President Bill rang the bell at 7:30, following about 15 minutes of Rotarians warmly welcoming fellow Rotarians joining the meeting: Susan Cole you make my day! President Bill thanked all that helped with putting together our award presentation last week to town manager Ken McNab and shared the thank you note he sent to the club.
Alison Huber lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The weekly Inspiration was presented by Susan Cole; she is not sure where the quote originated but something she shares in classes she presents:
“Thoughts are things
Choose Good Ones”
John How led us in a Rotary version of You Are My Sunshine
GUEST OF ROTARIANS: Michelle Edwards Executive VP Boys and Girls Club of Sonoma Marin, and Special Events Manager Hayley Bly.
District 5130 Disaster Relief Fund
They will work hard to make sure every dollar donated will make a difference in someone’s life!
Mail to: Ashliegh Diehl, District 5130 Treasurer
1315 Fourth Street
Eureka, Ca 95501
- Tom Boylan is still looking for scribes. Thank you Pam for your great work in September, Pegi is doing October & Ken November.
Michael Juric is looking for a few people that would like to assist in Zoom meetings.
WHS Vineyard Academy Gassku Ramen Night: Marie is looking for 2 fabulous volunteers for the front circle to check-in cars, relay info to the kitchen, and hand the bags through the windows of cars from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm and 2 more volunteers from 5:30 pm to 7:15 pm for the same jobs. Friday Nov. 6th, All PPE Safety codes will be observed. [email protected]
- Tuesday, Nov 3 – David Schreibman, Sebasopol
- Rotary – Geocaching
- Friday, Nov 6 – WHS Vineyard Academy Gassku Ramen Night
- Sign up & pay at
- Thursday, Nov 12 – BINGO Night!!!! RSVP by Nov 6th, Barbara McChesney
- [email protected]
- let Barbara know how many cards you will need
- Check in: 6:30 pm Game begins 7pm.
- Nov 12 – 14 – Rotary Big West Zone Institute
- Saturday, Dec 12 – Windsor Rotary Virtual Christmas Party
- District Governor Nominees – Bill Bolster
- Need to be a Past President Deadline for nominees Nov. 7th.
Heather Cullen Rotarian of the Month
I am hoping our club photographer captured a picture of Heather this morning, during the meeting she was putting on her face to celebrate Day of the Dead with her class immediately following our club meeting. What an exciting experience it must be to be a student in Mrs. Cullen class.
Glenn Sugden, gratefully, has recovered from COVID and returned to meetings. Glenn stated he had a fever and headache 4 days after he traveled on a full flight, he did test positive, Glenn said he began to feel better about 4 days later but experienced fatigue and brain fog for several weeks. He did comment everyone has different symptoms. Glenn said folks on the plane were wearing mask except when eating and drinking. Glenn was tested after being ill for the antibody, which he did have and will participate in donating plasma. Glenn was told the antibody could remain in his body for 3-5 months; however, someone could be re-infected, as there are 6 different strains. Glenn encouraged everyone get tested and wear a mask.
President Bill, Ken & Pam Moulton all joined the Virtual District Conference & Foundation Celebration, it was agreed by all PDG Kathy Flamson did a great job. The usual 3 day Conference was well presented in a 2 hour Virtual presentation. Good speakers and good presentation of projects & programs done in our district. It was announced Foundation giving for our district 5130 was $890,000.00; Sebastopol Rotary $141,000.00 & Windsor Rotary $55,000.00 our own Glenn Sugden was recognized as a Major Donor. THANK YOU GLENN!
Fine Master: Ken Moulton
Craig Curreri celebrated his Birthday October 15th, but must still be celebrating have to catch him later
Bill and Joan Bolster – Will celebrate their 31st Wedding Anniversary Nov. 1st, but Bill said he did not know what the plan was and will report next meeting.
Michael Juric has been a member of Rotary Club of Windsor since 10/24/92, he has been our club president twice and is presently involved with the Zone Institution and Rotary International, as well as our ZOOM Master. Michael is looking for a couple of members interested in assisting with our ZOOM meeting and is offering to donate $10.00 for every interested call or email he receives.
President Bill inquired what members had planned for Halloween, evidently we are not too exciting: Alison displayed her programmable mask that lights up and Michael Juric said he will have Grandchildren in his car taking them to family homes to trick or treat.
Total Case 9778 (last week 9215)
New Cases:
- Fri 64
- Sat 82
- Sun 67
- Mon 90
Deaths: 136 (last week 129)
Hospitalized: 25 confirmed and 3 suspected
There are now 19% of our cases in the 25-34 year olds and 17% in the 35-44 year olds
We have tested a Total of 213,129 and 7770 recovered (last week 202,675 in our county with 7404 people recovered) Total negative tests 203,351
Sonoma county is still on the strictest Tier of Lock down (the Purple Tier – this is one time that being purple is not good!!!) because we have been unable to stop the surge of new cases. Our Transmission rate is now 10.8 new /100,000 of population (it was 10.6 last week) and because it is not going down and is not 8% or less, it does not meet the State guideline in order to move into a less restrictive tier. Unlike most of the other counties around us we continue to have a high positivity rate. We are a community with low income people who get infected and continue to go to work instead of isolating at home. They cannot afford to stay home and many live in crowded housing with extended family because of the high cost of rents.
A personal story that highlights this – one of my Home Care Aides whose husband (another industry) and family were all sick and had been tested, she got symptoms, never reported it to us, went to work and exposed 2 clients and another home care worker before she got her positive test results back. It also turns out she is Latino, lives in a multi- family housing and her mother had just returned from Mexico. (my friends in Mexico tell me it is worse there as their President still believes this is a “hoax” and nothing more than the flu – in addition they do not have needed equipment and do not force wearing of masks) This is someone in the health care field, not young and someone we have educated and educated on not doing this; we provide masks and harp on the 3 W’s! (wash your hands, wear your mask and watch your distance)
Public Health is recommending a $16 Mil. Health Plan around COVID – vouchers for hotels for positive residents, one time stipends, partnering with businesses to go out and do testing, more outreach to Latino neighborhoods with education and testing to address our numbers.
Public Health is trying to do more education, get out into the Latino communities with bilingual staff and ensure that the message of wearing your mask, staying home when you are sick and getting tested gets out there. In addition they are trying to ensure that there are not celebrations for Halloween and Day of the Dead and to promote getting their flu shots.
I know none of us like the Holiday recommendations of very strict adherence to not having dinners. But there is a serious 2nd wave or 3rd wave depending on what country we live in of outbreak and some countries in Europe have instituted serious lockdowns including no incoming or outgoing flights. We have to take this seriously and realize something as nice as getting together for the holidays for a family dinner could spread this virus and cause death. So, heed the recommendations of no dinners unless you can be outside or keep your parties to only 3 households. If a family member is traveling to join you for the holidays they need to quarantine for 2 weeks before coming. In addition, food should not be communal. Appoint one person with mask and gloves to make up plates and serve. Do not allow sharing of pots or plates of food. Social distance if your dinner is inside and make the social occasion short in duration. Remember that just because someone if family does not meet they are in your “bubble or pod” and you should be having social events.
Here is Sonoma County we will not be opening up soon and have to take this seriously and do our part so that we can safely open schools and be able to hug one another again.
Program: Boys and Girls Club of Sonoma-Marin
JB reminded us we have had a long time relationship with the Boys and Girls Club, our own Leslie Lewis was the Director of the Boys & Girls Club of Windsor for Four years, and several of our members served on the Boys and Girls Club Board of Directors. Mike Merrill is presently active on the Board of Directors.
JB introduced Michelle Edwards, Executive VP Boys and Girls Club Sonoma-Marin for nine years and Haley Bly, Boys and Girls Club Special Events Manager.
Michelle & Haley were visiting to give us an update on the Boys and Girls Club and to report the impact COVID is having on our Children.
The first Boys and Girls Club in Sonoma County was in 1946 in Healdsburg – the Boxing Club. They now have 42 Club locations in 12 communities, serving 10,000 youth per year. They are also are involved in serving meals and serve 350K per year.
Their Mission
- We inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need us the most, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens.
$10,000,000.00 yearly budget served 10,000 youth (pre covid) Reduced yearly budget to $7,000 by reducing administration staff
Clubs were forced to shut down in March due to COVID, reopened in April to serve meals.
Distance Learning Clubs:
- Open 8am-5:30 for learning pods of 12 students at 13 locations.
- Extended hours by 183% to serve kids DURING & after school
- Full support to attend school daily via apps & zoom with individualized tutoring
Current Reality:
3,500 Club spaces dropped to 396 in Distance Learning model
81% of current Club Members are low income or extremely low income & can’t afford current program
73% are English Learners & need additional academic support
Pre COVID Comparison:
School partner Pre Covid clubs current reality
Funded Enrollment (per location) 400-600 100-250 24-48
School Year Club Locations 42 13
Cost Per Kid per school year $2,000 $8,000
The cost to serve each youth has increased 3X due to protocol mandated by COVID
Program cost has gone from $75.00 per week to $225.00 per week for program that runs until 3pm, families can pay an additional $75.00 per week for children to stay until 5:30pm.
Scholarships are available for low income families, however, middle income families usually do not qualify and cannot afford additional cost.
There are no part time students allowed only full time
Q: JB ask about the average family presently attending program?
A: 81% low income county wide, Windsor is exception, more diverse 65% low income, 35% middle and high income. Good diversity for students
Q: Wally ask if sustainable and how long they could sustain?
A: Michelle felt, because they partner with 15 school districts they would be good through the school year.
Q: Bill Arnone ask how the situation in Sonoma County mirrored across the country?
A: Depends on the COVID climate of area, many are open some remain closed, county wide decision,
Q: President Bill ask how can Rotary help?
A: Financial support can be donated to Windsor specifically. Michelle said they are doing a special Holiday campaign; they have identified and adopted 8 families in need. They will be providing Gift Cards and Gifts for each family and welcome our support
Haley also informed us of their Virtual Wine Auction in November, “Healdsburg Crush” they will be offering local Pinot, Chardonnay and Sparkling Wines. Auction runs November 11-14, 2020
Closing remark
President Bill thanked Michelle and Haley for presenting to us and for all the work they do for our youth.
He also reminded us that our meeting next Tuesday is also Election Day… VOTE
With baseball season coming to end, he is using a couple of quotes from Yogi Berra:
“When you come to a fork in the road, take it”
“Baseball is ninety percent mental and the other half is physical”
“Always go to other people’s funerals, otherwise they won’t come to yours”
Respectfully submitted,
Pegi Ball