Teacher of the Year
Rotary Club of Windsor-Meeting May 9, 2023
Good morning-President Brian Ling
Pledge of Allegiance-Catherine
Song by JB
Visiting Rotarians-None
Nothing regarding new member Boyd Morrison which was on the agenda
Skipped guest introductions given the number attending the Teacher of the Year awards
Brian introduced Doug who began with opening remarks acknowledging many Rotarians who made the Teacher of the Year possible. Doug then introduced Pam Moulton who introduced Jeremy Decker.
Each site Principle then spoke highly of their Teacher of the Year including a one word overall description of said teacher who in turn was presented with a $500 gift from Windsor Rotary by President Brian Ling. The Teacher of the Year for each school followed by the descriptive word given by their principal and their introducing Principal is as follows:
Meghan Cambell-Inclusive-Brooks Elementary-Annette Zucconi
Kenzie Sherman-Effervescent-Windsor High-Brian Williams
Kristine Behrens-Dedication-Cali-Patricia Chadwick
Jeremiah Kahmoson-Funny-North Bay Met-Forest Harper
Rachel Neu Cardoza-All Encompassing-North County Consortium-Debra Ryan
Patricia Murphy-Magical-Windsor Middle School-Amy Zigler
Lisa DeFazio-Innovative-Mattie Washburn-Brandon Krueger
Kristine Behrens from Cali then thanked her husband for all his support at their home.
Windsor Mayor Rosa Reynoza added her thanks to all the teachers.
President Brian concluded the meeting early.