2021-11-02 Meeting Bulletin

You Can Do It Too – International Service Opportunities

The bell rang and President Pam Moulton quickly handed off the mic to Daniel Myers for a salute to the flag.

Heather Cullen checked in from Zoom world for a “My Country tis of Thee” recital.

Photos provided by Sue Nelson, and scattered thought of words spoken by Tom Boylan.

Sandi Krutz gave us a Rotary moment of her adventures to Brazil and the connection that she made with Brazil back when she was in the Rotary Club of Belmont. Back then she helped to fund a fire truck, the same truck she had a chance to see when she went to Brazil to dedicate an operating room paid for with a Rotary Grant during her year as Windsor Club President. 

Rotarian Guests:
Pres Pam introduced Greg And Lili Freitas from Petaluma Sunrise, our speakers for the day.

Guests of Rotarians:
The list included past member Mitch Grandi introduced by Bill Conklin.
Sandi Krutz says Monica and Larry McCabe are due to leave the guest role behind and join us forever.
Londa Favre with Providence Health Care is a past Rotary Club of Sacramento member looking for a new club… Windsor says “Come home to Windsor”.


Rotarian of the Month for November goes to Bill Bolster for all he does and has done for our club, except singing.

Catherine Hanron was highlighted because she took a spill last week while playing in the senior hockey league… ok maybe that is not the truth, but she is on the mend.

Chris Landwehr is looking for scribes, and I hope he finds them. Let him know if you believe the pen is mightier than the song meister.

Bill Bolster was handed a microphone and reminded us that last week he failed to bring up the interim Rotary Bar tenders, JB Leep and Carol Martin, who spent two years behind the bar coordinating and mixing drinks. On another note, Bill is seeking youth exchange host families.

JB Leep let us know the new website is up and running. Go to windsorrotary,org and have a look around.

Sue Nelson reminded us that the Rotary Club of Greenville, California took a devastating loss to all the members of that club and we sent a donation, which Sue says she is excited to relay the thanks of that club to all of us for the help.

Susan Cole and Sue Nelson are reviewing the paperwork for potential beneficiaries of this year’s fundraiser. If you would like to work with the selection committee, let them know.

Kurt Mitchler and Bill Conklin stood to give us a review of Bill’s trip to a cave in Arizona where he realized our fundraiser is all about the “Paella Festival” at the Mary Agatha Furth center. Volunteers stepping up to chair various positions include Catherine Hanron for Silent Auction, Barbara McChesney for Live Auction, Patrick Dunn for Sponsorship, Tom Hassur for the event location chair, Steve Klick the head chef, John Hackenburg the wine, Tom Boylan marketing, Carol Martin and Ed Turner for the finances, and Michael Juric for the emcee role.

Susan Cole brought an embraceable baby polar bear gift for Pres Pam from her trip to the Northern most corner of the globe. But I wonder how there could be a corner on a round globe. 

Ed Turner brought his gift to Pres Pam all the way from Hilton Head, South Carolina, where for the first time in over two decades he decided to use his time share that he bought way back when. Killer biscuit mix and homemade soap were the appropriate gifts.

Diane Brabetz just got back from Casa Morada in Mexico and brought worry dolls and more to Pres Pam.

Michael Juric returned from Disneyland with his three-year-old grandson. He had a variety of items from the happiest place on Earth and managed to hand off mouse ears and a pirate hat along with diamond earrings from Fantasyland.

John Hackenburg called out a few Rotarians for celebrating their birthdays, including Beth SmithDoug WilliamsSusan ColeLeah Hansen, Pres Pam called the money maker off because there are too many people open to being recognized and fined.


Greg and Lili Freitas dropped in to fill in our club on what is going on for the Rotary Friendship Exchange and the Rotary Peace Centers Fellowship. Lili took the mic and quizzed our club to see how many have been involved in international travels and service projects. Many of us have been involved and the introduction to the programs will no doubt add to the list.

Rotary International is now focused on the Rotary Peace Fellowship to help build sustainable peace around the globe. With eight universities and more than 800 peace fellow graduates the impact is now being felt around the globe. Approximately 130 people per year are selected to partake in the program. The participants are not new to the peace struggle. Most have had experience in dealing with conflict resolution.

We can get involved by working with the District Committee and participate in the interviews with those looking to find conflict resolution in areas of the world where people are caught in a web of violence, and aggression against women. If you are interested in participating, connect with Lili.

We then went on to discuss the opportunities to join a Rotary Fellowship. Some of our club members are already there. Lili shared that she and Greg are members of the Rotary Travel Fellowship, which has given them many opportunities to visit and stay with Rotarians around the globe.

Greg Freitas is the District Chair for Rotary Friendship Exchange. He let those in our club who have participated in past exchanges know how grateful he is for their efforts.

A slide show gave us a view of the surroundings the past exchanges have stayed at. According to Greg, the places you go to are not always the tourism variety, but rather a look at places off the beaten path.

Windsor has had a good number of our members on various exchange trips. Greg’s role is to help coordinate the journeys and promote participation among members in our district. He let us know that the next trip is going to India, and if you’d like to participate, let him know.

We closed the meeting with a review of the Four Way Test.

COVID UPDATE from Diane Brabetz

NEWS FLASH:     FDA approves vaccine (Pfizer) for children 5-11 years of age; a series of 2 shots (1/3 the dose of an adult) and it appears will be available this week or next in Pediatric offices, clinics and MD offices.   BOOSTER SHOTS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE!!!!    Boosters are now available at many pharmacies and at clinics and Drs’ offices.     FLU SHOTS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE!   Please get your flu shot to keep your immune system up and fighting off infections.   

  • Total Cases: 41,213 (2 weeks ago 40,106)
  • Recovered: 39,675 (2 weeks ago  38,593)
  • Active Cases: 1132 (2 weeks ago 1115)
  • Deaths: 406 (2 weeks ago 398)  

Please realize these are citizens of our county, a husband, father, son, wife, mother, or daughter whose family no longer will see them.    These are not necessarily a resident of senior living or skilled nursing facilities!

  • New Cases:  460 new cases this past week (2 weeks ago 333 new cases)   
  • Hospitalized: 24 confirmed and 3 suspected    (2 weeks ago 26 confirmed and 0 suspected)      

Vaccination information….  As of Oct. 31st, 740,522 residents in Sonoma County have received the vaccine (2 weeks ago 708,480).     79% of our populations 12 and older are fully vaccinated and approximately 86% have received at least 1 dose.    Providers in Sonoma County have begun administering Boosters of both Pfizer and Moderna.  Booster shots are available if you were given either Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.   

You are eligible for a booster if you received two (2) shots at least 6 months ago, are 65 years old, reside in a longterm care setting, or are 50-64 years of age and have an underlying medical condition such as cancer, diabetes, asthma, HIV infections and heart disease, or obesity. 

Also anyone 18-64 years old and at increased risk for COVID exposure and transmission because of occupational or institutional setting.  (for example – health care workers, teachers, day care staff and grocery workers).  If you are unsure if you can receive a Booster or if one is available, call your health care provider, or one of the pharmacies.   Let me know if you need my help.

We were extremely surprised and pleased to see how careful Mexico is being during our trip to our home in Quintana Roo (the State that includes Cancun).   There were temperature machines at every entrance to stores, restaurants and facilities.   Hand sanitizer was squirted in your hand as you entered and every store had an entrance and an exit and they only allowed one entrance.   We did not see one single person in our travels without a mask on.               

So, please continue to wear your masks, be aware of your surroundings and even outside, if you are in crowded situations, mask up!   Wash your hands frequently, use hand sanitizer and take precautions.    The Delta variant is still out there, very virulent, ready to strike and given that we still have 14% of our citizens not vaccinated over the age of 12 and all of our young children, it still has “hosts” it can latch onto.   We need to try and manage this disease as we are not going to control it!  Again, please consider getting your flu shot so that your immunity is up and your body is not susceptible to infection or any lung damage is done.
Thanks, Di