2022-10-04 Meeting Bulletin

Craft Talks from Members

Good Day fellow Rotarians and friends and family who are reading our weekly bulletin.

Pledge of Allegiance: Doug Williams

INSPIRATION: Robin was unable to attend today but Sandie Krutz jumped in with a great
inspiration, Eveready Sandie is an inspiration!

SONG: JB lead us in a rousing version of: “I’ve been working on the Railroad” we almost
remembered all the words of the first verse.


Kathleen Williams thanked all the Rotarians that came out to help and support the Windsor
Day Parade. A fun Day
OKTOBERFEST: District South Rotary Foundation Celebration:
October 8 th , 3pm-6:30 at Wulff and Paula Reinhold 1200 Oak Springs Ln. Rohnert Park
For more information contact Jennifer Strong at 707-349-0815 or
[email protected]

Save the date, November 5, for a club event celebrating our Veterans at Nations Finest in
Windsor.  In honor of Veterans Day and those living in our community, with bagpipes and all,
we will provide a little club service and a whole lot of fun.  This will be in lieu of the 5th Tuesday
on November 29 when we will be Dark – no meeting.. Lunch and Beverages will be served,
please contact Carol to sign up: [email protected]

Environmental October Theme Project for District Governor Citation Award: Kurt Mitchler
announced this month’s project will be a global project and mainly pertains to Rivers, we will be
looking at possibly some projects that include the Russian River, more information will be

President Brian commented on how well our “Meet the Candidates” (Windsor Town Counsel)
went last week, and thanked JB for putting everything together.
We had a little extra time to hear what a few of our fellow Rotarians have been up to and
“recognize” them for all the fun:

Michael Juric spent two weeks in Portugal with the Hackenburg’s, and followed that with a trip
to Kansas to represent Rotary District 5130 at Rotary District 5710.

Wally Krutz shared that he and Sandie attended and celebrated the marriage of their daughter
Kathy in September, Sandie confirmed they will make a donation.

Pam Moulton traveled to New York and Washington DC with her sister, someone she had not
traveled with for many years, Pam stated she was a wonderful travel guide and they visited
places from the 911 monument to the White House. Pam is paying on her fines.

Craft Talks:
Alissa Johnson:
Alissa is one of our newer members in Rotary, Alissa works for the garbage Co,
(Recology Sonoma Marin). She was born in Santa Rosa, currently lives in Windsor,
she has two sons: 27 & 26, and is raising her great nephew 14 years old.

Alissa is a retired Santa Rosa Police Officer; she retired as Sargent due to back
surgery. Alissa did some independent PI work for a time, and then took a part
time job with Recology Sonoma, the position was not rewarding, and she landed
in Management with the company, which is the position she now holds.

Alissa was living in the Larkfield area when the fires occurred and she and her
family lost everything. She has since sold the property and moved to Windsor,
she is attending college and will receive her MBA in 2024. When she is not
working, raising her Nephew or attending class she likes to cook and takes Pilate
classes. .

When asked with such a busy life, why Rotary? She replied to give back, Alissa
shared that after the fires the community outreach was so terrific and helpful,
adding, because she is busy she may not be able to participate in everything but
wants to be a part of a contributing community.

Kurt Mitchler:
Retired Dentist, he was born in 1957 in Illinois, he attended school in Chicago
where he met his wife. She was from SF and the first question she ask him was
did he plan to return to Illinois? Believing this would be a deal breaker he said no,
when he finished school he went to San Francisco ahead of her. One of his early
experiences in SF was having his house robbed of everything but his clothes.

When she finished school she joined him in SF but they eventually moved to
Marin, in 1989 they had twin boys, Trevor & Garrick. In 1991 they moved to
Sonoma County.

Kurt had a Dental Business in Healdsburg for 16 years; he moved his practice to
Windsor in 2006 and practiced dentistry there for another 16 years.

Kurt said he has been asked why he chose dentistry, was anyone else in the family
a dentist? Kurt claims the only other relative was Doc Holiday, but he did not take
on any of his other traits.

Kurt lost his home on Riebli Rd during the 2017 fires.

Kurt enjoys Hiking, water sports, especially Kayaking or canoes and fishing.
His son Trevor lives in LA and has a solar business, while Garrick lives in SF and
works for SF Community District, the boys are now 33.

JB Leep:
JB claims he was born a Geek, first into Ham radio he decided folks into those
were too weird so he moved on. He was raised in Menlo Park, his father was a
home builder and built “Leep Homes” in the Cupertino and Saratoga & San Jose
area, many of the homes are still there and known as well constructed homes
selling for crazy prices. His father was also a navy pilot so flying and traveling was
second nature to JB.

JB graduated from Stanford University as Electrical Engineer, during his years as a
student he traveled around the world. One trip was a back packing trip through
Europe in a VW Bus. Yes he was a long haired hippie, ?

JB married in 1973 and opened a clothing store in Cupertino, JB Harper, he stated
his father bailed him out of a few business ventures and on the last one told him
he would help him out one last time if he cut his hair and got a job, so he did.

JB was very resourceful and landed a job with Business Land and worked with
them for 6 years, the computer was just coming of age and JB met many
influential people in his journey.

It seems JB had continued success in his career for the following years although
he also experienced tragedy when he lost his wife in 1983.

JB met Carol and they were married in 1990, after they were married JB quit his
job and Carol sold her business and together they started “Blue Bear Software”
they worked the business together until they retired in 2012.

JB has a stepdaughter from his first marriage and two grandchildren: 21 and 15.

President Brian closed the meeting 8:30am

Scribe disclaimer: some dates and facts may be incorrect, difficulty getting
absorbed in individual stories and take accurate notes.

COVID update from your Rotary Nurse…..

“COVID-19 REMAINS UNPREDICTABL EVEN WITH VACCINES OUT….”  We are entering Fall with the coronavirus on the decline; however this virus remain unpredictable,  daily deaths are considerable (350-500 daily deaths in the USA)   and too few Americans have received even a single booster shot which is important to protect against severe illness.   We are going to have to live with this virus and public health experts continue to be concerned that we are not where we need to be. 
NEW COVID BOOSTERS are available in Sonoma County.   Please remember that the vaccines have been reformulated to address the subvariants causing the COVID outbreaks.    Make your appointment to get your Flu vaccine and a COVID booster.   If you have recently had COVID the health experts are cautioning to wait anywhere from 6 weeks to 2 months before obtaining a booster as you have already increased your immune system because you had COVID.
Total Cases:     

107,598 (last week 107,352)           Recovered:  106,217   (last week 106,005)             Active Cases: 863 (last week 831)        

518   (last week 516)        (****Please be aware that deaths do not get reported always promptly for a variety of reasons and this does not mean that all of these newly reported deaths could have occurred in the past week.   ****)

23 confirmed cases and 0 in the ICU      (last week 30 confirmed and 1 in the ICU)
Vaccination information…. 

As of October 2nd,  2022,   1,162,383 doses of vaccination have been given to residents in Sonoma County.  (last week 1,155,936).     We only have 78%  of our population 6 months and older who are fully vaccinated and 6% have had at least one (1) dose.    It is hoped that more people will consider getting vaccinated with the newly reformulated vaccines now available for boosters.   


Mask have really pretty much become optional except for airports (not on airplanes) and some buildings still post signs saying masks must be worn.   But if you are going to wear a mask, make sure it is a tight fitting mask that works.   Wearing a mask down around your chin, or below your nose is useless.   Paper masks, cloth masks or even surgical masks have found not to be effective so use a good mask like the N95, KN95 or KF94.    I have these if you need them and they are especially effective when traveling.   The ever replicating, mutating and changing virus that causes COVID is still with us, very infectious, easily spread and still causing illness.     COVID infection it seems will continue to be with us just like the flu each year!    The goal of living with this virus is to try and minimize infection and need for hospitalizations so that our health care system is not affected.    Care needs to be available for those suffering life altering illnesses or crises.  


Go to socoemergency.org  to learn more about free COVID -19 testing in Sonoma County.  Look for COVID-19 Testing and Tracing in Sonoma County.   My Agency,  At Home Nursing, is still available to provide you COVID testing if you need it (PCR) at no charge if you are having any issues finding an appointment.   Just call my office at 707-546-8773 and make an appointment with us.   We also provide  FIT testing for a N95 mask at no charge so that it fits properly.   We are able to sell you N95 masks.   And we are always willing to answer any questions you may have.    If you want to schedule either a booster or the vaccine, appointments can be found by visiting:  https://socoemergency.org/events/category/pop-up-vaccine or call 707-565-4667.  
Be really aware of the activities you chose to participate but live life fully; just practice caution.    Be aware of your surroundings and carry a mask at all times.   Infections are prevalent, happen quickly and will sideline you if you test positive.   We found that out in real time!  Practice good infection control and stay safe!  My wish is for you and yours to stay well!
Diane Brabetz
Administrator – Owner
At Home Nursing
(707) 546-8773
(707) 546-8788  FAX
(707) 490-2627  Cell
[email protected]