2022-09-09 Meeting Bulletin


A. Good Morning Rotary Club of Windsor!

B. Pledge of Allegiance- Bill Bolster

C. Inspiration – Londa Faber

D. In the Good old Summertime – Heather Cullen

F. Guests (possible)

  • Kate Smith
  • Geoff Harrison, Alissa Johnson – Sonoma County Resource Recovery
  • Lauren Hull
  • Exchange Students Stefan, Gabriela

G. 5th Tuesday Fun- “ Do something different “ this year there are 4 months with 5 Tuesdays. Instead of the usual Rotary Meeting there will be a fun event starting with August 29th we will meet on Monday night on the putting green at Charlie’s from 5 – 7 pm for food and drink. No meeting on Tuesday August 30.

The 35th Anniversary Celebration will be the end of September

Rotary Club of Healdsburg proudly presents “Embers of Awakening:From Firestorms to Climate Health”. See the flyer for details.

H. The Windsor Day Parade this year will be on October 1, 2022. Volunteers will be needed for walking with the float and also to man intersections for traffic control. Sign up sheets will be available at future meetings.

I. Renee announced that the Rotary Bar made $2300 at the last Town Green. Volunteers are needed for the next Town Green, a large crowd is expected because it is an Elton John tribute.

J. Youth Exchange. (Pegi/Sandie/Bill)

  • Welcome Incoming Students, flag exchange, and calendar
  • Short-term Exchange Students
  • Kate outbound

K. Guest Speaker Cassie Pitkin, RLYA Camp Director, presented a video made by the camp attendees. The video will be used for marketing. They hope to have approximately 100 attendees for the next camp. RYLA stands for Rotary Youth Leadership Award. On the video the youth presented themselves, discussed their thanks for being selected and did a section on Messaging for Good which included topics on gun violence and sexual violence. Following the presentation there were questions and comments on how students are chosen, Career night, how to help serve lunch and see the camp. Pegi was thanked for being a RYLA lifer/supporter.

L. Thank you to our guests and volunteers

  • Setup/JB and Jason
  • Greeter/Robin
  • Song/Heather
  • Scribe/Kathryn
  • Inspiration/Londa
  • Guests/Kate, Geoff, Alissa

M. Steve Click invited us to join him for a Geology Walk on Russian River Rocks this Saturday 8/13/2022 at 10:00. Contact him for more information.

The Festival of Brotherhood will be held mid October, it is a project fair where potential Rotary projects will be presented both local and international.
Current COVID info from your Rotary Nurse…

 INFECTED PERSONS CAN STILL TEST POSITIVE AFTER ENDING 5 DAY ISOLATION!   Please be aware if you test positive,  according to the US Centers for Disease Control and the California Department of Public Health, you are to quarantine or isolate for 5 days.   On the 5th day, use a rapid test (if you have no symptoms)  to determine if you are now negative.   If you are not, then your isolation period is to be continued for a full 10 days or until you test negative.   This is to help stop the spread of infection.   But be aware that health officials are finding that some 60 to 70% of people are still testing positive on a rapid test 5 days or more after the onset of their symptoms or first day of a positive test. 
Because it is difficult to track the true volume of infections, urge your family members and friends who test positive to report this to  Sonoma County Public Health.    
Total Cases:       103,714  (last week 103,183)           Recovered:  101,025   (last week 100,039)             Active Cases: 2189 (last week 2644)        
Deaths:                500   (last week 500)
Hospitalized:     44 confirmed cases and 3 in the ICU      (last week  45 confirmed and 4 in the ICU)
Vaccination information…. 

As of August 7th,  2022,   1,130,001 doses of vaccination have been given to residents in Sonoma County.  (last week 1,124,664).     We now only have 78%  of our population 6 months and older who are fully vaccinated and 6% have had at least one (1) dose.   Vaccines are encouraged, still available and still can be obtained . 


BA.5 continues to be the prevalent strain of COVID which is highly infectious and continuing to spread.   Public Health and Infection control doctors are strongly encouraging use of masks. They do suggest we consider wearing masks when in crowded, indoor settings, but feel as infectious as this is,  consider wearing a mask even when outside in large groups.    If you are traveling contact the airlines or check the country you are visiting to identify their mask mandates.  

Because of the subvariant BA.5 , we are finding that COVID – 19 is not over.   It is still infecting people.    There are surges in infections and many people even with treatment are seeing that they will test positive for more than the 5 days of suggested quarantine.   If you test positive, please consider reporting your infection to Sonoma County Public Health online so that our infections are counted and tracked.   If you are positive, stay home and isolate for 5 days and if you continue to test positive on or after day 5, then you will need to continue isolation for the full 10 days!    Help to keep our neighbors and friends who are immunocompromised or has underlying health issues safe by wearing your mask and make sure it is a good mask that fits tight to your face and covers your nose and mouth.    Get vaccinated and boosted!     


Go to socoemergency.org  to learn more about free COVID -19 testing in Sonoma County.  Look for COVID-19 Testing and Tracing in Sonoma County.   In addition my staff at At Home Nursing still are available to provide you COVID testing if you need it (PCR), FIT testing for a N95 mask so that it fits properly or answer any questions you may have.    Call our office at 707-546-8773 to schedule an appointment.    If you want to schedule either a booster or the vaccine, appointments can be found by visiting:  https://socoemergency.org/events/category/pop-up-vaccine or call 707-565-4667.  
Enjoy life but be aware how prevalent the surge of COVID is right now.   Practice good infection control and stay safe!