2022-08-16 Meeting Bulletin

District Governor in the house

Good Day fellow Rotarians and friends and family who are reading our weekly bulletin. Today’s minutes are from TUESDAY, August 16, 2022

Pledge of Allegiance: Steve Klick

“Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere” Carl Sagan
Today is President Brian Ling, & Heather Cullen’s Birthday, in total we have 9 members with Birthday’s in August,

In recognition of all those B Days, JB led us in a Roaring version of HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
VISITING ROTARIANS Assistant Governor Sandie Krutz introduced District Governor Jennifer Strong and David Halling


Tom Boylan introduced Geoff Harrison, & Alissa Johnson, – Sonoma County Resource Recovery. JB Leep introduce Stefan YE student from Germany, and Kathryn Williams introduced Gabi YE student from Brazil, and Beth Smith introduced her daughter Kate Smith our outbound YE student leaving for Japan on Friday.

I hope you caught the fact in the introductions that we have a new Son & Daughter for the year, to insure that they have a fabulous year and the chance to meet all the Rotarians Sandie pasted around a calendar for each one, I am sure the calendars will be available each week,


JB shared that Carol did test positive last week and had a challenging day Saturday, but is feeling better and on the mend.

Rotary Bar Thursday on the Green had a busy night last Thursday, brought in $2800.00 They are in need of volunteers: servers and clean up, 5:30pm – 8pm. (4 nights on the green left)
5 th Tuesday Meeting will be held Monday August 29 th , 5:00 – 7:00 PM Location: Windsor Golf Club Putting Green (See Flyer)

Windsor Parade: October 1 st , Rotarian’s need to assist with Balloon & represent Rotary, Please contact Kathryn Williams.

DG Jennifer and President Brian inducted New Members: Geoff Harrison, General Manager & Alissa Johnson, Admin. Manager both of Recycle Recology Sonoma Marin, sponsored by Brian Ling. DG Jennifer finished their induction taking their 1 st Rotary selfie, with herself and the club,

Foundation Co-Chair Diane Brabetz presented Dev Sodager with his Paul Harris Award, Outbound Youth Exchange Kate Smith thanked the club for all the support she has received from the club. Kate was originally scheduled to go on exchange in 2020, she is finally leaving Friday and traveling to Japan, she is very excited and promises to post on her blog her adventures.

In recognition of President Brian Lings birthday, Brian contributed $100.00 to The Rotary Foundation in his wife’s, Debbie’s name, and matched it with 100 of his points towards her Paul Harris.

Guest SPEAKER: District 5130 Governor Jennifer Strong:
Jennifer is a 6 th Generation Californian; she presently lives on the family ranch. Jennifer was introduced to Rotary in 1987 and was the first female student Rotarian; this was before Interact was created. She has been a member of the Lake Port Rotary Club since 1998, 2X Past President, District Grant Chair, YE Host Family and was the lead on the Tree Planting project in Lake County after the 2015 Lake County fires. With the help of Rotarians and volunteers 3,000 trees were planted in ONE Day at Middletown Trailside Park. This project was so successful Rotary District 5130 created a Disaster Relief Fund.

Friendship Exchange is very important to Jennifer, while on her journey visiting all the Rotary Clubs in District 5130 Jennifer will stay at a Rotarians home from each club, she extends a Big Thank You to Sandie & Wally Krutz for opening their home to her and to Barbara & Dave for hosting the Board Meeting and Social.
Jennifer is a true believer that “time once spent is gone” you cannot get it back, because of this belief and knowing how important everyone’s time is she is interested to know “why Rotary and why stay”?

This probing question created a lively and interesting discussion, it was information, interesting and fun to hear from fellow Rotarians what attracted them to Rotary and why they continue to be a part. Responses spanned from projects that touched the heart, local and international, Business, Social, personal support from fellow Rotarians, experiencing the outcome of the reach of Rotary to the comradery and fun of the club.
It was a good meeting with the opportunity to get to know, understand & support Jennifer and fellow Rotarians.

It is tradition for the Rotary Club being visited by the District Governor to have a gift for the DG, Jennifer has ask each club to put together a basket that can be raffled at the following club she visits, the proceeds of the raffle will go to The Rotary Foundation, in addition Jennifer will apply matching points to The Rotary Foundation in that individuals name.
Mike Merrill was the highest bidder of the beautiful basket presented to our club, Congratulations Mike.
“Rotary takes ordinary men and women and gives them extraordinary opportunities to do more
with their lives than they ever dreamed possible” Clem Renouf
Meeting adjourned: 8:30am

Latest update on COVID from your Rotary nurse….


1.        Quarantine for 5 days – this means stay away from other household members and use separate bathrooms if possible.   If not possible, then disinfect the bathroom after every use.
2.        Stay home – quarantine means just that – do not go out and remain away from others to ensure we do not continue the spread of this virus.
3.       Notify Sonoma County Public Health online that you have tested positive so that you can be counted and your infection tracked.
4.       Notify your personal physician as he /she may want to start you on Paxlovid (antiviral drug).
5.       On Day 5 or 6 test on a rapid test.   If you are negative, quarantine is ended but it is suggested you wear a good fitting mask (N95, KN95 or KF94) for another 5 days.
6.       If on that rapid test you still are positive, then quarantine for an additional 5 days (for a total of 10 days) or until you obtain a negative rapid test.
7.       It is possible that people can get a rebound infection after Paxlovid, so if you become symptomatic again, test on a rapid and stay home until you are negative.
Total Cases:       104,668  (last week 103,714)           Recovered:  101,025   (last week 101,025)             Active Cases: 2189 (last week 2189)        
Deaths:                506   (last week 500)
Hospitalized:    52 confirmed cases and 2 in the ICU      (last week  44 confirmed and 3 in the ICU)

Vaccination information…. 

As of August 7th,  2022,   1,132,953 doses of vaccination have been given to residents in Sonoma County  (last week 1,130,001).     We now only have 78%  of our population 6 months and older who are fully vaccinated and 6% have had at least one (1) dose.   Vaccines are encouraged, still available and still can be obtained . 


BA.5 and other new strains of COVID are causing infection.   All seem to be highly infectious and easily spread.    Masks, although not mandated are being suggested especially if you are inside or even outside in large crowds or groups of people that you do not know.    Because of these subvariants, please realize that COVID – 19 is not over.   Infections are still occurring, ER visits are up, as are hospitalizations.    This is effecting our health care system and draining resources.  


Go to socoemergency.org  to learn more about free COVID -19 testing in Sonoma County.  Look for COVID-19 Testing and Tracing in Sonoma County.   MY Agency,  At Home Nursing, is still available to provide you COVID testing if you need it (PCR) if you are having any issues finding an appointment.   Just call my office at 707-546-8773 and make an appointment with us.   We also provide  FIT testing for a N95 mask so that it fits properly, will be able to sell you N95 masks or are willing to answer any questions you may have.    If you want to schedule either a booster or the vaccine, appointments can be found by visiting:  https://socoemergency.org/events/category/pop-up-vaccine or call 707-565-4667.  
Live life, enjoy your time, but be aware of your surroundings and carry a mask at all times.   Infections are prevalent, happen quickly and will sideline you if you test positive.   Practice good infection control and stay safe!