2022-06-21 Meeting Bulletin

A Year in Review

Pledge of Allegiance led by Dave Doht

SONG  by Bill Bolster – “Celebration”  by Kool & the Gang – good thing our Club had musical back-up.  We were a little weak on this song.


Diego Velasquez – Recipient of Ken Moulton Scholarship

Emma Velasquez – Diego’s Mom

Gail Ginder – Friend and fellow Ukelele player with Pam Moulton

Thaddeus Gobbus – also a Ukelele friend of Pam

Becky Mortensen – our Outbound Youth Exchange student headed to Stockholm, Sweden

ROTARY MOMENT -Michael Juric and Diego Velasquez:  Michael’s Rotary moment is knowing that we have helped students to succeed.   He interviewed Diego, who said that graduating from high school was a long four years.  He is now going to the Fashion Institute of Technology.  He is interested in fashion because it is always evolving.  He will miss his Windsor community.   Our whole club applauded loudly because we are so proud of Diego, who has a bright future.   Easy to see why this is MJ’s Rotary Moment:  “Students are a big piece of our heart here in this Club.”  Michael Juric

Rotarian of the Month:  BETH SMITH – Beth still gets applause for her hard work on Grad Night for Windsor Seniors.


Movie Update :  Ed Turner let us know that movie night for Top Gun is on as a mini-fundraiser.  $25 gets you ticket entry, a glass of beer or wine, and popcorn.  And, Tom Cruise has a personal message for us at the beginning of the film.  It’s a great deal and supports our WRCF.  Pay Ed in advance or at the theater.

Bill Bolster thanked everyone who did garbage pickup for our Adopt a Road project.   Strictly hands-on work and everyone worked hard and had a good time.   According to Bill, “it was a really trashy crowd.”  


First up was Healdsburg Ukelele Club, who invited Pam to play with them to the unique song:  “Bye-Bye, Pam”.  It was a lovely rendition, and everyone jumped in for the chorus.

Bye-bye Pam, bye-bye all that stress

Hello:  Who can guess?

We think we’re going to cry

Bye-Bye dear Pam, bye-bye.

There goes the big boss, here comes the new.

She sure looks happy, he sure looks blue.

It won’t be long now ‘til he steps in,

We’ll miss you Pam-la, you big has been.

We’ll miss your laughter, your little quirks.

But through it all, dear, you did GREAT works.

All those new members?  That’s a big home run!

We brought you trinkets, your brought us fun.

Now here’s to Brian, we wish him luck.

But following Pam-la, He’s probably going to have to work really hard!

We’ll get behind him and he’ll do fine,

And just like Pam, Bry, we know you’ll shine!

Bye-bye Pam, bye-bye silliness,

Hello happiness.

Just spread your wings and fly.

Bye-bye dear Pam goodbye.

Next up were Carol Martin and Ed Turner “Fun with Money”

Choose the money bucket.  Skippy is square – he’s gone high tech.  Pledge reminders – when you say you’re going to donate at a meeting, there will be a reminder to help you pay up or else?

Pegi Ball, Youth Service Chair reminded us of all the programs we support for Youth:  Dictionaries for every third grader in Windsor, two student to RYLA, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, two students to Kool Kids Camp at Cloverleaf Ranch, and of course, our Youth Exchange program.

Wally Krutz fished for a multi-headed dragon, DacDb, and encouraged us to “show no fear to the dragon”.   On DacDb, calendar is good, communications are good, text messages and group texts are in place, document control = bad word, easy story is good to go and we can develop content.  Want ads are also in place.   Wally dressed for his skit and added humor to a very important subject.

JB Leep let us know that our website is new and fabulous – in SONG!  JB is our resident singer – a real professional.

Our Environmental Queen, Barbara McChesney says everyone is working toward lowering their eco footprint by asking, “What would Barbara do?”  Our Club is an Ambassador Club for “End Plastic Soup” and our goal is to reduce and eventually eliminate single use plastic.  Barbara introduced our monthly challenge for June which has a selection of ways we can reduce our eco footprint.

Catherine Hanron simply listed all our new Club members this year and it was quite an impressive list.  

Doug Williams wrote and delivered an EPIC Poem!  It was in recognition and thanks to everyone in the club.  What graciousness and poetic skill.  

Sue Nelson and Susan Cole, Co-Chairs of Service for our Club this year ended the show with a list and photos of our charitable contributions this year – almost $100,000 given away both in our community and in the world.  What a stellar job our Club has done this year in Service Above Self.  Sue Nelson encouraged club members to get involved in the Service area this coming year because it is so satisfying and fulfilling to know you are helping others throughout the world.

Pam offered her Thanks to Everyone


Rotary Moment: Diego

Greeter Robin Resendez

Song: Bill Bolster

Scribe: Susan Cole

A/V set-up          Terry Andreocchi

Zoom team: Michael

ROTARIAN of the Month – Beth

Reminder of Next week, AWARDS and transition


Success is not final; 

failure is not fatal:

It is the courage to continue that counts.” 

 From your Rotary Nurse….

VACCINATIONS FOR CHILDREN 6 MONTHS TO 5 YEARS OF AGE BEGIN THIS WEEK!   Both Pfizer and Moderna have been cleared by the FDA for use in young children.    If you have an infant, toddler or young child or grandchildren in that age group consider protecting them with the vaccination.   The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Medical Association have encouraged doctors and families to get young children vaccinated.  
COVID UPDATE:   We continue to see new COVID infections, outbreaks in those already vaccinated and boosted and our community who are on COVID overload, socializing, and getting out.   But those social events are leading to infection.   Enjoy life, get out, but just take precautions.   Continue to encourage those who have not had their booster to do so.   The 2ND booster dose is available for those over 65 or those 50 years old with chronic health conditions.  
Total Cases:        95,630  (last week 94,300)           Recovered:   90,993   (last week 89,488)             Active Cases: 4142 (last week 4318)        
Deaths:                495   (last week 495)
Hospitalized:     37 confirmed cases and 2 in the ICU      (last week  40 confirmed and 5 in the ICU)
Vaccination information….  As of June 19th, 2022,   1,105,814  doses of vaccination have been given to residents in Sonoma County.  (last week 1,0101,698).     We remain at 82% of our population 5 years and older who are fully vaccinated and 6% have had at least one (1) dose.  

Vaccines continue to be given and clinics are open but we are not reaching the vaccination shy individuals in our community that we still need to get vaccinated.   The population still at risk are our minorities who are not getting vaccinated.   Please let people you know who have not had their booster how important it is to make the appointment and complete their vaccination!  And let them know Novavax may soon be authorized for vaccine which is different than either of the Pfizer or Moderna.   Vaccinations for babies age 6 months up to 5 years of age now being available may help strengthen our numbers as parents take kids in and talk up vaccinations. 


Masks are being encouraged to be used again in crowded, indoor setting because of the rise in hospitalizations, ICU admits and surges.  Masks are now optional on airplanes; however, they are still required in airports and most other forms of public transportation.  The CDC is still recommending masks on airplanes so it has now become a personal decision.

The pandemic is not over and we continue to see fully vaccinated and boosted individuals getting COVID.    The one things to remember though, these individuals are not usually becoming really sick, not needing hospitalization nor are they requiring ventilator support.   We have an obligation to our fellow man to keep everyone safe who is immunocompromised or has underlying health issues to ensure we are vaccinated and boosted!     


Go to socoemergency.org  to learn more about free COVID -19 testing in Sonoma County.  Look for COVID-19 Testing and Tracing in Sonoma County.   In addition my staff at At Home Nursing still are available to provide you COVID testing if you need it (PCR), FIT testing for a N95 mask so that it fits properly or answer any questions you may have.    Call our office at 707-546-8773 to schedule an appointment.    If you want to schedule either a booster or the vaccine, appointments can be found by visiting:  https://socoemergency.org/events/category/pop-up-vaccine or call 707-565-4667.  
Just stay safe and think of others…..