2023-09-12 Meeting Bulletin

Michele Chaboudy Entrepreneurship & Innovation: Making it happen!

The meeting of September 12th opened with Carol Martin leading us in the Pledge, followed by Heather Cullen leading us in a new song called “Under the Lollipop Tree” – She was channeling CAMPFIRE times, bu her own admission!  President Doug share some Windsor History stating that Windsor had originally been called “TSOLOLKAWCI”  (try to pronounce that one five times!) which means BLACKBIRD FIELD.

Introductions of visiting Rotarians was made including Walter Little from Rancho Cordova, Alison Huber (a former Rotarian) who recently moved back from Las Vegas, Jose Diego, also a former Rotarian who owns PIZZA GUYS in Windsor and his partner, Jori Sheppard, and Tammy (whoops , did not get her last name!), from Lux Places and Baldassori Wine.

The announcements included:  WE ARE GETTING BUSY!!

  • Russian River Clean-up on September 16 from 9-11am
  • SCARC (Sonoma County Association of Rotary Clubs)meeting at Charlie’s on       September 28th (Windsor Club is Hosting!!)
  • Windsor Parade on September 30
  • The Halloween Community Party on October 21st
  • District Wide River Clean up on October 28
  • WE ARE DARK on October 31st
  • The Daffodil Project on November 4
  • Honoring the VETS on November 11 at the Town Green
  • The Nations Finest Bagpipe and BBQ on November 11
  • WRC Board meeting at JB and Carols on November 18

It was noted that Tom Boyland has developed a GIVING TIME website where he is listing the areas on which ALL Rotarian can give time back to the communities!

Maureen M gave a little history of what SCARC is and asked the members to attend (particularly since we are hosting it!!).  A flyer will be coming out this week!!

Susan Cole has been put in charge of LOOKING FOR DISASTERS! While she did not think that she was going to be particularly busy, she has successfully found THREE in a short period of time. Maui Fire, Moroccan Earthquake and Libyian Flood!  It was noted that the Club contributed to Maui Fire Victims, and we are looking for ways in which to support both Morocco and Libya.  At present, Rotary International has not designated any particular funding methods.

Diane B, our COVID /CDC update nurse, announced that there is a new approved vaccine for youngsters over 65, or those with compromised health conditions.

Robin R. announced the upcoming WINDSOR DAY PARADE, on September 30th and asked for a few more volunteers to hold the balloon as it is meandering the streets of Windsor, and for assistance at the bar.  At present, only Domingo L. and Renee H. are serving drinks!!!

We finally moved into a new storage unit thanks to many volunteers, but focus was given to Wally K. and Geoff who showed up with a large flatbed truck to move our stuff!  Jesus, a colleague of Geoff saved the day according to those who were working that day!!  thank you all!!

JB Leep did a wonderful introduction of our speaker,  MICHELLE CHABOUDY, who is on the faculty at SRJC, is President of the World Affairs Council of Sonoma County, is Vice Chair of the North Bay Angels and President of MacAbbey and Associates.


She started by giving wonderful compliments and acknowledgements to the Rotarians for all the work that is done both locally and internationally!

She mentioned that an entrepreneur is a person who has an idea and works to create a product or service that people will want to buy or use!  She made note that entrepreneurship is a process moving from where you are to where you want to go and then reflecting on how you got there! She gave the history of Entrepreneurship as starting at Babson College ins 1996 where students were asked to create a business!  She noted that the explosion of entrepreneurs is likely due to the availability and accessibility of social media options (website, shopify, 3-D printers, etc)  Further she noted that being an entrepreneur doesn’t require “personality, a detailed business plan, a university degree or venture capital .”  Basically, it require a CURIOUS MIND!

She reminded us that the process is that of an irregular patterns of “ups and downs towards success!”  It is a search process and requires DISCOVERY SKILLS, creative thinking, communication and teamwork, being adaptable, determination and focus!  The bonus is that one who attempts to become an entrepreneur feels empowered! The core belief is to have a mindset that allows you to be curious and aware!

She mentioned that the habits of Successful Entrepreneurs include (but are not limited to):

  • Be good at Networking
  • Be a good interviewers
  • Be observant and scrutinize products and technology
  • Ask WHY or WHY NOT
  • Make unusual associations and connections

She reminded us that Legacy BIG Businesses did not take quantum leaps in the area of innovation, such that the Taxi business did not CREATE Uber or Lyft; nor id Wells Fargo create PayPal and Hilton did not create AirBnB!  Being innovative is “squiggly” but will create significant positive change!  She talked about the Expert Dilemma which is responsible for inhibiting innovations!

Michelle emphasized that Innovation is a VITAL ingredient of Entrepreneurship and that CREATIVITY is part of the Innovation process!

She closed with sharing some of the successful innovations that have been supported by the North Bay Angels and alerted us that there are 995 small business in our little Windsor community of 26,000 people!! She recommended a couple of books (which she shared on screen!) and suggested that we keep a journal to jot down our great ideas! She made note that losing money is ok, but to be aware that some of the barriers to success are:  Competition, Intellectual Property and funding!

A couple of the books were:

  • The Dance of the Possible by SCOTT BERKUN
  • The Innovation Engine by TINA SEELIG
  • Unreasonable Hospitality by Will Guidara

The meeting ended around 8:30am and President Doug gave thanks to all who contributed to the meeting and wished us a great week.

I am doing the same!  Sorry this is a little bit late, but see you next week,

Your scribe

Pam Moulton