Scribe: Brian Ling Editor: Natalie Lim Introduced by: Pam Moulton
Rotary Club of Windsor
Meeting Notes – Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Scribe: Brian Ling
Pledge of Allegiance: John LeCave
Song: JB Leep, “I Can See Clearly Now”, by Johnny Nash
- “It’s gonna be a bright bright sunshiny day!”
Rotary Moment: Kurt Michler – Kurt has visited different Rotary Clubs throughout the world. When you travel, check the Rotary app, and attend a Rotary meeting anywhere in the world. Meet new friends that are all sharing
- Mitch Grandi, retired long time Windsor resident and previous member of the Rotary Club of Windsor
- Domingo Paella, Exchange family guest from Chile. Attended Giants and 49ers this past week. Along with a San Francisco tour with Cable Cars and Coit Tower.
- Esther Lemus, Windsor Town Council Member
- Rotarian of the Month for October:
- Michael Juric – For everything that he does every month for our club and Rotary District 5130 and Rotary International.
- Global Grant:
- Sandie Krutz. Following the Atlanta Int’l. convention, we worked with the Rotary Club of Ituiutaba Brazil, to completely outfit a full surgical unit. Multiple clubs including San Felipe (Mexico), Belmont, Healdsburg Sunrise, Santa Rosa, and Windsor participated in the Global Grant. Our club’s participation was $3000 and along with the other clubs’ contributions, district matching, and RI Foundation matching, the total grant grew to $50,360. The clinic has already performed 170 surgeries in the new center. Great job Sandie and thank you for your leadership on this International project.
- Rotary Bar:
- Renee Hyde. $1100 on Thursday and $900 on Sunday on the Town Green. One more Thursday to go and thank you to everyone that has volunteered this year.
- Zoom Hybrid: Returning to hybrid format next week, Oct. 12.
- Club Social:
- Joan Mora. We’ll be taking the SMART Train on Thursday Oct 21. 5:30pm outbound, 8:15pm return trip, to Petaluma including a dinner at McNears. Contact Joan if you would like to join us. Guests are welcome.
- JB and Carol: Recent travel to South Dakota and Las Vegas and shared some wonderful gifts with President Pam.
- Birthdays: HB to Joan Mora who will celebrate with a contribution toward her Paul Harris account.
- Anniversaries: President Pam reminded Doug Williams and Scott Bonin about their upcoming anniversaries. Congratulations.
President Pam reminded us with a photo collage of all of our previous fundraising events highlighting all the great fellowship that we have had and the hundreds of thousands of dollars that we have been able to raise for the community.
Choosing a Beneficiary: Sue Nelson and Susan Cole are leading the Beneficiary search and we have already received 5 completed applications and numerous more are expected to be received. Beyond just choosing a beneficiary, we want to find one that will build passion within our club to put on the best fundraiser ever. Having a great “Why”, is so important to having a successful event. An easy volunteer opportunity is available for our members to participate in the application review and beneficiary recommendation process.
Date: April 9, 2022
Auctioneer: Senator Mike McGuire
Co-Chairs: Kurt Michler and Bill Conklin
Identify your area of interest: Venue, Auction, Sponsorships, Marketing, Promotion, Programs
The club separated into 4 thinktanks to start brainstorming for our fabulous event on April 4!
Closing Thoughts:
Not only must we be good – but we must be good for something! Henry David Thoreau
NEWS FLASH: BOOSTER SHOTS ARE HERE!!!!!!!!!! Pfizer and Moderna boosters are now available at many pharmacies and at clinics and Drs’ offices. J and J has requested FDA approval for their booster.
Total Cases:
- 39,773 (last week 39,399)
- 38,031 (last week 37,209)
Active Cases:
- 1356 (last week 1806)
- 386 (last week 384) Almost 56% of our deaths are now not a resident of senior living or skilled nursing facilities!
New Cases:
- 374 new cases this past week (last week 324 new cases)
- 34 confirmed and 0 suspected (last week 43 confirmed and 0 suspected)
Vaccination information…. As of Oct. 3rd, 698,952 residents in Sonoma County have received the vaccine (last week 689,159). 77% of our populations 12 and older are fully vaccinated and approximately 85% have received at least 1 dose. Providers in Sonoma County have begun administering Boosters of both Pfizer and Moderna. Booster shots are available if you were given either Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. You are eligible for a booster if you received two (2) shots at least 6 months ago, are 65 years old, reside in a long term care setting, or are 50-64 years of age and have an underlying medical condition such as cancer, diabetes, asthma, HIV infections and heart disease, or obesity. Also anyone 18-64 years old and at increased risk for COVID exposure and transmission because of occupational or institutional setting. (for example – health care workers, teachers, day care staff and grocery workers)
With the FDA fully approving Pfizer vaccine and Moderna seeking approval, we continue to see employers as well as government entities and even private employers mandating the need for vaccinations. The State of California has mandated that any provider who receives Federal funds requires that all of their employees be vaccinated by October. They have also mandated all health care providers to become vaccinated or be terminated from employment. All of this is being done to protect our health care workers and patients who are being treated.
Please continue to wear your masks, be aware of your surroundings and even outside, if you are in crowded situations, mask up! Wash your hands frequently, use hand sanitizer and take precautions. The Delta variant is out there, very virulent, ready to strike and given that we still have 15% of our citizens not vaccinated over the age of 12 and all of our young children, it still has “hosts” it can latch onto. We need to try and manage this disease as we are not going to control it! Consider getting your flu shot so that your immunity is up and your body is not susceptible to infection.