2023-06-27 Meeting Bulletin

The King of Rock & Roll and how he changed music

Rotary Club of Windsor – Meeting Agenda                    

A. Good Morning! – Rotary Club of Windsor!

B. Pledge of Allegiance – Sandi Kurtz

C. Inspiration – Jo Timmsen

D. Song – JB

E. Visiting Rotarians – Francis McChesney

F. Guests – Natalie, our outgoing exchange student.  Todays fund raiser treat is lemon bars

G. New Member – Domingo Calleja (Renee)

H. Upcoming Events/Announcements

• Rotary Bar report/signups (Renee) volunteers needed to help Monica and Larry while Renee is out of town.

• Community Service and July 3 Kaboom (Monica) 2 shifts are needed for the festivities.  Volunteers get free admission.

• Youth Exchange Farewell and Welcome Home!  (Barbara and/or Carol) July 4th Potluck . RSVP by Friday  at the McChesney home.

Daffodils Planting plans (Monica)

I. Recognitions

• Paul Harris Fellows (just 1 or 2?) (John H.)

• Fines, Acknowledgements (as time allows)

J. Program – Terry Andreacchi (JB) Elvis’s early years and what influenced him. Entertaining slide show and recordings.

K. Year End – Brian comments and thank you’s a quick summary of his year as president:


New Members:  Alissa, Geoff, Boyd, and Domingo! My Birthday meeting in August with our new Governor Jennifer installing Alissa and Geoff as the newest members of Rotary International.

35th Anniversary: Joan and crew Monica, Pam, Michael, Londa, Beth, Sue, Glenda, and Pegi.

5th Tuesdays:  Putting social, Veterans Lunch, Bowling social, and Lunch after Road Cleanup

Doug is going to continue and it’s a great opportunity to take on a volunteer leadership task without a lot of work and with a defined time commitment. (August)

Programs:  JB, this is not an easy task especially for 1, and even more for multi-year commitment to the club.  Great job, you kept a lot of pressure off the President and had consistently interesting and entertaining speakers.

Weekly Volunteers:  To Chris for keeping the schedule managed so consistently and to all of you that helped as a Greeter, Room/AV set up, Scribe, Song, and Inspiration.

Youth Exchange Host Families:  Barbara and Dave, Carol and JB, Brian and Jamie, Heather and Reg.  And our fabulous students Gabi, Stephon, Kate, Becca, and Natalie

Presidents for a Day:  Rags, Pegi, John, Bill (whistleblower!)

Board/Advisors:  Pam, Doug, Barbara, Ed, Catherine, Carol, Pegi, Sandie, and John plus Larry and Monica the past couple of months as they took on new roles for our club.

The Gatekeepers:  Catherine, Ed, and Carol.  Not every President gets to take for granted (like I do) that our reporting, bookkeeping, and records are always in order.

Specialists:  Club Nurse Diane, Susan “this is going to be good”, Photographers Sue, Kathy, and Londa, Student Year lead Daniel, Scholarship lead Michael.  And I thank each and every one of you that gave your time to our club in so many different ways throughout the year.  We really are all friends and that’s what makes our club so successful.

In 1996 I left Active 20-30 and soon after joined the Rotary Club of Windsor under the co-sponsorship of Maureen, Michael, and Phil Trowbridge.  Thank you for your persistence and support then, through the past 2 ½ decades, and especially these past 12 months.  Big Mike too for the constant generosity you and Maureen give to our club and Rotary International.

Congratulations to Doug and Tom, next year is going to be a lot of fun and we will all be very proud Windsor Rotarians.  

• Pin exchange with incoming President Doug

Thank you for graciously listening to all my stories and Rotary moments this year, historical if only to me!  Lastly, we join Rotary for friendship, service, and an opportunity to make a difference.  Thank you for being Rotarians, thank you for being my friends, and thank you for making a difference!