President Bill rang the bell at 7:30, following about 15 minutes of “catching up on the latest” amongst the members on Zoom. It was great having some chat time and seeing the faces of fellow Rotarians.
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Barbara Mc Chesney
The weekly Inspiration was presented by Susan Cole
“Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.” — Muhammad Ali
At 7:45 we had 46 joining us!
JB Leep, led the club in a rousing version of Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow,
VISITING ROTARIANS: Our very own Glenda Sales was present today, great to see her. We also had a special visitor; Paul Bayley from the Rotary Club of Windsor England, most Rotary meetings are being conducted on Zoom, Paul has visited four Windsor Rotary Meetings: Windsor Canada, Windsor Australia, and two others that he could not remember. Paul was asked the difference or similarity of clubs, he stated our club was much jollier than his, most likely because our members were much younger than members of his club, but he said we were similar in our community spirit. He enjoyed being a part of our club. Paul was invited to visit again, however, our meeting starts at 3 am England time, probably won’t happen too often.
Guests of Rotarians:
- Ken MacNab: City Manager Town of Windsor
- Lori MacNab, Debra Fudge: Windsor Town Council Member
- Ester Lemus: Windsor Vice Mayor
- Jon Davis: Windsor Parks & Recreation Department
- Jessica Jones: Windsor Community Development Director
- Maria de O Town Clerk
- John Jaeger: Interim Public Works Director,
Heather Cullen: Rotarian of the Month
Clip Board:
District 5130 Disaster Relief Fund
They will work hard to make sure every dollar donated will make a difference in someone’s life!
Mail to: Ashliegh Diehl, District 5130 Treasurer 1315 Fourth Street Eureka, Ca 9550
Wally Krutz & the 4 Way Test – Published in the HB Tribune – Get a copy from Wally Krutz
World Polio Day – – Share with friends
District Governor Nominee – Past Presidents interested – B Bolster
Call/email them or go to: [email protected]
Help Wanted:
- Tom Boylan is still looking for scribes. Thank you Pam for your great work in September, Pegi is doing October & Ken November.
Our Foundation Chair: Diane Brabetz leads by example; Diane has given a lot to the Rotary Foundation including $5,000.00 to a project conducted by a Rotary Club in Mexico. Diane said it was an honor to serve as Club Foundation chair and to be a Paul Harris fellow along with men like Jimmy Carter & Jonas Salk. Diane announced she had the pleasure today of presenting two Paul Harris Fellow awards to two Rotarians, Bill Bolster & Glenda Sales. Bill Bolster: Paul Harris + 4, having donated a total of $5,000.00 and Glenda Sales: Paul Harris + 8, donating a total of $9,000.00. Glenda acknowledged Renee Hyde got her started on direct deposit, (monthly automatic deduction to the Rotary Foundation). Glenda recalled she had asked Renee how much she should donate. Renee said any amount that is comfortable for you, and suggested maybe what she spent at Starbucks in a month, Glenda said it was easy, it just happens every month, she reminded us that she started a long time ago and it adds up. Glenda has not been able to attend our Rotary Meetings for a couple of years due to a health condition; she said her contribution to the Rotary Foundation helps her to feel connected to Rotary, and support all that Rotary does.
Michael Juric gave a presentation on Windsor Rotary Fundraising and Event planning
The engine that powers our Mission to Serve our Community and the World
($816K to the community over 20 years)
Primary Focus:
- Legacy Programs
- New Programs
- Dictionaries
- Food Security
- Scholarships
- Robotics
- Other
Secondary Focus:
- International Fundraising
- Polio Fundraising Foundation Fundraising
- Community Fundraising
Two Groups for Planning:
Steering Committee
- Co-chaired by the President-Elect and the President Nominee with members at large
- Ensures consistency with our goals
- Ensures continuity
- Recommends budget and approval
- Coordinates with Board
- Historic data over time
- Utilizes are fundraising database
Event Committees
- Standalone efforts that implement plans and provide feedback to improve club efforts
The team focuses on two methods in 2020 – 2021:
- Major Fundraisers defined as whole club efforts that have goals and potential to warrant that effort.
- Mini/Supplemental Fundraisers
Opportunities for smaller groups to raise funds
Michael announced we will have a major fundraiser on April 24, 2021. We will assess in February or March if this fundraiser will be in person or virtual. The committee is looking for some hot ticket items for auction.
Barbara McChesney is taking the lead on mini/supplemental fundraisers, she is looking for ideas that will inspire & excite folks, possible ideas:
- virtual Duck Race
- Mask Contest
- Virtual Wine Tasting
Contact Barbara with ideas or interested in participating in the committee [email protected]
Barbara McChesney contacted Philip Paskal of Petaluma Sunrise in response to his request for our club to get involved with the Climate Restoration project. For more information on the project review the following website:
Phil Paskal invites you to a scheduled Zoom Meeting on October 24th 7 pm Meeting ID: 838 4686 2457
Opportunity to see environmental videos of urgent importance with time for discussion, comments & questions
For those interested: the next committee meeting will be November 9th. Details coming, Contact: Barbara McChesney [email protected]
Rotary Socials with Social Distancing:
Pam Moulton reported the Ladies on Line, attended by 9 ladies, successful & Fun, this social will be repeated on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, Pam will provide additional information. It also sparked the possibility of a limited, in person, wine tasting with Diane Brabetz, more information to come.
John How reported the Poem & Book gathering at his home was also a success, several poems read and Bill Bolster stated he received some education in literature
Up-Coming Club Stuff:
- Saturday, Oct 24 – District Virtual Conference
- Saturday, Oct 24 – World Polio Day
- Tuesday, Oct 27 – Hayley Bly, Boys & Girls Clubs of Sonoma-Marin
- Thursday, Oct 29 – Boys with Bandwidth
- Tuesday, Nov 3 – David Schreibman, Sebastopol Rotary – Geocaching
- Thursday, Nov 12 – BINGO Night!!!!
- Nov 12 – 14 – Rotary Big West Zone Institute
- Saturday, Dec 12 – Windsor Rotary Virtual Christmas Party
KEN MacNab Town Manager
Awarded for Excellence in Professional Service and Commitment to the Town of Windsor
Doug Williams introduced and presented the vocational service award to Ken, in his introduction Doug stated he admired Ken’s work with the town, his promotion of the concept of honor, and his continuous mission to bring the community together.
Ken accepted his award stating it was humbling to be selected by an organization that shares the value of community. Ken stated he and his executive team have exciting projects started, and although due to the covid crisis needing to focus on the present, those projects are still in the works and he is looking forward to the community. Ken thanked the town council members, his executive team and a Big Thank You to his wife Lori.
Ester Lemus Windsor vice mayor said she was not going to miss this award presentation, she stated from the first interview with Ken she had no doubts about his performance. She exclaimed Ken possesses true leadership, is respected and goes above and beyond for the town.
Debra Fudge council member thanked Ken’s wife Lori, acknowledging all the hours Ken has spent away from her to attend to the Town. Deb said Ken has done an amazing job since he stepped into the job, he has to lead the town through the fires and pandemic.
President Bill Bolster thanked the Town members and Ken for running a Great Town.
Here is the latest update on COVID from your Rotary Nurse!
Total Case 9215 (last week 8532)
New Cases: Fri 33 Sat 93 Sun 48 Mon 76
Deaths: 129 (last week 128)
Hospitalized: 23 confirmed and 2 suspected
There are now 16% of our cases in the 25-34-year-olds and 21% in the 35-44-year-olds (this is a change – seeing more now in this group)
We have tested a Total of 202,675 and 7404 recovered (last week 191,326 in our county with 6891 people recovered) Total negative tests 193,460
Sonoma County is still on the strictest Tier of Lockdown (the Purple Tier – this is one time that being purple is not good!!!) because we have been unable to stop the surge of new cases. Our Transmission rate of 10.6 new /100,000 of the population does not meet the State guideline of 8% or less in order to move into a less restrictive tier. Unlike most of the other counties around us, we continue to have a high positivity rate. Latinos now represent 54% of call COVID cases yet they only comprise 26% of our population. (500,000 in the county)
Public Health is recommending a $16 Mil. Health Plan around COVID – vouchers for hotels for positive residents, one time stipends, partnering with businesses to go out and do testing, more outreach to Latino neighborhoods with education and testing to address our numbers.
Public Health has issued guidelines for Halloween and Day of the Dead celebration in the hopes that there will not be social gatherings, parties, celebrations, festivals, live audience entertainment, indoor haunted houses, and any unsafe gatherings.
Again, they are stressing the need for all of us to get our flu shots so we will not have an increase in COVID when the Flu season begins.
Holiday recommendations are for very strict adherence to not socially having dinners unless you can be outside or keep your parties to only 3 households. If a family member is traveling to join you for the holidays they need to quarantine for 2 weeks before coming. In addition, food should not be communal. Appoint one person with masks and gloves to make up plates and serve. Do not allow the sharing of pots or plates of food. Social distance if your dinner is inside and makes the social occasion short in duration. Remember that just because someone if the family does not meet they are in your “bubble or pod” and you should be having social events.
Practice the 3 W’s: Wear your masks, wash your hands, and watch your distance. Unless we practice these Public Health things, our surge will continue and we will see untimely and increased deaths……………
Thanks, Di
Magic Breakout Rooms!
Michael Juric broke the club into different breakout rooms with 4-5 members in each group with a list of 5 questions the group needed to discuss and answer.
- How Many presidents have led the club, including Bill?
- Name one from the 1980s and 2 from each subsequent decade
- Identify four meeting locations we’ve used.
- Identify 3 members who live outside of Windsor.
- Who, in your group has the most children?
This was a great segment, I would expect nothing less from Michael he is amazing. It was an opportunity to see and communicate with a small number of members, my group, as I am sure all groups had fun recalling past years and coming up with different answers. I believe the only questions that would have exact correct answers was #1 & #3, although Michael said the correct answer to #1, is 31, true to our fabulous club, there was still some friendly debate.
President Bill thanked the Town members, Ken & Lori, & Paul for visiting.
Closing remark
Thomas Edison was once asked by a reporter how it felt to fail 700 times in the creation of the light bulb. His response: “I have not failed 700 times. I have not failed once. I have succeeded in proving that those 700 ways will not work. When I have eliminated the ways that will not work, I will find the way that will work.”
All people fail, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. It is how we learn. We do not learn from our successes but from our failures.
If you are not failing, you are not trying (learning)!
So go out and try, fail, learn, adapt, try again……
And go do something Rotarian!!!
Respectfully submitted,
Pegi Ball