2022-04-26 Meeting Bulletin

John Pomfret – Russia, NATO, Putin and Poland

Our Pledge of Allegiance was led by Monica Mcabe.

Past President Bill thanked the Club for its support WHILE Joanie was under medical care and
confirmed the good news that Joanie is BACK HOME!

President Pam started the meeting by introducing President Richard Norgrove from the Healdsburg
Noon Club that has been active with several Roary Clubs in Ukraine and is supporting them through the
current crises AND by welcoming David Doht as our newest member. Rumor has it that he might be
tapped for some environmental projects!

Song Leader: Heather Cullen rebranded Elvis to start the Day: “You know you’re a Rotarian when your
serving all the time…” That’s us!

Beth Smith presented our check for $3000 to the Healdsburg 20-30 Club in support of the Kid’s Spree
Event – yea team!

Renee Hyde was acknowledged for participating in Earth Day events and winning first place in the
Crossfit competition – sounds like a Windsor Community Fund bell is in her near future!
President Pam Welcomed our speaker John Pomfret, a writer and columnist for the Washington Post
who held us spellbound with insights of the crises in Ukraine and its roots – plus views on the growth,
changes and dynamics of Russia and Europe that bring us to this place in history – in addition to several
good – and true –spy stories.

Mitch Grandi was revealed as our Secret Greeter – Did you miss him AND not “fess up!”

Final Thought from President Pam:
Peace comes from within! And it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or
hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
Sounds like a Rotary Club…


FDA yesterday approved the first drug treatment for COVID 19 for children younger than 12.  Remdesivir or Veklury was approved for pediatric patients 28 days and older and weighing at least 7 lbs for treatment of COVID 19.
                                Please note that our active case rate for COVID has climbed; however with vaccination rates being over 70% we are seeing less people really sick and needing hospitalizations.   This does not mean we could not see another surge or infections climb even more, but for those that are fully vaccinated and boosted, we are now able to travel, visit with others and have some normalcy back.  Enjoy that but just be careful around those immunocompromised. 


New variant BA.2 is being seen in the USA and seems to be slightly more transmissible but no more severity of disease has been seen.

Total Cases:        85,413  (As of 4/5 83,997)           Recovered:   83,320   (as of 4/5 82,338)             Active Cases: 1604 (as of 4/5 week 927)        
Deaths:                489   (as of 4/5 488)
New Cases:         312 new cases on Sunday
Hospitalized:      18 confirmed cases and 4 in the ICU     
Vaccination information….  As of April 24th, 2022,   1,059,017  doses of vaccination have been given to residents in Sonoma County.  (as of 4/5 1,021,098).     82% of our population 5 years and older  are fully vaccinated and 7% have had at least one (1) dose.
MASKS:               Regardless of vaccination status, masks are no longer required in most public settings, although Public Health Officials strongly recommend masking in public indoor settings, especially in crowded or poorly ventilated spaces.  Masks are now optional on airplanes; however, they are still required in airports and most other forms of public transportation.
Vaccine sites are still open and offering vaccinations and boosters.   We continue to encourage everyone eligible for the booster, to get one.   We have seen the proof that this prevents disease and hospitalizations and those who still breakthrough have minor symptoms.    Enjoy our relaxation of mandates, but keep others safe please.
TESTING:   Go to socoemergency.org  to learn more about free COVID -19 testing in Sonoma County.  Look for COVID-19 Testing and Tracing in Sonoma County.   In addition my staff at At Home Nursing still are available to provide you COVID testing if you need it (PCR), FIT testing for a N95 mask so that it fits properly or answer any questions you may have.    Call our office at 707-546-8773 to schedule an appointment.    If you want to schedule either a booster or the vaccine, appointments can be found by visiting:  https://socoemergency.org/events/category/pop-up-vaccine or call 707-565-4667.  
Thanks so much for all you have done to help in this pandemic and take it so seriously.   You have been instrumental in helping our community!