2022-09-27 Meeting Bulletin

Windsor Council and Mayoral candidates

Pledge of Allegiance led by Wally Krutz

Inspiration by Michael Ragsdale, who began with a heartfelt thank you to everyone in the club for their support of him through some difficult challenges he faced.  His inspiring quote about cancer brought cheers and applause from the entire room.  Excellent job, Rags

SONG  by Bill Bolster – “The Times They are a Changin” by Bob Dylan.  With musical accompaniment, the Club did a good job with this song


Brian Markey, General Manager of the Doubletree in Rohnert Park

Kathy Austin, a visitor, recently retired, who wants to see what Rotary is all about.

Susan Gonyo, Windsor school teacher, and wife of one of our candidates/speakers today

Lauren Hull,  Publisher, Windsor Connections magazine

Jean Hackenburg, wife and guest of Rotarian John Hackenburg


President Brian announced the District 5130 Foundation Celebration, October 8, at the home of Wulff and Paula Reinhold, and encouraged everyone to attend.

Heather Cullen announced that this Friday, September 30, is the Windsor Talent Show to raise funds for students in Windsor to have musical theater in their lives.  It is a costly affair just to participate in a play, and we raise funds to assure that any student who chooses to participate in theater has the opportunity to do so.

September 29 = SCARC Union Hotel Restaurant
October 1 = Windsor Day Parade
October 8 = Oktoberfest District Celebration
October 14-21 = Festival of Brotherhood in Mexico, starting with a tribute to our own Ken Moulton
November 5 = Veterans Day at Nations Finest, Club Service event

President Brian then introduced our program for the day:  a candidate’s forum for all the people running for Windsor Town Council.   This was not a debate format, just an opportunity for every candidate to introduce themselves to the Rotary Club of Windsor.   Each spoke for exactly five minutes (it was timed and communicated to each by our own Monica McCabe).  The two questions each candidate was to address in their presentation were:  1)  What is your vision for 2030 in Windsor and what are your action items to accomplish this vision and 2) How important is economic development in Windsor and what are new economic opportunities we could explore.  Then, how can Rotary be involved with your plans for the future?

Our Guest Speakers and the Windsor Districts they represent were:

Gina Fortino Dickson, District 1

Mike Wall, District 1

Maureen Merrill, District 2

Sam Salmon, District 2

Tanya Potter, District 4

Kevin Gonyo, District 4

Rosa Reynoza, Mayor

Esther Lemus, Mayor

The program and presentations ended exactly on time, with President Brian and JB joking that it was expected to be a close call.  President Brian graciously thanked everyone and concluded a very informative meeting.Latest info on COVID from your Rotary Nurse…..
NEWS:   NEW COVID BOOSTERS ARE BEING ADMINISTERED IN SONOMA COUNTY!   Please remember that the vaccines have been reformulated to address the subvariants causing the COVID outbreaks.    Check in with your medical provider and get your appointment scheduled for the new booster and a Flu vaccine as they expect this to be a bad flu season.
Again to share some personal comments – the COVID outbreak continues to be so widespread.   Consider your lucky if you have been diligent and obtained your 2 COVID vaccines and at least one booster.  (hopefully 2 by now)    It is proving to be so valuable in keeping those of us that have gotten COVID out of hospitals and not in an ICU.  

Please keep yourself healthy; eat well, drink lots of water (wine too as we do live in Sonoma County…. hehehe) , exercise and just consider what situations you are going into in terms of possible exposure.     Even with immunity from the first series, and double boosters, It is still not a nice disease to have if you become symptomatic, can knock you on your butt, make you feel lousy, last more than a few days and leave you with real brain fog.   

So, just be careful and stay healthy…..
Total Cases:     

107,352 (2 wks ago 106,567)           Recovered:  106,005   (2 wks ago 105,192)             Active Cases: 831 (2 wks ago 969)        

516   (2 wks ago 512)   (Please be aware that deaths do not get reported always promptly for a variety of reasons and this does not mean that all of these newly reported deaths could have occurred in the past week)

30 confirmed cases and 1 in the ICU      (2 wks ago 38 confirmed and 3 in the ICU)
Vaccination information….  As of September 25th,  2022,   1,155,936 doses of vaccination have been given to residents in Sonoma County.  (2 wks ago 1,138,064).     We only have 78%  of our population 6 months and older who are fully vaccinated and 6% have had at least one (1) dose.    With the newly reformulated vaccines now available for boosters, it is hoped that more people who are not fully vaccinated may consider getting vaccinated.   


Mask have really pretty much become optional except for airports (not on airplanes) and some buildings still post signs saying masks must be worn.   But if you are going to wear a mask, make sure it is a tight fitting mask that works.   Wearing a mask down around your chin, or below your nose is useless.   Paper masks, cloth masks or even surgical masks have found not to be effective so use a good mask like the N95, KN95 or KF94.    The ever replicating, mutating and changing virus that causes COVID is still with us, very infectious, easily spread and still causing illness.     COVID infection it seems will continue to be with us just like the flu each year!    The goal of living with this virus is to try and minimize infection and need for hospitalizations so that our health care system is not affected.    Care needs to be available for those suffering life altering illnesses or crises.  


Go to socoemergency.org  to learn more about free COVID -19 testing in Sonoma County.  Look for COVID-19 Testing and Tracing in Sonoma County.   My Agency,  At Home Nursing, is still available to provide you COVID testing if you need it (PCR) at no charge if you are having any issues finding an appointment.   Just call my office at 707-546-8773 and make an appointment with us.   We also provide  FIT testing for a N95 mask at no charge so that it fits properly.   We are able to sell you N95 masks.   And we are always willing to answer any questions you may have.    If you want to schedule either a booster or the vaccine, appointments can be found by visiting:  https://socoemergency.org/events/category/pop-up-vaccine or call 707-565-4667.  
Be really aware of the activities you chose to participate but live life fully; just practice caution.    Be aware of your surroundings and carry a mask at all times.   Infections are prevalent, happen quickly and will sideline you if you test positive.   We found that out in real time!  Practice good infection control and stay safe!  My wish is for you and yours to stay well!