Call To Order:
- Our first Rotary Year for new President Pam Moulton was called to order.
Pledge of Allegiance:
- Laura Buhler led us in the Pledge of Allegiance with a full house in person and on zoom!
- Pam switched into the Inspiration time but discussed she wanted to try something new and use this time for a “Rotary Moment”. She went on to say that many of us have had “ah-ha moments in Rotary and wanted to have someone share one such moment with us.
Your scribe for the day was: Di Brabetz, RN CPNP PHN. Photography was made possible by Sue Nelson and her sidekick, John Nelson. The technical portion of the program was taken care of by JB Leep and Michael Juric.
Ken Moulton, Past President, Past District Governor, and our President’s “First Gentleman” shared with us while he was District Governor in 2007, he and Pam traveled to Nigeria for a Project Fair. It was during this time that Polio immunization Day was being held and they had the opportunity to participate. There was a lineup of children for the drops and one woman handed him a baby girl – this was his “ah-ha” moment as he dropped the lifesaving polio drops in this baby’s mouth and realized the Power of Rotary. It made him realize immediately that Rotary provided this extraordinary thing!
Introduction of Members and Guests:
- President Pam shared with us that so many members when surveyed wanted to get to know our fellow members better so she had each one in person and on zoom share with the others who they were and what their classification was. In the early days of our Rotary Club when we met in the bar, this was our norm – going around the bar and introducing ourselves or even each other!
- President’s Pam sister, Sheila Meehan, John Nelson (photographer extraordinaire!), Larry Mills, President of Healdsburg Sunrise, Nancy Palumbo, Past President of Healdsburg Sunrise, Jess Shaw, Gail Ginger, Tanya Bruno, Tom Lane, Chris Leffer, Jannette Ines, and Mary Johnson. (please forgive this scribe if I missed anyone or butchered your name – this was a big crowd!)
Happy Dance:
- And so, the theme of this year and Pam’s bubbliness erupted as she and the other dancers tore off their shirts to show their Rotary blue T-shirts with “Happy Dance” inscribed and began to dance to the music. They had everyone up, out of their seats, and clapping their hands! Go Pam!!!!!
Thank You to our Past President:
- President Pam presented our Past President Bill Bolster with a plaque and our heartfelt thanks for all that he did this past year.
Speed Dating:
- No, that kind of speed dating………… President Pam turned the mike over to Renee Hyde who had us talking with someone and finding out either something that you didn’t know about the other, something you have accomplished that you are especially proud of or how you met your significant other. And so, the games began and we paired off while Renee allowed us time to get acquainted. Then, the bell was rung and we moved on…. It was a bit more difficult with our round tables (rather than long tables where we could shift…) but a fun time was had by all and I think we actually did get to more people!
Board Information:
- President Pam shared with us the sad news that our Glenn Sugden, our President-Elect, has resigned. The Board has proposed and agreed on Brian Ling to fill this position. It was put forth to the general membership and over no objections with all in favor, was passed. Welcome, President-Elect for 2022-2023, Brian Ling.
Thanks to all:
- President Pam thanked all who helped make her first meeting a success and especially thanked all of those in the background with setting up, re-arranging the room, fresh flowers on the table, and the scribe. She also thanked all those who came to support her and her many visitors.
Meeting July 13th– Be prepared for a “Variety Show” President Pam warned as the Board and Leadership comes to entertain us with their goals and objectives next week. If today was the Happy Dance, what will next week bring?????
Final Words:
President Pam read the following:
“Don’t be afraid of new beginnings….
Don’t shy away from new people, new energy, new surroundings
Embrace new choices of happiness”
Go forth and do something Rotarian………………