A New Rotary District 5130 Year!
Today’s meeting, the start of the 2023-2024 year, very special, because it is the Passing of the
District Governor Banner to DG Tom Boylan and Windsor Rotary.
Today was President Doug Williams’ first meeting of the year, and he was greeted
enthusiastically by the club as he called the meeting to order.
Pledge of Allegiance: Brian Williams
Inspiration: Barbara McChesney citing a Mowry connection to the land which we don’t inherit
from our grandparents, but rather borrow from our grandchildren.
Song: Heather Cullen: It’s a Grand Old Flag
President Doug asks us to keep this theme in mind: Did I make a difference in someone’s life?
Sandie Krutz did an amazing job of introducing the many guests and Rotary celebrities present
at the meeting:
2023 -24 District Governor, Tom Boylan and his wife, Melody Montero
2024-25 District Governor, Elect Jim O’Grady
Past District Governor, Del Raby (who at age 97 has perfect attendance for over 62 years!)
Past District Governor, Jim Flamson
Past District Governor, Michael Juric
Past District Governor, Erin Dunn
Past District Governor, Bob Rogers
Past District Governor, Kathy Flamson
Past District Governor, Kirk Brown
Past District Governor, Jennifer Strong
Lieutenant Governor, Valerie Hulsey
Assistant/Area Governor, Salvador Rico
Assistant/Area Governor, Michael Ragsdale
Assistant/Area Governor, Sandie Krutz
Assistant/Area Governor, Michael McGlothlin
Assistant/Area Governor, Marilyn Lira
Sergeant at Arms, Larry Lira
Sergeant at Arms, Wally Krutz
District Treasurer, Carol Martin
Endowment Fund, David Mark-Raymond
Immediate Past President, Lakeport Rotary Club, Laura Sammel
Other visitors
Brendan Boylan, Son of the District Governor
Natalie Huie, Outgoing exchange student
Kate Smith, Returning exchange student
Mary and Eric Beene, Presbyterian Church of Windsor
Allison Goodwin, Redwood Empire Food Bank
Outgoing District Governor, Jennifer Strong gave Doug Williams the District Governor’s Banner
and gave Tom Boylan the Governor’s ceremonial necklace, pin and a bottle of whiskey.
Tom gave Jennifer the past Governor’s pin, and a custom bird house with the Rotary Wheel on
Tom has already begun visiting clubs. Tom encourages us to start working with other clubs in
the area.
Tom has three areas he would like to focus on:
-Mental Health, How are you, really?
-Membership increase
-Continuing from Jennifer’s year, Environmentalism
-Kathy Flamson honors 1 st lady, Melody Montero with a spouse’s pin
-Jennifer Strong is the new chair of the Rotary Foundation
Recognizes the following Paul Harris Fellows
-Bill Bolster, 8 Paul Harris awards
-Tom Boylan, 5 Paul Harris awards
-Melody Montero, 1 st Paul Harris award
President Doug Williams notes that we will be updating the Bi-laws, under the leadership of
Larry McCabe. Doug reminds everyone of the upcoming board meeting this Monday.
Past District Governor Bob Rogers reminds everyone of the importance of Rotary’s Polio Plus
Special thanks to Joan Mora for decorating today
Set up: Larry McCabe, JB Leep, Beth Smith, Terry Andreacchi, and Dave Doht
Greeters: Alyssa Johnson, Leah Hansen
Scribe: Monica McCabe