Getting to Know You – Renee Hyde
President Pam Moulton rang the bell at 7:30 and ask our newest member to be, Londa, to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
With the help of Julie Andrews we attempted singing a few bars of “Getting to Know You”, thankfully President Pam took mercy and cut it short.
Bill Conklin & Kurt Mitchler gave a brief description of our 2022 major beneficiary, Welding Program at Windsor High School. Rotary funding will provide a 30×30 paved carport area creating a safe space for the class, repaving of the area and funding to allow the students to design & fabricate a gate to complete the existing fencing. The gate will display the Rotary Logo.
Bill & Kurt shared a video on the welding class with testimony from students of how important this class has been to them, the success students have had because of the class as well as the setbacks due to the pandemic barring them from gaining hands on experience. This program will provide jobs locally for today’s students and into the future.
Save the Date: March 26, 2022 Major Event
We had no visiting Rotarians
Tom Boylan introduced Londa Faber for the last time; she will be inducted as a member later in the meeting.
President Pam was delighted to receive a Bubble Machine from Bill Bolster, I am pretty sure it was in the shape of Mickey Mouse. Pam is already having fun with it.
Pam also displayed the framed picture of two polar bears Susan Cole gifted her after her trip to the Artic.
Tom Boylan, District Governor Elect. Attended a week long Zone Meeting in Tucson Arizonia. We have all seen the pictures of him decked out in his “special suit” to celebrate the graduation of the current District Governor Elect, complete with a Mardi Gras Band, in addition to having fun and lots of attention, he stated he and wife Melody participated in 3 days of intensive training.
In the past the Zone meeting was only open to certain leaders of Rotary, however, it is now open to all Rotarians, Tom encourage Rotarians to make a plan to attend, good place to meet other Rotarians from the district, make connections and discover opportunities that will benefit the district and clubs.
Tom brought President Pam a piece of jewelry from Arizona that was hand made by Sylvia, a fellow Rotarian.
Bill Bolster: Dick Bishop Salvation Army Bell Ringing: December 11 & 18th. Volunteers Needed signup sheet at meeting or contact Bill: [email protected]
Barbara McChesney is home from her 3 month trip, she returned with 3 flags from the Rotary Clubs she visited while away. One in Birmingham, the largest club in the world, and very formal, one in Georgia and Tulsa, Barbara also brought President Pam a book of Best Jokes of Minnie Pearl that she purchased while visiting the Grand Ole Opry.
Barbara’s story is a good reminder to ask for a couple of Windsor Rotary Flags to trade with clubs you have the opportunity to visit while traveling.
Renee Hyde our membership chair was pleased to induct our 10th new member to the club this year. Londa Faber is a Santa Rosa native and not new to Rotary she was a member of the Rotary Club in Oak Grove before returning to Sonoma County, and a Paul Harris Fellow, glad to have her.
Renee Hyde presented President Pam with Woolly Mammoth stuffed animal she brought back from visit to Mammoth Lake.
Open House @ Windsor Veterans Village: Monday December 6th 10am-12pm. Please RSVP 833-468-9676 ext. 1948
Windsor Community Holiday Food & Toy Drive: Distribution Event December 18, 10am-2pm @ Cali Calmécac Language Academy. Volunteers needed before event to wrap presents, sort food and transport both to Cali, as well as day of event to distribute food & toys. Go to click on “How Can I Help”.
Our thoughts are with Mike & Maureen Merrill this week as Mike recuperates from a battle with his bike.
Meeting Program:
Getting to know you: Renee Hyde
Our Christmas/Holiday party this year will be held December 11th at the home of John How. Staying with our practice of supporting Santa Tim & Toys for Community, as well as getting to know our members better, names of club members were placed in a hat, each member was instructed to draw a name out of the hat and purchase a toy they felt best represented that person. Please wrap and bring present you purchased to the party 12/1, no name tag on present necessary. It will be Fun for all.
While in team groups a good time to chat, get familiar with person whose name you drew ideas for toy to purchase.
Adopt a Family: Sandie Krutz
Sandie Krutz has been in communication with the Boys & Girls Club concerning the Christmas gift giving to families of Boys & Girls Club members in need of assistance. “Adopt a Family”, we participated in this program last year, had great success and requested to repeat this year.
The club was broken into teams, with each team receiving the needs of one family. Each team was to designate a leader and coordinate gift giving. Teams are requested to have gifts at next Tuesday’s meeting 12/7.
President Pam thanked all those that work to make our meeting a success and special thanks to Brian Ling for picking up those delicious pastries. We will back to having our regular breakfast next week.
Closing quote:
“The great thing about new friends is that they bring new energy to your soul”
Amazon Smile: A painless easy was to contribute to the: “Windsor Rotary Community Foundation” Once you have registered with Amazon Smile and chosen the charity of your choice, Amazon does the rest.
New OMICRON variant becomes newest threat in the coronavirus pandemic! President states the new variant is “a cause for concern, not a cause for panic!”
The United States remains vulnerable to the coronavirus that is still spreading in other parts of the US and in unvaccinated areas of the world. With travel once again popular and borders open, it becomes a cause of concern for the CDC and Public Health that we must remain vigilant. Boosters are available and most clinics here in Sonoma County are also offering flu vaccine at the same time in order to keep people healthy and immune systems at their peak. There is plenty of vaccine for boosters so if you want one, schedule an appointment now!
Visit or call 707-565-4667 to get information on clinics.
Total Cases: 42,701 (2 weeks ago 42,103)
Recovered: 41,209 (2 weeks ago 40,314)
Active Cases: 1080 (2 weeks ago 1379)
Deaths: 412 (2 weeks ago 410)
Please continue to honor those we have lost by encouraging those you know who have not become vaccinated, to get their COVID shot and their flu shot.
New Cases: 295 new cases this past week (2 weeks ago 410 new cases – the number of new cases is difficult to use as the we were closed for Thanksgiving and the weekend for testing)
Hospitalized: 24 confirmed and 2 suspected (last week 28 confirmed and 1 suspected)
Vaccination information…. As of Nov. 28th, 814,148 doses of vaccination have been given to residents in Sonoma County. (2 weeks ago 781,056). 74% of our populations 5 years and older (5-11 year olds have now been approved and are counted in the population vaccinated or not) are fully vaccinated and approximately 8% have received at least 1 dose. Providers in Sonoma County are giving shots to our 5-11 year olds and are also providing Boosters for anyone over 18.
More breakthroughs are being seen in Sonoma County in the fully vaccinated because of the Delta variant which is highly contagious and opportunistic. Most people who have been diagnosed with a breakthrough are either asymptomatic (which means they are infectious and can spread it without knowing) or are mildly sick. This is an indication of how well the vaccines are working. But if you have not gotten a booster and are in a group that can, it is highly recommended to give your immune system a boost. Also get your Flu vaccine as we do not want citizens coming down with the flu. This not only compromises their immune systems, but can also weaken their lungs. Plus we need to keep our beds open and medical staff ready to help those with COVID and not have our residents admitted with the flu.
So, please continue to wear your masks, be aware of your surroundings and even outside, if you are in crowded situations, mask up! Please remember, if you are in a meeting indoors, remove your mask only to eat and drink and then replace it immediately! Be aware of others around you and mask up when you are not eating or drinking, unless you are with your immediate family or your extended “bubble”. Wash your hands frequently, use hand sanitizer and take precautions. The Delta variant is still out there, very virulent, ready to strike and we are now going into winter weather, flu season and more people are out and about, we need to be careful. Plus we do not know yet what will happen with the Omnicron variant with people traveling. We need to protect one another during this winter season of being indoors…….. Help protect the ones you love!