2023-08-15 Meeting Bulletin

Brian McClatchey Explains Indian Law

August 15,  2023

Good morning from President Doug

Pledge of Allegiance – Susan Cole
Inspiration – Rags
Song – JB: “Frere Jacques” in honor of our new Exchange Student
Visiting guests:  Kate Smith, Everett Michael Juric (age 1), Allison Griggs (Windsor School District) and our new Exchange Student, Ann Louise

Upcoming Events:
Our club is donating $500 to the Lahaina Rotary Club Fire Fund, Donations can be made from the Rotary website.  Reminder: our theme this year is, “Did I make a difference?  What hurts did I heal?”

8/19/23 Game of Throws (Cornhole) fundraiser for Nation’s Finest.  Details at https://nationsfinest.org/game-of-throws/

8/21, 6 pm. Board Meeting at Ed’s office, Airport Business Center, 414 Aviation Blvd.   Committee heads are reminded to please hand in their goals sheets in advance.

8/22, Regular meeting; speaker will be Michelle Chabody on Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

8/29  is 5th Tuesday, so no regular meeting.  A social alternative will be announced soon.
11/11  Veterans Day Lunch and Bagpipes at Nation’s Finest

Saturday’s Debunking of Past President Brian was a huge success!  Thanks to Pam and her team !  It really takes a Club to raise a debunking! Special thanks to Bill Bolster for the use of his marvelous barn!

Rotary Bar: made $2300 last week for the International Fund

There is a Russian River Clean up on 9/16.  Barbara McChesney has information.

Halloween Party:  Larry McCabe put out a save the date: October 21 will be a Windsor Circle Halloween Party for Adults at the Odd Fellows Hall, which will benefit the annual Food and Toy Drive.  $30/person, with snacks, dancing and costume contest.  The following week will be a Halloween Party for teens at the same location. 

Our new exchange student is Anne Louise from Western France.  She is currently staying with the Williams family.

Our former exchange student Stefan sends greetings and news that he has been accepted to the University of Potsdam (one of 110 students) and has won a large German IT scholarship!

We said goodbye to Natalie Huie who is leaving for Taiwan on Saturday.  She is grateful for our help and hopes to immerse herself in Taiwanese culture, and become fluent in Mandarin.

Guest Speaker: Brian McClatchey, esq. 
Mr. McClatchey and his law firm represent the Graton Tribe. He gave a brief overview of how Tribal Law is individual to each nation, and Federal Indian Law comes from the United States Government.  The Federal Government precludes States relationships to Tribes. 

The Federal Government has unrestrained power over Tribes.  California has had a uniquely bad history of selling off tribal lands and is now trying to restore lands.  Graton was terminated then restored in 2000 and affects 5 local tribes.  The US Government still owns the lands of reservations. 

Gaming has become an important source of income because tribes cannot impose property tax.  In determining whether tribal gaming can begin, it must be determined that the gaming will be beneficial to the tribe and that it will not be harmful to the neighbors.

Thanks to today’s helpers:
Set up: Beth, JB, Terry
Greeter: Leah
Song: JB
Inspiration: Rags
Photography: Sue Nelson
Respectfully Submitted:  Monica McCabe, Scribe