Tuesday mornings belong to Rotary as our E. Marie Coakley used to say and this morning was no exception. Our meeting was full to the brim with Rotarians and local community business people and Mayors, former Mayors and council people! Our guest Past President, Pegi Ball presiding with Past President Maureen Merrill (and former District Governor) acting as moderator for our Program welcomed us to our meeting
Di Brabetz, RN CPNP PHN – Today’s scribe…..
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Tom Hassur
Song Meisters: Jb and Carol led us in singing “Downtown” which was extremely appropriate given our Program today on our Downtown Businesses in Windsor
Rotary Moment: Renee Hyde, our Membership Chair was asked to provide us with this week’s Rotary Moment. She talked about coming to her first Rotary meeting, invited by another State Farm Agent. And how as she began her time with Rotary all of the friends she has made and continued to be friends with…. In the spirit of a first meeting and becoming a Rotarian, she invited up Patrick Dunn and Brian Williams to get their Rotary badges. Welcome to Windsor Rotary Patrick and Brian.
Visiting Rotarians:
- Our Bill Conklin introduced from Redding, California, his brother Dan Conklin.
Visitors: Our meeting room was filled with so many visitors today that this scribe cannot do justice and so will only list names…
- JC Adams, Tracy Adams, Karen Alves, Leo Cacciatore, Domingos Callegas, Dan Conklin, Jessica Foell, Deb Fudge, Mitch Grandi (former member of our Club), Ava Hamelburg, Beth Henry, Ester Lemus, Brenda Lynch, Monica and Larry McCabe, Ken MacNab, Chris Mengler, Tim Ricard, Sam Salmon, Dev Sodagar, Kathryn Williams.
- So happy to have so many small business owners from Windsor, friends and our Town Council.
Sue Nelson introduced Leo Cacciatore from Circuit Riders.
During our Event, “Our Best Shot”, our club donated to Circuit Riders for their program of transportation and rides for seniors. Leo, who is Coordinator for “Windsor Wheels” that provides transportation for seniors let us all know they desperately need more drivers. Their need for rides for seniors to MD appointments, shopping or just to go socialize, far outweighs their abilities. They currently have a Wait List! If you have an interest in helping our seniors and want to allow them to “age in place”, contact him immediately. They will pay ½ the fee for a background check ($17) and he will inspect your car and meet with you to get you going. Help a senior get around and not face the loneliness of being stuck in their homes.
Special Recognition:
- Our Fine Master Leslie Lewis was called out by our President Pam Moulton who stepped forward from the audience. Pam let us all know that Leslie just celebrated her 60th birthday with a party on the beach and champagne and gifts????? Since we were not sure our Fine Master would fine herself, Pam asked her how she would like to be “recognized”? $60 to the John Lewis (Community Fund) Fund, founder of our Club and Leslie’s Dad, and another $60 to the Ken Moulton Scholarship Fund. Thanks Leslie….
The microphone was turned over to our Maureen Merrill who set up a panel of community business people to talk with us about downtown businesses, the state of affairs post fires and now COVID and what they see is going on………………
First though, we heard from Tim Ricard, on the state of Downtown Windsor, the history of our downtown and what the vision is……….. Tim shared with us that in the 1990’s the General Plan for Windsor (which many of our Rotarians were part of…) was for mixed use properties. Our town worked with Orrin Thiessen to design a downtown on 10 acres that was known as “Poor Man Flates” he shared with us that a healthy, thriving downtown is important for any community and small Mom and Pop businesses are seen as a “Community’s Living Room”. Windsor only lost a few businesses during the pandemic and shut down but most were snapped up by new businesses that we still have. We have 100 businesses and 250 homes surrounding the Town Green. One of the slogans that Windsor has used is “Big Heart / Small Town” and it does seem that so many of our business people feel that way. Ken talked about the McClellan Hotel (160 rooms)that is supposed to be coming and an update on the Civic Center area and build out, the Smart Train coming to Windsor and other growth issues. He shared with us that Windsor is looking at new banners for around town and Parklets will be extended in Windsor for another year encouraging outdoor dining.
JC Adams, owner of Kin, The Republican and Kin Smoke (Healdsburg) then shared with us that he started in Windsor at the old Johnny Garlic’s and was lucky enough to find a restaurant available in Windsor when he was ready to venture out . He finds that the Windsor community has been very supportive and along with his wife, Tracy and daughter, Jessica, they have expanded into a Boutique and a 2nd Store for Men. They are committed to the Windsor business community and appreciative of the town’s support.
Brenda Lynch, owner of Mutt Lynch Winery then spoke about her experiences being on the Town Green and the effect of the pandemic. They are proud to be dog friendly and to support local, national and international animal rescue organizations. She talked about the pandemic and how she tried to find a way to be “essential” during the lock down and got creative and began selling dog food. Dog food and have a glass of wine – what a concept! She also began daily delivery of wine to customers and loves that the parklets will stay for another year to continue to be friendly to customers who want to be outside. She shared with us that 80% of her business is from tourists but we need to realize that the Number 1 Tourist Destination outside of Disney is Wine Country. She thanked the Windsor Town and community for their support and everyone being very creative in keeping all of the together and going.
Deb Fudge asked the business owners “What can the Town of Windsor do for you?” Things like “encourage people to come and visit, eat, play and drink…”, more wineries are needed as it becomes a destination with more wineries in Windsor, Keep the Parklets, Continue to let people buy drinks to go and be able to walk and drink while shopping or eating – it encourages spending money in Windsor – customers want to be outside and not in a store front – keep the parklets! “
One Rotary member did ask how we prevent from becoming another Healdsburg, too big, too crowded and too expensive….. Ken Ricard stated the Windsor is unique in that we have so many people who live downtown and are the eyes and ears of our town. They want a small town feel and will keep it that way.
JC Adams was also asked if he had any plans or thoughts of opening another spot in Windsor and moving Kin Smoke there. He replied it has been thought of a lot, but for now, not possible.
Michael Juric reminded everyone that Rotary helped to build our downtown and we need to a relationship with the business community and Rotary. How can downtown help us with our Fund Raiser and get involved which then helps them with identity and marketing???
A great meeting had to come to an end and so Pegi Ball thanked everyone for coming and participating…………………..
- BOOSTER SHOTS ARE HERE!!!!!!!!!! Boosters are now available at many pharmacies and at clinics and Drs’ offices. FLU SHOTS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE! Please get your flu shot to keep your immune system up and fighting off infections.
Total Cases:
- 40,106 (last week 39,773)
- 38,593 (last week 38,031)
Active Cases:
- 1115 (last week 1356)
- 398 (last week 386) Please realize these are citizens of our county, a husband, father, son, wife, mother, or daughter whose family no longer will see them. These are not necessarily a resident of senior living or skilled nursing facilities!
New Cases:
- 333 new cases this past week (last week 374 new cases)
- 26 confirmed and 0 suspected (last week 34 confirmed and 0 suspected)
Vaccination information…. As of Oct. 10th, 708,480 residents in Sonoma County have received the vaccine (last week 698,952). 78% of our populations 12 and older are fully vaccinated and approximately 85% have received at least 1 dose. Providers in Sonoma County have begun administering Boosters of both Pfizer and Moderna. Booster shots are available if you were given either Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. You are eligible for a booster if you received two (2) shots at least 6 months ago, are 65 years old, reside in a long term care setting, or are 50-64 years of age and have an underlying medical condition such as cancer, diabetes, asthma, HIV infections and heart disease, or obesity. Also anyone 18-64 years old and at increased risk for COVID exposure and transmission because of occupational or institutional setting. (for example – health care workers, teachers, day care staff and grocery workers) If you are unsure if you can receive a Booster or if one is available, call your health care provider, or one of the pharmacies.
With the FDA fully approving Pfizer vaccine and Moderna seeking approval, we continue to see employers as well as government entities and even private employers mandating the need for vaccinations. The State of California has mandated that any provider who receives Federal funds requires that all of their employees be vaccinated by October. They have also mandated all health care providers to become vaccinated or be terminated from employment. All of this is being done to protect our health care workers and patients who are being treated.
Please continue to wear your masks, be aware of your surroundings and even outside, if you are in crowded situations, mask up! Wash your hands frequently, use hand sanitizer and take precautions. The Delta variant is out there, very virulent, ready to strike and given that we still have 15% of our citizens not vaccinated over the age of 12 and all of our young children, it still has “hosts” it can latch onto. We need to try and manage this disease as we are not going to control it! Again, please consider getting your flu shot so that your immunity is up and your body is not susceptible to infection or any lung damage is done.