2022-11-08 Meeting Bulletin

Sonoma Water and What you Can Do

A. Good morning Rotary Club of Windsor by President Brian Ling
B. Pledge of Allegiance led by John
C. Inspiration presented by Maureen – quote from Teddy Roosevelt “It is not the critic who counts, not the one who points out how the strong man stumbled or how the doer of deeds might have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, if he wins, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.
D. Song led by Susan Cole Four Seasons- Working my Way Back to You
E. Visiting Rotarians
F. Guest: Former exchange student from 2013 Kani and her mother, Marite from Chile and also Domingo from Chile. Current exchange student Stefan from Germany. .

G. Upcoming Events and Announcement:

  • Carol shared that the Saturday November 5, 11-2 Veterans Day Club Service Event at Nations Finest 9500 Oak Park Street In honor of Veterans Day and those living in the community, The bagpipe band and luncheon was a great success and a whole lot of fun. It was attended by many Rotarians
  • The first work day for the Sonoma County Fire District (SCFD) Demonstration Garden, which received substantial funding from the Rotary Club of Windsor, will be on Friday, October 28th from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm.  The project is being coordinated and carried out by Battalion Chief Cyndi Foreman and her committee of dedicated volunteer participants.  Work will involve installation of landscape plant materials, the irrigation system and other associated features.  Windsor Rotarians are enthusiastically invited to take hands-on role in this project. The location is SCFD Station 1, 8200 Old Redwood Highway (corner of Hembree Lane and Old Redwood Highway).  Kindly send an email to Sue Nelson ([email protected]) and she will coordinate with Chief Foreman to provide lunch for all Rotarian workers.
  • Ken Moulton Leadership Academy November 18-19 8:30-5 at SRJC, sign up 10/31. See district web page.
  • Windsor Food and Toy Drive, joint project with Windsor Service Clubs Larry and Monica McCabe to chair the committee.December 16 & 17. Volunteers will be needed
  • Club Holiday Party Friday December 16
  • Monte Carlo Night February 4, more volunteers are needed for the committee.
  • Windsor High School needs Volunteers for Senior Project Night PLEASE SIGN UP TO BE A PANELIST FOR OUR SENIOR PROJECT PRESENTATIONS, 4/19/23 @5:30pm
  • Community Panelist Sign Up Form
  • Dark on 5th Tuesday November 29
  • Wally Kurtz announce an upcoming tour of the Family Justice Center. It will be on a Friday at 3:30 date TBD
  • November 17&18 The History of Windsor Musical . Need to have a Rotary info booth in the lobby. Gabi and Stefan will sell baked goods to raise money for their West Coast
  • WHS Zin Release and Shark Tank event Sunday November 13 , noon to 2:00pm Taft Street Winery, 2030 Barlow Lane, Sebastopol Guy Fiere will be there.
  • Wednesday November 30 at Summerfield Theater movie about Micoplastics.

H. Greg Mortenson presented a slide show about Becka our current exchange student to Sweden

I. Guest Presentation: Lauren Lum from Sonoma Water presented an interesting and informative talk on the current status of water and drought conditions in Sonoma County

J. Thank you to our guest and volunteers :
Set/up :Beth and Daniel
Greeter Chief Raasch
Song: Susan Cole
Scribe: Kathy
Inspiration: Maureen
Guests: Lauren Lum, Kani, Marite, Domingo, Stefan

K. Closing Comments and adjourn

  • Thank You to the speaker

Latest info on COVID, Flu and RSV from your Rotary Nurse….
Hi All……
Starting this week, I will be adding information on the Flu and RSV which is at alarming rates and coupled with COVID causing concern…..
 COVID, Flu and RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) UPDATE…..

A POTENIALLY DANGEROUS RESPIRATORY VIRUS IS SPREADING AMONG YOUNG CHILDREN IN SONOMA COUNTY BUT ALSO MAKING ADULTS SICK.   Coupled with the anticipated Flu surge and continual COVID exposure, health experts are quite concerned about the triple epidemic.   The nation’s health experts are worried about these respiratory viruses accelerating and out numbering our health resources.  This “Triple Threat” as they are calling it can leave many residents with lung inflammation that leaves them short of breath and in need of emergency medical attention, thereby impacting our ER’s and hospital resources.   They worry about our health care professionals who are already burned out from the COVID pandemic leaving health care …..
 Get your flu shot, stay updated on your COVID boosters and take precautions if you are sick.   7% of ER visits in one week (up from 6% the previous week) have been from flu type symptoms while COVID visits have dropped to only 3%.    But we also continue to see new COVID variants.     It is hitting schools (in some schools half the student body has been out) and unfortunately we are seeing babies and toddlers being seen in ER’s and Urgent Care who cannot breathe and need treatments.   Take care to stay healthy, avoid crowds and do not expose others if you are not feeling well. 
Total Cases:     

108,879 (last reported was 107,979)          

Recovered:  107,843   (last reported was 106,723)            

Active Cases: 

513 (last reported was 738)        

523   (last reported was 518)        (****Please be aware that deaths do not get reported always promptly for a variety of reasons and this does not mean that all of these newly reported deaths could have occurred in the past week.   ****)
Hospitalized:    20 confirmed cases and 2 in the ICU      (last reported was 20 confirmed and 2 in the ICU)
Vaccination information….  As of November 6th,  2022,   1,219,622 doses of vaccination have been given to residents in Sonoma County.  (last reported was 1,175,751).     We only have 79%  of our population 6 months and older who are fully vaccinated and 6% have had at least one (1) dose.    It is hoped that more people will consider getting vaccinated with the newly reformulated vaccines now available for boosters.   


 Masks, although optional most places, still are required some places and should be considered if you are in crowds with people sneezing and coughing.   Protect yourself and others during our winter months from the Tri-demic!   Paper masks, cloth masks or even surgical masks have found not to be effective so use a good mask like the N95, KN95 or KF94.    I have these if you need them and they are especially effective when traveling.   The ever replicating, mutating and changing virus that causes COVID is still with us, very infectious, easily spread and still causing illness.     

In the health care field we are being told that COVID infections are here to stay;   just like the flu each year, we will need to get a booster to stay well and keep our chances of getting sick minimal!    But the Flu and RSV are causing concerns.


Go to socoemergency.org  to learn more about free COVID -19 testing in Sonoma County.  Look for COVID-19 Testing and Tracing in Sonoma County.   My Agency,  At Home Nursing, is still available to provide you COVID testing if you need it (PCR) at no charge if you are having any issues finding an appointment.   Just call my office at 707-546-8773 and make an appointment with us.   We also provide  FIT testing for a N95 mask at no charge so that it fits properly.   We are able to sell you N95 masks.   And we are always willing to answer any questions you may have.    If you want to schedule either a booster or the vaccine, appointments can be found by visiting:  https://socoemergency.org/events/category/pop-up-vaccine or call 707-565-4667.  
Enjoy life, stay well and take care of yourself.   

Carry a mask with you in case you need it ……  Infections are still prevalent, happen quickly and will sideline you if you test positive.    Practice good infection control and stay safe! 