sound!!” She commented that walking to school is not happening these days, but the song is!
A SHOUT OUT to the the ZOOM Master, Michael Juric.
So there were NO Guests of Rotarians
And NO Rotarian Guests
- Bill announced that Rotarian of the Month (September) is Michael Juric. He serves in many roles for the club including the Zoom Master, and heading up the mini fund raisers, to name a few. He also reminded the members that Michael is a Past District Governor and TWICE was President of Windsor Rotary !! (RE-cycle Michael!)
- With regards to the FOOD SECURITY drive, Heather said that yesterday was terrible – not one contribution – maybe the heat? She is going to do an extra blast and hope that it changes next week!
- There was another PLEA for SONG LEADERS!!! Contact Chris Landwehr
- President Bill mentioned that John LeCave has resigned as Chair for Rotary International Foundation, due to family and business based demands . As a result, the club is looking for a replacement ASAP. Bill reviewed the activities that the Foundation has completed to support individuals around the world related to water based projects, etc. He encouraged members to go to the Rotary International Foundation website to see the breadth and depth of what Rotary is supporting!! Bill also asked that members contribute to the Foundation on a regular basis – as little as $5 a month is helpful!!
President Bill invited members to chat with other members who have participated in international Rotary Activities so that they might better understand what Rotary does on an global level!!
President Bill reminded us of the Rotary Clip Board
- Vineyard academy – Sue Nelson reminded that this is NOT a mentorship. It would appear that sufficient names have been submitted and we are good to go. We are awaiting Marie Gannister’s next steps on what direction to take!! GREAT JOB, SUE!!!
- District 5130 Disaster Relief Fund – we can donate accordingly
- Scribe – Tom Boylan reached out for some support in doing the weekly bulletin – he now has a support team (Pegi Ball and Pam Moulton are now assisting – however more SCRIBES are needed)
- Robotics with Glenn Sugden …Glenn is on retreat but still is active and is looking for Rotarian participants
- Any Rotary Foundation issues will go to President Bill – in the interim.
President Bill Encouraged the members to look for members…recognizing that it might be challenging – but WHO KNOWS???
As members, you should know that you can send an email to [email protected], or contact the person heading up the project in need of volunteers.
- 9/15 – DG Doug Johnson
- 9/17 – the Windsor Candidates Forum (Town Council and Mayor)
- 9/22 – Eamon O’Byrne introduces the Sonoma Land Trust
- OCTOBER – We are hoping that BINGO is on but we are still waiting for a date
This is from our Rotary Nurse…an update on COVID in Sonoma County…
Total Cases: 6360 (5800 last week)
New cases Fri 75
Sat 93
Sun 57
Mon no reporting
Deaths: 93 (last week 80 – most of our deaths continue to be in our senior population)
Hospitalized: 54 (last week 44)
19% of our cases in the 25-34 year olds and 17% in the 35-44 year olds
Public Health is quite worried about a new surge that we may see in 2 weeks because of the lack of social distancing and mask wearing during the Labor Day Holiday weekend. There was far too many people at the River and at beaches seemingly not concerned with their behaviors that may cause another outbreak. Unless our citizens take this seriously and stay home, social distance, wear their masks and help us control this virus, we will continue to see our numbers increase. We are all worried about a surge in cases when our flu season hits soon. Public Health is asking that everyone get their annual flu vaccine as soon as vaccine is widely available.
Remember your “bubble or pod” are those that you live with; not extended family and friends. Socialize safely and distance yourself. Wear your masks, wash your hands and do not share communal food. Thanks, DI
Fine master:
Leslie Lewis mentioned that she “was only waking up” but she successfully identified Founding Members of the club who chimed in on special memories of being in Windsor Rotary.
Leslie highlighted six people who founded the club –
- Bill Arnone – charter member, but not at the meeting!
- Maureen Merrill – commented on the long standing friendships that we have established within the club! She shared a photo taken in 1989 in China in front of the Windsor Hotel.
Mike Merrill, while not a charter member, commented that Windsor Rotary has really influenced the town of Windsor with its impact on the building of the business community, the incorporation, etc.- he said that ROTARY RUNS THRU everything in Windsor!
- Diane Brabetz – ditto from Maureen!
- Leslie Lewis – ditto from Maureen. Extended a compliment from her father about Maureen’s courage to interview people!
- Sue Nelson- too busy taking photos!!
- Ed Turner – there in spirit!!
September 1987 – founding of the club!
It was noted that John Lewis was a Rotary Leader and a Community leader providing a good example for us, as Rotarians. Leslie commented that he had great passion for the community!!
President Bill mentioned that he was 30 feet away from John Lewis during Forty Niner tailgate parties – and yet never met him. Several reminisced on the fantastic tailgate parties of days past….
Pegi Ball reviewed the early days of providing the Breakfast for Rotary and noted that she wanted to be part of the group. Sue Nelson suggested that she should be acknowledged as an honorary CHARTER member!!
On another note, in an effort to get some money……Leslie Lewis admitted that she went water skiing on Lake Nacimiento and got up on the 4th time! She donated $50 to the John Lewis foundation!
President Bill reviewed the results of last week’s BREAKOUT meeting that was organized by Michael Juric.
Comments from some of the team included:
- Renee Hyde– her group talked about supporting and creating a Financial Literacy Program in the schools and the community
- Heather Cullen – We want people to know you don’t have to be rich in money to be in Rotary – just have time and energy to serve others in a loving attitude
- Leah Hansen – She said it was “Fantastic hearing Juanita’s story.” She mentioned that it was impressive for someone so young to have done what she did! Leah also liked and honored the enthusiasm from Susan Cole regarding her Nigerian and Polio reviews.
With regards to Igor’s presentation, JB Leep mentioned that last week’s program about Diane was a TOTAL SURPRISE !!! The tribute to both Diane and Les was a secret. Diane mentioned that he Igor and JB successfully pulled it off!!
Today’s Program were craft talks presented by Chris Landwehr and Michael Juric!
Chris has a longstanding history with the Rotary Club of Windsor where he has been a member for about 15 to 17 years! He mentioned that he was on the Board as Membership in the past, serving on both Leslie Lewis’ and Don Johnson’s Boards, and he is currently the Club Service Chair. As JB stated, he is responsible for making sure things happen!
Chris mentioned that he grew up in a farm town of about 1700 people in Minnesota and admitted he is a Vikings fan
He mentioned that he had a “fun childhood” where he was one of three boys! His mother still owns a cabin in Minnesota which he visits on an annual basis and continues to visit with buddies and high school friends!
At 20 years of age, he moved to Arizona and attended Arizona State. He admitted that it was a real eye opener. Chris shared a photo of him and his first wife (Molly) whom he met in Arizona. Molly was from Northern California and that is why he moved to Northern California in 1987. He mentioned that his first wife passed away about ten years ago.
He has one son, Connolly (CJ). He mentioned that his son allowed him to coach many sports including football at WHS (which he stated was “a great time in his life!!)
CJ has grown up and at 28 years old, lives in Boise with his girlfriend
About five years ago, he and Maureen got married! He stated that it has been fun to start a new family, with the blending of her children and his son! Thanks to his step daughter, he and Maureen will grandparents in October!
At present, he lives in the country on what he calls his Hobby Farm. Prior to his life as a “gentleman farmer,” Chris worked in the field of Mortgage Banking for many years. He shared his office building (which he still owns) with Mark Millan, a former Rotarian for 16 years
He retired in 2018.
Chris mentioned that as a kid he worked in the summers as a potter for 11 years so he really got immersed in the art. Now he has a “FULL ON PRODUCTION” capacity and DISPLAYS his art at his home! He spends up to 25 hours a week on his art, so he is building up his inventory! He enjoys the peaceful nature of being in the studio and is excited to be able to live out his dream! He extended an invitation to his studio for anyone who wants to come visit!
So being quasi –retired, he mentioned that his wife works for Windsor Parks and Rec department. He loves being in the country – and has planted 660 pinot vines and while he has a vineyard management company, he and Maureen do most of the work.
At present, Chris mentioned that they have goats, sheep, chickens and tons of projects on the property. He is a runner, swimmer and likes to bike for fun!!
President Bill mentioned that several of the Rotarians got to go out to the farm and make “something with the clay under the guidance of Chris’s artful eye! He extended an invitation back to his farm for a social when all of the restrictions surrounding COVID are gone!
Thanks, Chris!! So interesting to get to know you, AGAIN!!
Michael Juric opened “We all come from someplace on the way to someplace else!” He shared a historical perspective on his family stemming back to Eastern Europe, sharing the different relationships and connections that his great grandparents and grand parents made along their way to becoming American citizens! He introduced us to his great grandmother who emigrated at age 16, to have a better life who ultimately met his great grandfather, who was AWOL from the military at the time of their encounter!
He introduced us to the first Michael Juric, and reviewed the other members of the family who all came to the States to “make passage” for the balance of his family.
Finally, we met his parents who were married for a long time and had two sons. Michael’s older brother lives in Southern California.
Michael highlighted that being part of an Eastern European family was a significant in his upbringing! He was the youngest of seven grandchildren and decided that he needed to get out and chose to move to San Francisco in 1971
He funded his own college education, initially getting an Early Education credential and moved into teaching. While in school, he met and married his wife, Alison. She opened her conversation with him stating that she felt that he was the topic of the song “You’re so Vain,” by Carly Simon!
They got married , graduated, he secured his teaching credential and had no job so moved to Orick, California. There, Alison became a loan officer and Michael started teaching elementary school. He was known as Juric from Eureka living in Orick teaching the Yuroc Indians.
After a year of living in a small, moldy cabin, they left! They moved to Santa Rosa in 1977, where they could buy a house. Michael engaged in a series of roles in education, including teacher, administration and a trainer. He gradually moved from the classroom to the administration office, to the School District office, to the County Office of Education and then, became a retirement counselor for the rest of us who were working!! Michael mentioned that he loved his positions in Education, and cited the final position at the Sonoma County office of Education, as the Assistant Superintendent as being an “amazing experience!”
Along the way, he earned his Master’s Degree and his Doctorate! Dr. Juric!
All the while, Michael said that his “life can be summed up with; “Well, that did not go as planned!”
He and Alison wanted to have children but struggled for a bit and then within a year they had three children! Brian, Sarah and Mary Katherine. Andrew would come along shortly!
Michael recognized several other Rotarians for their roles in helping out at the schools (Pam and Ken Moulton, Leslie Lewis) and for opening a door to the county office position (Karen Ricketts)
Michael’s introduction to Rotary came through an invitation to participate in a Rotary based Group Study Exchange. Upon announcing his interest in participating and that would be leaving in August, his wife announced that she was pregnant and due in August. Needless to say, GSE got put on the back burner, but it did open his interest in joining Rotary in 1992.
Michael recounted his involvement in Rotary which parallels the similar trajectory in education, where he served as President (twice!), District Governor (2012-2013), and now works at the Rotary International level in the area of training for Presidents and Governors and is the Vice Chair of the Leadership Training for Rotary International. If all goes well he will be training at the International Assembly for Rotary International in February!!
Michael mentioned that he took a break from Rotary after his first time as president, in part because of his job which took him out of the area (Ukiah) and then again when he was working in Sacramento during the week and returning to his home in Windsor on the weekends. The unanticipated loss of Alison “tossed him a curve” and forced Michael to make several choices which included where he lived, where he worked and where he spent his time. The path brought him back to Windsor, and to Rotary in 2005. Shortly thereafter, he took on the mantle of being President “Recycle Michael.” At present, he identifies himself as the ZOOM MASTER!
Currently, Michael mentioned that he enjoys spending time with his four children and six grandchildren, whom he proudly introduced. Citing their success, he described their skills which include musical, athletic, intelligent and artistic!
In closing, Michael encouraged each of us to figure out “What role will you play in offering service to your club and your community?’
He closed, by reminding us, as Rotarians, “It is all about service.”
President Bill thanked Chris and Michael for their CRAFT TALKS and for all that they do for Rotary.
He closed with this quote from Winston Churchill.
“To improve is to change. To be perfect is to change often”
Bell was rung at 8:32am
Send the notes to the editor:
Currently the club relies on Boylan Point to publish the newsletter on the club website, and eventually via PMail for others outside of our organization. We can go through the material and make small corrections if needed. Ideally, we should get the bulletin notes no later that the Thursday morning after the Tuesday meeting.
There are two people to send the finished document to, including:
Have fun with it and others will want to see what you have to offer the following week!