2021-07-13 New Board Members Present Goals

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We kicked off our HYBRID Rotary meeting with a ring of the bell by our new President Pam Moulton. 

There was a pledge of allegiance, but those of us on the ZOOM side of the meeting had to lip sync while the microphone was still trying to connect.

Rotary Moment came from Susan Cole, who informed us that she joined Rotary because she wanted to be a part of the organization that was going to eliminate Polio from the world. Her Rotary moment came on a Festival of Brotherhood visit to Mexico, which she and a group of others from our club attended. On that trip she went on a tour of the local dump in Puerto Vallarta. The poverty and lack of health was rampant. Children and families were there combing through the garbage, including a young girl dressed in a blue dress. That vision became Susan’s Rotary moment and the acknowledgment of never wanting to see another experience she called Children of the Dump.

Guests of Rotarians

Pres Pam introduced Jim Yule, Steve Morris and Gail Ginder, a trio of Ukulele players from her Uke club… they gave us a dose of “Ain’t We Got Fun.”   Ain’t we?

The tech for the day was provided by JB Leep and Michael Juric. Photos were courtesy of Sue Nelson, and the meager words were offered by Tom Boylan. 

Sarah Law director of resource development for Healdsburg schools was introduced by Michael Juric.

We found out there are a lot of horoscopes in the room as everyone present shared their zodiac sign.

Rotarian of the Month

  • Pres. Pam let us know that all the backroom workings of our own Wally Krutz to figure out how we can all use DACdb is reason to award him with the first Rotarian of the Month recognition.

Sue Nelson promoted our participation with the Children’s Spree, a program offered by the Healdsburg 20-30 Club and one that gives us an opportunity to shop for kids!

Leah Hansen will be holding a service for her recently deceased daughter this Saturday, 2 PM at St. John’s in Healdsburg next Saturday.

A board meeting is planned for at Ed Turner’s office in the Airport Business Center.

If you would like to have a special photo added to Pam’s pre-meeting slide show, send it along to Pam.

We found out there is a lot of talent on the Windsor Rotary Board when Pres Pam let us know that each of the Board members will have an opportunity to entertain us with what they are going to accomplish in the year ahead. As president, Pam decided to go first and she took us on a “Sentimental Journey” to explain her plans for the year ahead.

Chris Landwher took over the reins and explained what Club Operations are all about. He refrained from singing, but shared there are a lot of moving parts to keep us moving forward. Especially important is the schedule of meeting assignments. You might have thought that Chris was going to be very stoic about his presentation, but in reality, he had a variety of props that he shared from the comfort of his home. Be sure to check the schedule that will be posted on the Club website.

Michael Ragsdale shared the various roles that members will be undertaking to promote our club to the community.

Michael Juric stepped up to explain his role as Club Trainer and Club Facilitator.

Bill Arnone let us know there is a Past President’s Advisory Committee working in the background to assist when needed in a club advisory role. The PP group will not be competing with the Board, but offers a sounding board for things that come up.

Carol Martin introduced us to the Money Bucket, which Ed Turner stepped in to explain how the money needs to go to a specific area, including Rotary International dues and international projects (think of the Rotary Bar on the Town Green as our commitment to international projects). We were told there are two foundations that we focus on. The Windsor Rotary Community Foundation, which provides support to our community, and Rotary Foundation. Understanding the various ways your donation or gift will build dollars to be spent on the areas you choose to support.

Barbara McChesney let us know that Rotary’s concern for the environment should be all our concerns. She let us know that she joined Rotary because of the opportunity to have an impact on the World, which will benefit her children and grandchildren. She gave us a challenge to become plastic free in our world.

Sue Nelson and Susan Cole are the members who will lead the efforts into Service to Local and International Communities. We heard from a youth choir that we have the power to raise people up to more than they can be. Enough said!

Pres Pam reassured us that there was no practice for today’s program. Those responsible were recognized for their support and commitment.


NEWS FLASH!!!!   We have seen an increase in new cases and in deaths this past week.   The majority of both have been in the unvaccinated……………   this is cause for concern and caution.    With the County now fully open and people socializing, not wearing masks and traveling, there is a very big risk for our unvaccinated population.   Hopefully the request by the vaccine manufacturers to the FDA to fully approve the vaccines rather than the current emergency designation, may sway some of those unvaccinated who are in the “wait and see” mode.

Total Cases:        31,435     (last week 31,160)

Recovered:    30,300    (last week  30,165)

Active Cases:  812   (last week 721 – 91  more cases than previous week)

New Cases: 

Fri    67

Sat    61

the problem with the reporting is that the lab is no longer open on weekends and so reporting is difficult

Sun     0  (110 new cases were reported last Wed!)

Mon    0

This is a total for 4 days of 128  (last week for 4 days was 70) – as alarming as the increase in new cases is, it is also scary that the new cases are largest in the 25-44 age group and in the unvaccinated!

Deaths:  323     (last week 317)       Of the 6 new deaths in our county, 5 were people unvaccinated and the other was a man in his 90’s, fully vaccinated but with underlying health issues!

Hospitalized: 41 confirmed and 0 suspected    (last week 33 confirmed and 1 suspected)     Very alarming increase in hospitalizations we are seeing and in the ages of 25-44 – also being reported that the largest percentage of hospitalizations and new cases is in the unvaccinated.

Vaccination information….  As of July 12th 28th,605,057  residents in Sonoma County have received the vaccine (last week 599,473).     68% of our populations 16 and older are fully vaccinated and approximately 75% have received at least 1 dose.

Please continue to be cautious while you are enjoying our new freedoms of getting out, socializing and feeling like we can live again.   Remember not all people are vaccinated and unless you know the people you are with have been vaccinated, wear your mask to protect others that may not be.    Help others to see the value of vaccinations so that we increase our numbers.   We want to see this over but still need to be cautious and very careful.

