2023-03-28 Meeting Bulletin

A Visit from Mayor Rosa Reynoza

A. Good Morning Rotary Club  of Windsor by President Brian Ling

B. Pledge of Allegiance led by Patrick

C. Inspiration presented by Scott Bonin

D. Song led by JB Singing in the Rain

E. Visiting Rotarians

F. Guest: Domingo, Stefan, Boyd, Camilla Muro Rodríguez and her family, students from Odessey of the Mind- David, Ava, and Jackson.

G. Student of the Year from the Nueva Core

David Field, instructor for the Arts presented Camilla Muro Rodríguez and talked about her involvement in the school and community.  She spoke about how her family has been supportive to her while she was in high school.

H. The club anniversary celebration on March 25 was a great success. Pictures were shared along with comments from Brian: Thank You Joan and Committee; MJ the MC; Sue and John always there for 35 years; Pegi stewarding our food, cleanup –  always working for us; Nordquist Dancers-giving me Burkhart nightmares; Lady Marmalade solo by David Doht (you can’t unsee!); JB and Carol having a blast at the casino; Mitch and Bunny having fun all night long; returning members Victor McKnight, Dianna Elsbree, and Jim Cooper 

I. Upcoming Events and announcements 

  • The District Assembly is April 1.  Everyone should have received an email invite.
  • Windsor High School needs Volunteers for Senior Project Night  PLEASE SIGN UP TO BE A PANELIST FOR OUR SENIOR PROJECT PRESENTATIONS, 4/19/23 @5:30pm
  • Click here for:  Community Panelist Signup
  • The Scholarship Committee has received 15 applications and is in the interview stage of the process.
  • RYE Golf Tournament  at WGC Saturday April 22 .  This is a fund raiser for the Sonoma County Rotary Foreign Exchange Student Program 
  • SCARC Meetings Healdsburg Sunrise, April 27, Petaluma Valley April 27.  (conflicting  info here – to be resolved).  See https://www.rotary5130.org/club-associations/scarc/ for more details.
  • The District Conference is May 4-7 at Konocti Resort – see https://www.rotary5130.org/ for more details.
  • Environmental-Barbara shared that the movie Microplastics is going to be shown in Healdsburg on April 10 or you can watch it in the comfort of your home via Zoom.  Barbara and her sisters have created a new website and blog about all the research they have done on microplastics.
  • Stefan will be hosting a fundraising German dinner on April 29

J.  Guest Presentation:  Rosa Reynoza, Mayor of Windsor: she has worked over 30 years in the wine industry, and has a lot of public service experience in this area.  Spoke about being a Latina in politics, meeting the needs of minorities and the community overall. Addressed her hopes and plans for the future of Windsor.  She took questions from the audience.

K. Thank you to our guest and volunteers :

Set/up : Beth and Bill
Greeter: Rags
Song: JB 
Scribe: Kathy
Inspiration: Scott

Guests: Domingo, Stefan, David, Ava, Jackson, Camilla and her family, Boyd

L. Closing Comments and Adjourn: Team Work acknowledged 

A big Thank you to the 35th Anniversary Party Team!!