Flag Salute: Wally Krutz
Inspiration: Steve Jorgenson
Song: Sandy Krutz
Our “daughter” Ella Dahlstrom
Visiting Rotarians:
Penny Millar – Santa Rosa Sunrise
PDG Mike Merrill
Salvador Rico – Ukia South
Mike Pastryk – Rohnert Park/Cotati
Bill & Joan Bolster
Allen Cristenson
Daniel Myers
Art Diaz
Maureen Merrill (again)
Brian Ling
Laura Buhrer
Bill & Earlene Rash
Sue and John Nelson
Bill & Earlene Rash
Leslie & Glen Griswold
Ed & Louise Turner
John & Wendy How
Brian & Debbi Ling
John & Donna Lecave
Rene announced that the club has donated $2450 to the Foundation. She recommended members consider “auto-pay” to make regular donations.
Dennis Marks submitted his resignation because he is retiring to Reno.
Rag’s bone marrow celebration Wed. 8/31 at their home
Ella’a welcome reception at the “Green” Thursday night
Cali Calmecac Scholar Garden dedication Friday 9/2 @ 10 am
Pacific Coast Air Museum Gala Fund Raiser 9/23
Membership & Foundation seminars 9/24. Prez John will be attending “membership” and Rene will attend “foundation” and they would love some company
Clayton Fire Update: Help is still needed even after fire is under control
Salvador Rico and Mike Pastryk talked about “Hands on Cleanup Projects” near Guadalajara, Mx. Oct. 1-3 and Oct. 1-9 (see attached flyer).
They spoke of the efforts to reduce/eliminate pollution of the Rio Ameca river outside Tlaquepaque, Mx. which flows through Puerto Vallarta and into the Pacific which ultimately can affect our own beaches and the fish we eat.
Their primary goal is to prevent cancer in children caused by the pollution. They have received a Global Grant from RI to aid in their efforts.
Leah “rolled the dice” for the pot (prez John forgot the football helmets and the 2 giant dice were all that was available in the cabinet . But, alas, she did not succeed in rolling a “7”; so the pot continues to grow.