Arlene Miller – The Grammar Diva

With 27 people at the ring of the bell, President Bill reminded us of last week and the Windsor Rotary first of David Stankas doing his craft talk from behind the wheel of his truck.

Patrick Dunn was tagged to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and Pres Bill reflected on the cost of freedom by reciting the history of Americans lost after paying the ultimate price with their lives.

Mike Merrill gave us some inspiration shared by his fellow Marine officers. Credit Walt Whitman for the words of the losses of the civil war. 

“Young at Heart” was the song choice for JB Leep to share, along with his vocal partner Carol Martin.

Words for today’s meeting were provided by Tom Boylan, and since a picture is worth a thousand words… photos were provided by Sue Nelson.

No visiting Rotarians, but the headcount is up to 35.

Guests of Rotarians:

Arlene Miller was introduced by JB Leep as our speaker for the day.


Pres Bill opted to recognize the entire Fundraising Committee for their work to bring in more than $26,000 to the coffers.

We are still working on that elusive live meeting… more to follow.

Barbara McChesney got called out because of her accomplishments in the Rotary Leadership Academy. Few in the entire district made the grade, but Barbara’s efforts were exceptional.

Beth Smith let us know there is still a need for volunteers for the Class of 2021 after-school bash. We also had a chance to see the banners Rotary helped fund that recognize the graduating class participants. 

The report on the club first social held at KC’s Grill on the Town Green was a success, thanks to David Culley and crew. 

There is a request for participants to help prune the trails at Foothill Regional Park Saturday, June 5 from 9 AM to Noon.  Maureen Merrill reminded us that this work is made possible due to a grant provided by Kaiser Permanente. 

Sandie Krutz reminded us of all the opportunities to donate to either Rotary International or our John Lewis Fellowship.  All proceeds will make the world we live in a better place for all. 

We were introduced to Fractured Fairy Tales, a new program element presented by Pres Bill.  His journey to Ireland brought him closer to the Bolster name. His options for learning more about the family name brought him to the local pub where he found out there are more than 3000 Bolsters around Cork, but still only one here in Sonoma County. 

Fine Mistress Lewis Lewis tagged Carol Martin to share her birthday celebration, which included a zip-lining adventure.  John How shared his grandson bouncing on his lap and a story of his birthday trailer activities in Idaho. Renee Hyde let us know her “double nickel” birthday was a little laid back with no pole dancing. Chris Landwher spent his most recent birthday in Yosemite. Ken Moulton had a special birthday and Pam Moulton shared that he has a special day coming up where Ken will award the first scholarship from the Kenneth Moulton Scholarship fund. Pegi Ball is off to lunch with Maureen Merrill to kick off her new year around the sun. 


Sandie shared that Leah Hansen is planning a memorial for her daughter to be held in about a month. Our hearts go out to Leah and her family for their loss. This will be published in the Press Democrat. 


Our best shot party

Board retreat


JB introduced us to Arlene Miller, The Grammar Diva, who is currently living in Wimauma,  Florida after spending many years at SRJC, and College of Marin. 

Arlene gave us the knowledge there are two rules of grammar; prescriptionist and the descriptionist. We learned how the phrase “No ifs, ands, or buts” is a grammar reminder. We also got the lowdown on who and whom. In 2025 it is rumored that the Whom will no longer be used. 

Most people have a vocabulary of 15,000 words, compared to Shakespeare whose vocabulary hovered around 30,000. we took a tour of a variety of phobias, I would list them but I have a phobia about lists.

It turns out that English has no rule keeper, unlike many of the other languages in the world. We did manage to pick up a few pointers on how not to use a comma, or how to use a comma. While still in diapers, my mother remarried. 

Arlene shared the following information for all those who are looking to stay on top of their grammar. 

  • I can be found at  (the signup for the blog is on the site)
  • TheGrammarDiva on Facebook
  • @TheGrammarDiva on Twitter
  • TheGrammarDiva on LinkedIn

We took a list of questions to test the knowledge of the club members.

6/01/21   OMG – it is June already!       Please be aware that I did not send any COVID info last week as I was attending our State Home Care Association Conference via Zoom……   so the “last week” numbers I show will actually be from 2 weeks ago!


Total Cases:        30,336  (last week 30,071)           Recovered:    29,679    (last week  29,490)             Active Cases:                342

New Cases:            Fri    29

                                Sat    35

                                Sun     3

   Mon    0   (Holiday)

This is a total for 4 days of 67  (last week for 4 days was 38) –  we will need to watch the number of new cases as we have 59% of our residents fully vaccinated but are seeing “break- through cases”.    Fully vaccinated people who are testing positive and are sick.   And the county has diagnosed some new variants of COVID.  This increase in new cases could be more people deciding to get tested because travel is up or it could mean we are seeing a surge in cases….. only time will tell.

Deaths:  315     (last week 314)       Here is Sonoma County, we have seen over 58% of our deaths in whites, 30% in Hispanics and 2% in African Americans and American Indians.   53% of deaths occurred in SNF’s and the remaining from community spread.

Hospitalized:  9 confirmed and 1 suspected    (last week 5 confirmed and 1 suspected)      again, is the number of hospitalized up from new cases or break-through?

The largest number of cases is in those unemployed or not working 22% (probably more non-social distancing and large groups exposed by those who are working), healthcare makes up 8.9%  and Service and sales has dropped to 16% with home care (my industry) at 1.8%.

                We continue to see the last percentages of our community hesitant to get vaccinated.    It is reported that there are probably 15% who will not get vaccinated and another 12-15% that are in a “wait and see” mode or so hesitant / on the fence.  59% of our population are fully vaccinated, with another 12% who have gotten at least 1 shot but frustrating is the 29% of our county who have not been vaccinated.   It means continuing to wear our mask and being careful not to expose these people.   How do we know who is vaccinated and who is not?  And as one expert recently stated “those who have chosen not to get vaccinated will get COVID and will get really sick or die”.   How do we negotiate with these folks to see the importance of protecting them and others from this terrible virus???????

Vaccines were begun….  As of May 31st,  548,203  residents in Sonoma County have received the vaccine (last week 512,488).    Fully vaccinated individuals now at 57% and adults with at least one vaccine dose is now at 15%  (last week was 53%  and adults with at least one vaccine dose 16.     Because there seems to less requests for vaccine, many of our clinics that just a while ago it was difficult to get appointment to, are now closing.   More smaller clinics in specific areas are being provided as well as mobile clinics where the unvaccinated live.

                The CDC announced new guidance allowing masks to be removed and although many have cheered it has set up mask confusion for Sonoma County.    The CDC makes decisions on a Federal level that are guidelines; it is then up to States and Counties to take that advise and develop their own regulations.   Governor Newsom has decided to keep our mask mandates and other regulations on groups, etc in place until June 15th.    I realize it is cautious but given the new cases being seen in fully vaccinated, maybe it is not so bad to be cautious……………..????

Please continue to be cautious while you are enjoying our new freedoms of getting out, socializing and feeling like we can live again.   Remember not all people are vaccinated and unless you know the people you are with have been vaccinated, wear your mask to protect others that may not be.     We want to see this over but still need to be careful.