2023-07-18 Meeting Bulletin

Reverend Mary Beene

Good Day fellow Rotarians, friends and family who are reading our weekly bulletin.

Pledge of Allegiance: Lead by Steve Klick 
INSPIRATION: Bill Bolster: A lot of good words, but to summarize: Attitude, “it is not what
happens to you, it is how you respond to it”
SONG: Carol Martin led us in “Oh What a Beautiful Morning”

GUESTS OF ROTARIANS: Chris Landwehr introduced; Pam Geiss & Mary Beene, Michael Juric
introduced our Student of the month; Xiemena and her mother Angelica, as well as our
returning YE student, Kate Smith and our outbound YE student Natalie.

Sandie Krutz Brian Williams (past principal of Windsor HS) has been promoted to Assistant
Superintendent of Windsor School District, Congratulations Brian!

Carol Martin announced the Rotary Bar had another good night; bringing in $2500.00 for
International Projects.

JB shared he is going to watch a solar eclipse April 7, 2024, south of Dallas/Ft. Worth, if interested
in joining him for this spectacular event please contact JB, [email protected].

Chris Landwehr sent out an email with Club Duties, it is also listed on the website.

President Doug gave a brief summary of the 7/17/ Board Meeting:

Carol Martin presented a financial review of both the Club and Foundation, both in good shape.

JB Leep announced to the board that after his many years of providing the club with fabulous
speakers, he is moving on to other activities, JB is giving us a couple of months’ notice but will
end his Program duties the end of September. He stated providing speakers for the club 
meetings gave him the opportunity to meet some wonderful people. Please contact JB or

President Doug if you are interested in Program scheduling.

Larry McCabe is working on updating our By-Laws as a few areas are outdated; this procedure
requires voter approval by Rotary members. Larry will be sending an email with proposed
changes, please review, details on voting will be announced.

2023 – 2024 Board members were selected and presented to the club for approval.

Brian Ling, (immediate past president), Carol Martin & Ed Turner, (Treasures), Catherine
Hanron, (Secretary), Barbara McChesney, (President Elect), Larry McCabe (President elect
Nominee), Patrick Dunn, and Pegi Ball.

Sue Nelson made a motion to accept and finalize the proposed board members, Terry
Andreacchi seconds the motion, and proposal was passed unanimously.

The Board meets the third Monday of each Month 6pm, all members welcome to attend.

August 1877, two year child falls into a well 80 feet deep, A 12-year old was lowered by rope
and safely rescued the child.

Scholarships: Michael Juric stated since the inception of the Ken Moulton Scholarship Program
we have provided 6 scholarships, ($6,000.00) and total in Scholarships from the club
$200,000.00. That is impressive!

Michael introduced our student of the month Xiemena,
Xiemena lives in Santa Rosa, however, thru district transfer has attended Windsor School
District, first attending Cali Calmécac and presently Windsor High School. She is planning to
attend San Diego State, majoring in bi-lingual liberal studies and plans to become a
Kindergarten school teacher.

Michael ask Xiemena what touches her heart, she shared her senior project was shadowing
with a kindergarten teacher, working with the students made her heart sing, she has always
wanted to be a teacher.

Xiemena is a member of the Key Club at WHS and is very active in the community, she has
volunteered as a bilingual teacher assistant, volunteers at Well is Well, The Redwood Empire
Food Bank, Boys & Girls Club and any other events happening in the community, all while
keeping a 3.997 GPA for all four years of high school.

Michael asks her what area of focus she felt we should all be working on? Her response:
Climate Change.

President Doug’s theme for this year is: Did I make a Difference in Someone’s Life? I believe
our Scholarship program is a good example of creating that opportunity for our young people
and Xiemena is living proof that this philosophy is in good hands.

Speaker: Reverend Mary Beene

Reverend Mary Beene has been the Pastor at the Presbyterian Church in Windsor for the last
three years, when she came to Windsor to interview for the position the town was being
evacuated due to the Tubbs fire, she accepted the position and started her job February of
2020, just weeks before the COVID lock down. Mary is a “Jump in with both feet” kind of gal
and Mary more than rose to the challenge. Churches services were held via Zoom, and she
became aware people were really struggling with the covid crisis.

The church had a small food pantry when she arrived and when covid first hit it was suggested
they shut it down, seeing the growing need Mary with 4 woman not only kept the food pantry
open but were able to provide more than double the families with needed food and clothing.

With Covid behind us Mary has been able to jump into the community she is the Director of the
Windsor Food and Toy Drive, board member at People 4 Parks in Windsor, a managing force at
the Love Wins in Windsor Pride Festival and instrumental in People 4 Parks Charlie Brown
Christmas Tree Grove.

Mary has also created BREAD BOARD, a teen based group, (Build Relationships with Empathy
and Dignity) and now the pantry, aka; Pantry and Clothes Closet, is open every Tuesday
morning 9am-12noon.

Mary is presently looking at the issue under the oaks behind the church that has a bad drainage
problem; she is working on preserving the Oaks and creating a safe space.

Mary is also working with People 4 Parks to create a park designed for children with disabilities.

Reverend Mary’s accomplishments, goals and previous attributes are too numerous to mention
all here, but it is without question Windsor is blessed with such a dynamic citizen that is willing
to jump in with both feet to not only to meet , but exceed the needs of the community.
Mary acknowledges everyone is busy but suggests we Jump Feet First Together meet new
friends and work together.

President Doug thanked Mary, Pam and all our visitors for coming and thank you to all the
Rotarians that helped put the meeting together.
Meeting adjourned @ 8:30am