Craft Talks
Good Morning! Let’s look at the recap of our Tuesday meeting with President Brian!
He welcomed us all around 7:35 and Renee led us both in the Pledge of Allegiance the Inspiration, where she reminded us of the power of small groups of dedicated people to make significant changes in the world!
Bill Bolster was fined $25 for asking us to sing a song that had been wonderfully sung by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong…..Can’t remember the name of the song – I just heard from many of our fellow singers that “we ruined that sucker!!”
There were no visiting Rotarians and “our” Domingo just returned from Chile, and was introduced as our only guest! It was noted that Domingo is back and ready to start working and is back in school!
Upcoming Events/Announcements included the reminder for the 5th Tuesday event, which will be held on MONDAY, AUGUST 29th , from 5-7pm, at the Putting Green at Charlies! A signup sheet circulated. Members were encouraged to join one of the many teams with a chance to win a prize. Members will be asked to pay their normal “breakfast Fee” of $20 which will cover the cost of the food and wine, to be served at the event. PARTNERS are WELCOME! Looks like we will have a SUPER SHORT meeting before we begin the event, which will also include a demonstration lesson by the GOLF Coach and Pro, from the High School.
A reminder that this month’s Governor’s Environmental Citation is Wildfire Prevention Month
Kathy Williams gave information about the upcoming Windsor Day Parade on October 1st. She will be looking for volunteers as we get closer to the date.
Brian reminded everyone that the District 5130 Foundation BBQ for the Southern part of the District will be held on October 8, Noon-3pm. – NOT TOTALLY SURE where it will be held..STAY TUNED!!
The Club is still planning on having the 35th Anniversary celebration, however we are waiting on a location and a date. STAY TUNED! It is likely that it will be held In the latter part of September or early October!
Brian reminded us of Rotary’s diligence in continuing the fight against Polio!! Bob Rogers, PDG from Sebastopol, sends a weekly noticed to the Presidents about the statistics related to Polio cases around the world.
Beth Smith gave us an update on Kate’s arrival in Japan – noting that she is well settled, happy and with a wonderful family. The family has two older students who had been exchange students years ago . Kate has had the opportunity to go out shopping and dining, eating unique dishes!!
We were encouraged to search out the calendars for our incoming exchange students, Gabi and Stefan. PLEASE SIGN UP to take them to the beach, have them over for dinner, go to a game…whatever – just something fun so that they can deepen their experience here in California!! Both students attended the District Orientation where Gabi was excited to state that there was no country with more than one student!! Amazing Diversity. WE are STILL LOOKING FOR ONE MORE FAMILY. Please!!!
August Birthdays were aplenty – and Leslie Lewis was in her prime as she was able to cite and fine TEN members and partners of members for having birthdays in August – The list included Bill Bolster, Heather Cullen, Daniel Myers, Brian Ling, Larry McCabe, Maureen Merrill, Joanie Bolster, John Nelson, Kathy Williams, and Catherine Hanron (although her birthday was in July, she must have felt like giving money because she also admitted to her GREEK CRUISE!!)
Leslie continued with her glee in fining the happily married couples! John and Sue Nelson for 45 years, John and Donna Le Cave for 36 years, Ed and Louise Turner for 44 years, Brian and Debbie Ling, Robin and Carlos Resendez and Mitch and Bunnie! Congratulations all you happy couples!! Brian paid up a little more because he admitted that he did not introduce Debbie last week! He won’t do that again!!
Two relatively new members gave their Craft Talks , which is something the Club loves to hear. It’s great to get to know our members a little better!!-
Terry Andreacchi mentioned that he was a former member and Past President in the San Carlos Rotary Club . He retired in 2018 and decided to “downsize” moving to Sonoma County from the South Bay. He initially joined the Guerneville Rotary Club, but decided to transfer to Windsor a couple of years ago! He gave a comprehensive overview of his life which include his having a career in both Insurance Business and Teaching at a Continuation High School. He indicated that the change of career to becoming a teacher was part of a MID LIFE CRISIS! Married and divorced two times, he has three adult children.
Terry indicated that he has a history of having participated in service organization when he was in school, and that Rotary was a natural extension of this interest. Terry has several hobbies and interests which include gardening, working his land where he has over 30 different trees, including olives, peaches and pears, and collecting Elvis records. Terry is headed to Italy for a month to celebrate his 70th birthday, where he will also be visiting family! Welcome Terry to our Club!! Thanks for jumping in on so many activities!!
Dave Doht, admitted that he was raised in a “Leave it to Beaver” family in San Diego! He received his M.A. in Public Administration where he because a “FAMOUS INSPECTOR “(in his mind!!).His focus was SEWERS, where he claimed that “YOUR SEAGE is my BREAD and BUTTER!” He was in private business for 25 years where he proudly stated that he did all his business “on a handshake!” Dave told the story of being married in 1981, with whom he had two children. His first wife passed away from cancer in 1992. He subsequently met and married Barbara McChesney who had three kids blending into a family of 5 children.
Dave shared that he tragically lost his son at age 14 to a heart related issue. Dave’s passions are many, but it looks like SEQUINED shirts is at the top of the list! He wears them dancing, skiing, (likely) boating, gardening, at the theater and anytime he can! He loves camping and travelling all over the world, having visited many countries in Africa, Tahiti, Cuba, South America , Antartica and Fiji not to mention their travels across the United States! He described himself as more of a support person than a leader. He joined Rotary in part because of the social aspect, but is excited about doing things in the community and is excited about the AMAGING age that we live in!!
President Brian extended thank you’s to our speakers as well as to the various members who assisted in volunteering time to take on aspects of the meeting! He closed the meeting with reminding the Rotarians to “Tell YOUR Story to a friend and share why you enjoy being a Rotarian!”
Respectfully submitted
Pam Moulton
NEWS: PFIZER AND BIO N TECH ASK FDA TO AUTHORIZE NEW BOOSTER THAT CONTAINS MRNA FOR THE EVER-MUTATING VIRUS THAT CAUSES COVID! They claim their new booster will cover the original virus for COVID-19 as well as both the BA.4 and BA.5 for those 12 years and older. Moderna is also working on a new booster for protection against the mutating virus.
I am sharing the recommendations again this week for when you test positive whether or not you are symptomatic. They are as follows:
Quarantine for 5 days – this means stay away from other household members and use separate bathrooms if possible. If not possible, then disinfect the bathroom after every use.
- Stay home – quarantine means just that – do not go out and remain away from others to ensure we do not continue the spread of this virus.
- Notify Sonoma County Public Health online that you have tested positive so that you can be counted and your infection tracked.
- Notify your personal physician as he /she may want to start you on Paxlovid (antiviral drug).
- On Day 5 or 6 test on a rapid test. If you are negative, quarantine is ended but it is suggested you wear a good fitting mask (N95, KN95 or KF94) for another 5 days.
- If on that rapid test you still are positive, then quarantine for an additional 5 days (for a total of 10 days) or until you obtain a negative rapid test.
- It is possible that people can get a rebound infection after Paxlovid, so if you become symptomatic again, test on a rapid and stay home until you are negative.
- Total Cases: 105,276 (last week 104,668)
- Recovered: 102,948 (last week 101,025)
- Active Cases: 1818 (last week 2189)
- Deaths: 510 (last week 506) ****Please be aware that deaths do not get reported always promptly for a variety of reasons and this does not mean that all of these newly reported deaths occurred in the past week. ****
- Hospitalized: 41 confirmed cases and 5 in the ICU (last week 52 confirmed and 2 in the ICU)
Vaccination information…. As of August 14th, 2022, 1,134,804 doses of vaccination have been given to residents in Sonoma County. (last week 1,132,953). We now only have 78% of our population 6 months and older who are fully vaccinated and 6% have had at least one (1) dose. (Just to put into perspective, in Sonoma County this means that 390,397 residents are fully vaccinated; with 29,265 only partially vaccinated. There are 37,290 person 50 years and older who are eligible for a booster shot) Vaccines are encouraged, still available and still can be obtained .
The ever mutating and changing face of the virus that causes COVID is still out, highly infectious, easily spread and causing illness. Masks, although not mandated, are being recommended especially if you are inside or even outside in large crowds or groups of people that you do not know. COVID infection is not over whether we are tired of it or not! Infections are still occurring, ER visits are up, as are hospitalizations. This will continue to affect our health care system and drain resources especially as we get into flu season. If you have not thought about obtaining your flu booster for this year; put it on your calendar, call your Physician and schedule it for when you can!
Go to to learn more about free COVID -19 testing in Sonoma County. Look for COVID-19 Testing and Tracing in Sonoma County. My Agency, At Home Nursing, is still available to provide you COVID testing if you need it (PCR) at no charge if you are having any issues finding an appointment. Just call my office at 707-546-8773 and make an appointment with us. We also provide FIT testing for a N95 mask at no charge so that it fits properly. We are able to sell you N95 masks. And we are always willing to answer any questions you may have. If you want to schedule either a booster or the vaccine, appointments can be found by visiting: or call 707-565-4667.
Be more aware of the activities you chose to participate but live life fully with caution. Be aware of your surroundings and carry a mask at all times. Infections are prevalent, happen quickly and will sideline you if you test positive. Practice good infection control and stay safe!