Meeting agenda
A. Good Morning Rotary Club of Windsor
B. Pledge of Allegiance led by Jeff
C. Inspiration read by Maureen: In this world it is not what we take up, but what we give up that makes us rich. Henry Ward Beecher
D. Song – led by Bill Arnone : I’ve been working on the railroad- in honor of Labor Day.
E. Visiting Rotarians– none
F. Guests: Exchange Students Stefan from Germany and Gabi from Brazil, Domingo and his twin brother, Sebastián, from Chile, and Lauren Hall publisher of The Windsor Connection.
G. The 5th Tuesday on the putting Green was a fun event. Thank You to Londa, Pam, Brian W, Barbara and team for organizing. The next 5th Tuesday will in November. President Brian will be in contact with the team for that event.
H. Upcoming Events and Announcements
Final night Margarita Bar Thursday- Thank You Renee and volunteers. Last Thursdays income $1400.
Windsor Day Parade-no new info
District 5130 Foundation BBQ(south)-October 8, noon – 3pm
35th anniversary celebration (TBD) planning in progress
Polio presentation by Bob Rogers (TBD)
I. Governor’s Environmental Citation Challenge
The Governor’s Challenge is from the Rotary District Governor, Jennifer Strong. Barbara McChesney is the lead for our club, but also for our whole District 5130, which encompasses Petaluma and up the coast all the way to the Oregon border.
Barb is to lead the environmental team
Barb, Bill, and Heather on the committee. There will be monthly themes. Talked about how the Industrial Revolution impacted climate change and how that is impacting countries like the flooding in Pakistan that never participated in the Industrial Revolution. It is a global problem, we helped cause the problem, and we must be part of the solution.
J. Guest Presentation on Zoom
Gerald Posner lawyer and author of a book on the history of Motown and many other books started off by repeating the joke JB told him about free speech. Good one JB. Mr Posner presented fascinating and well documented history on the rise and fall of Motown including pictures.
K. Thank you to our guest and volunteers:
Setup/Bill Conklin, John Hackenburg
Song/Bill Arnone
Guests/Stefan, Gabi, Domingo and his brother , Lauren Hall
Thank you JB for a great presentation
L. Closing comments and adjourn-next week Past Pres Rags! Stay inside where it is cool and over hydrate with your favorite beverage.
From your Rotary Nurse
NEWS: NEW COVID BOOSTERS ARE BEGINNING TO BE AVAILABLE IN SONOMA COUNTY! Vaccines have been reformulated to address the subvariants causing the COVID outbreaks.
Personal account of getting COVID….. so as most of you know, I am a nurse and nurse practitioner and have worked as a Public Health Nurse for years back East. So, my Public Health training and experience is deeply ingrained in me and stood me in good stead through the AIDS epidemic and now the COVID pandemic. But nothing prepared me for actually getting COVID and being sick! As you know, I pushed to get vaccines available for my health care staff, my family and so many of you all and our elderly population in Windsor…. So being double vaccinated and doubled boosted, I just never saw myself “catching” COVID even though my scientific mind knew better!
We test in our office (all of our employees) every month or with symptoms or outbreaks and believe me we have been seeing outbreaks. Imagine how difficult it is to keep our frail elderly clients staffed when so many of our employees have been testing positive and out the requisite 5 or more days! So, when my husband Les and daughter, Malinda, both got sick last week and tested positive, I immediately moved Les to another bedroom and split up the house for his use and mine! I still did not think I would get it as I kept testing negative. 2 ½ days later, after testing negative after work, at 10:30 pm a fever hit me, the worst headache I have ever experienced and body aches and chills. I was positive!!!!!
For 2 days I fought the fever and once it broke I felt so much better. All I did was sleep, watch movies and sit in the sun soaking up some old fashioned Vitamin D!!!! Thanks to some of my Rotary family for feeding us, checking on us and worrying about us. I don’t get sick, so it is very difficult for me to be sick and stay home. But I finally tested negative on Day 6 and was able to return to the outside world. I do not wish this on anyone and I have thought of how scary it must have been prior to our vaccines for those people who did contract COVID and ended up in the ICU on a ventilator or for those people whose loved ones did not make it out alive… We are so fortunate for medical science, our vaccines and for those Public Health things we now do to keep the spread of disease down. …… GLAD TO BE WELL!
Total Cases: 106,553 (last week 105,798) Recovered: 104,884 (last week 103,748) Active Cases: 1157 (last week 1540)
Deaths: 512 (last week 510) (****Please be aware that deaths do not get reported always promptly for a variety of reasons and this does not mean that all of these newly reported deaths occurred in the past week. ****)
Hospitalized: 43 confirmed cases and 2 in the ICU (last week 34 confirmed and25 in the ICU)
Vaccination information….
As of September 4th, 2022, 1,137,809 doses of vaccination have been given to residents in Sonoma County. (last week 1,228,023). We now only have 78% of our population 6 months and older who are fully vaccinated and 6% have had at least one (1) dose. With the newly reformulated vaccines coming out for boosters, it is hoped that this may sway unvaccinated individuals to get vaccinated.
The ever replicating, mutating and changing virus that causes COVID is still with us, very infectious, easily spread and still causing illness. Even being outside with others does not make you immune from possible exposure from asymptomatic individuals. Masks are still being advised if in a group setting whether inside or outside. COVID infection it seems will continue to be with us just like the flu each year! Infections are still occurring, ER visits are up, and we continue to see hospitalizations. The goal of living with this virus is to try and minimize infection and need for hospitalizations so that our health care system is not affected. Care needs to be available for those suffering life altering illnesses or crises.
Go to to learn more about free COVID -19 testing in Sonoma County. Look for COVID-19 Testing and Tracing in Sonoma County. My Agency, At Home Nursing, is still available to provide you COVID testing if you need it (PCR) at no charge if you are having any issues finding an appointment. Just call my office at 707-546-8773 and make an appointment with us. We also provide FIT testing for a N95 mask at no charge so that it fits properly. We are able to sell you N95 masks. And we are always willing to answer any questions you may have. If you want to schedule either a booster or the vaccine, appointments can be found by visiting: or call 707-565-4667.
Be really aware of the activities you chose to participate but live life fully; just practice caution. Be aware of your surroundings and carry a mask at all times. Infections are prevalent, happen quickly and will sideline you if you test positive. We found that out in real time! Practice good infection control and stay safe!