Our meeting this morning was called to order by Acting President Susan Cole (and one of our Past Presidents….). Susan’s Theme today was “The International Impact of the Rotary Club of Windsor”
Scribe: Diane Brabetz, RN CPNP PHN
Flag Salute was led by Kurt Mitchler, DDS
- Acting President Susan read us an inspiring quote by the Dalai Lama
Song Maestro:
- JB Leep in keeping with our recent remembrances of 9-11 (did you know many of us woke up to the news that fateful day and it was on a Tuesday, Rotary Day – we met, comforted by one another and listened to someone by phone in New York give us updates…..) led us in “God Bless America”. Never forget where you were, what you were doing and who we lost……..
- since we had no Visiting Rotarians or Guests of Rotarians, we moved on to…..
- Community Service: led by Susan (Cole) and Sue (Nelson), Sue informed us that their committee is looking for a beneficiary or beneficiaries for our Fundraising Event on April 9th. (2022) She sent out 56 applications to nonprofits last week, but if anyone has someone that they would like us to contact as a possible beneficiary, let Susan or Sue know. Applicants will have a month to send in their completed application and then Susan and Sue will need a committee to review the applications. (they will keep us posted). Information about our Event and that we are looking for a beneficiary is on our website and on our FaceBook page.
- Brian Williams shared with us that Windsor High School Vineyard Academy along with some of our Windsor Rotary members helped the students to pick grapes this past week. Taft Winery helps the students with making of the wine and it has been an extremely successful program.
- Leslie Lewis (along with Lexie her 4 legged friend) shared with us some sad news – Dr. Mike Stafford who was a member many years ago and a local veterinarian who opened Lakewood Hills Veterinary Clinic in 1982 and then went on to start Township Animal Hospital passed away recently. Mike was an active member of our Club who helped us celebrate many of our successes and supported our work in the community. He will be missed………………
Induction of New Members:
- Acting President Susan with all of the passion this scribe knows she feels, shared with us that there are 1.2 million members of Rotary International, 34,000 Clubs and 110 years of service which covers from Literacy, Peace, Clean Water and Health, etc. that Rotary provides. She shared her strong feeling of the privilege to welcome 3 new members to our Club this morning to become part of this legacy. She then turned the induction over to Renee Hyde, our Membership Chair.
- Renee shared with us that our 3 new members, Scott Bonin, Rodrigo Perez, and Terry Andreacchi….. are the first new members to get to use our new “Passport to Success” program. (contact Renee if you have missed out on this new program which sounds wonderful!)
- Scott Bonin, DDS is a Dentist who with 20 years experience has purchased the dental practice of our Kurt Mitchler who he says is being extremely helpful in the transition. (Leslie Lewis – is there a fine there???) Scott is sponsored by Kurt and is anxious to become more involved in our community.
- Rodrigo Perez, sponsored by Art Diaz and is owner of Maverick Handymen. Rodrigo is younger than most of us and brings not only his youth but exuberance to our Club and wants to make a difference.
- Terry Andreacchi…… , sponsored by Renee Hyde (she shared she got to claim him because she is Membership Chair and he reached out to us). Terry was 20 years in the insurance business and also an educator. He has been a Rotary member with other clubs and a Past President. Like Past Presidents, someone had to remove the microphone from his hand! Hehehe
- All 3 were welcomed into our Club, told they would never be alone and in the words of E. Marie …. “Tuesdays Belong to Rotary!!!!”
Rotary Program: “ The International Impact of the Rotary Club of Windsor”
Acting President Susan Cole shared with the Club that our Rotary Club of Windsor has had a presence on 6 of the 7 continents through our projects over the years. Members have attended Rotary International Conventions, helped to hand out wheel chairs, worked at cleft lip and cleft palate clinics, Dental clinics in 3rd world countries, Clean Water projects, Adopt a Village and provided much needed supplies and services to Orphanages around the world. Using the flags of many countries on our tables, Acting President Susan had us make a visual impact by asking us to stand and take a flag and wave if it we had done any of these and more as she read them out !
It was very impactful to see how many of us have gotten involved outside of our local community to make the world a better place…..
Sandie and Wally Krutz were introduced and spoke about their attendance at RI Conventions, participating in cleft lip and palate surgeries, clean water projects, Fellowships, and even Ambassadorial Scholars. Each talked on the impact these made in their lives and our impact on others.
Maureen and Mike Merrill were then introduced ….. both Past Presidents of their Clubs, and both past District Governors, they shared getting to participate in an International Immunization Day in India. A Day for children under 5, it was a country wide immunization program and the impact that had on them. Mike was a Captain in the Marine Corps serving our country in Vietnam – imagine him returning to Vietnam through Rotary for a clean water project that served 20 villages and sitting and toasting with Vietnamese that had been our enemies and they had fought against. It gave me chills – but that is the impact of Rotary and World Peace……
Kurt Mitchler, DDS and Bill Conklin, DDS then got up to share their stories of doing a dental project in the back country of Nicaragua. Before the picture show and talk, though, Bill presented Past President and Past District Governor Ken Moulton with a check for $500 from he and his wife for Ken’s Scholarship Fund started in his name. Thanks Bill and Julie!!! Back to the trip to Nicaragua……. Both Kurt and Bill along with 2 other dentists donated their time and dental experience (and supplies) for 5 days to bring dental services to people who badly needed it. Traveling 1 ½ hrs each way each day from their lodge on a boat they completed 206 extractions, 56 fillings and saw 104 patients. Along with some Optometrists, our Kurt and Bill made a difference for villagers who lined up and came because of word of mouth. Young and old they were evaluated and treated. Along with that project, they got to visit with Mother E who runs the Angels of Hope Orphanage who our Club has helped in the past. We have donated a refrigerator, brought the girls clothes, backpacks, shoes and goodies.
These are just some of the kinds of projects that our Club has been involved in since we Chartered. Giving to Rotary Foundation means we can obtain matching funds and do even larger projects and make differences in the world. This scribe has had the privilege in my second home of Mexico to bring clean water to both Playa del Carmen and a Mayan school, as well as build the kids a cafeteria, bring them school supplies and toys at Christmas time (we have a large sign thanking the Rotary Club of Windsor in this Mayan School in the jungle), helped with monies to bring surgery and treatment to kids with spina bifida, sponsored a diabetic education program, and even given botox alongside a Dr. in Playa del Carmen for kids with cerebral palsy and seen them be able to walk afterwards………….. Rotary made this possible!!!!
Acting President Susan Cole wrapped up this wonderful morning of sharing and highlighting our International Projects by stating “it is difficult to do war with someone you break bread with……” Build World Peace! Our impact is and can be huge……………
NEWS FLASH!!!! Federal Government will require Mandatory Vaccination! A new rule will be released in October that will require entities which receive Medicare or Medicaid funds to vaccinate their health care workers for COVID-19. Supposedly any private employer with 100 or more employees will be required to have their employees show proof of COVID vaccination or weekly testing. Violations for employers who fail to meet these requirements of the mandate could be fined as high as $14,000 per incident.
Total Cases:
- 38,520 (last week 37,676)
- 35,152 (last week 34,436)
Active Cases:
- 3000 (last week 3024)
- 368 (last week 365) – 87 Sonoma County residents under the age of 64 have died of this virus! Almost 55% of the deaths have not been related to a facility or a senior – someone who is not vaccinated is much more like to succumb from this disease and it could be your family member, a dear friend or someone you know who could have been saved.
New Cases:
- 844 new cases this past week (last week 1178 new cases; however the new cases reported this week did not report any findings for both Sunday and Monday so they could actually be higher) in Sonoma County! We continue to try and convince those not vaccinated to consider it as that is are only hope of keeping our kids under 12 safe and those people with underlying health conditions that either could not get vaccinated or are at risk of breakthrough.
- 57 confirmed and 3 suspected (last week 66 confirmed and 1 suspected)
Vaccination information…. As of Sept. 12th, 673,365 residents in Sonoma County have received the vaccine (last week 666,732). 75% of our populations 12 and older are fully vaccinated and approximately 83% have received at least 1 dose. With the FDA fully approving Pfizer vaccine, we are already seeing large employers as well as government entities mandating the need for vaccinations. We are also beginning to see announcements from Stadiums and events that only those who show proof of vaccination may attend.
Booster shots are in the news but most Physicians are asking residents to be patient as we wait for more guidance. Once it is decided it is wise to have one, they will be given to those people who are immunocompromised first to boost their immune system.
Please continue to wear your masks, be aware of your surroundings and even outside, if you are in crowded situations, mask up! Wash your hands frequently, use hand sanitizer and take precautions. We need to try and manage this disease as we are not going to control it!