2020-09-29 PDG Bob Rogers Presents Polio Plus

Good Day fellow Rotarians and friends and family who are reading our weekly bulletin.  Today’s minutes are from TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2020.

President Bill rang the bell at 7:30, following about 15 minutes of “catching up on the latest” amongst the members on Zoom.  There was a little discussion about the air quality, given this latest round of fires!  President Bill made note that he had to put “snow tires” on his car due to the “ash.” President Bill reviewed some of the highlights from last week’s meeting, including the speaker, the singing, and Catherine’s sister as a visitor.

Heather Cullen lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.  

The weekly Inspiration was presented by Michael Merrill who quoted  the Oracle of Omaha Warren Buffet,

“When you are looking for an employee, you need to find someone who has Intelligence, initiative, and integrity  and if you can’t find the last one, the first two will kill you, because if you are going to get someone without integrity, you want them, lazy and dumb.”It was noted that we don’t have integrity in abundance these days.  President Bill made note that finding good people is difficult!  

John How led us in “Would it be Loverly” from My Fair Lady with some adjustments to accommodate the issues related to smokey air, and the Pandemic!!

At 7:35, we had 25  joining us!

 The VISITING ROTARIANS  today is PDG Bob Rogers who will be introduced by Diane Brabetz.

Guests of Rotarians.  No guests today!


  • Michael Juric is the September Rotarian of the Month until Wednesday! Thanks for all the ZOOM assist.  President Bill expressed thanks for “ a wonderful month it has been and particular thanks due to (his) work on the Fund Raisers, the Candidates Forum, and the Zooming.
  • Heather Cullen gave us a reminder of the food security drive.  She noted that it was a little slow this week.  Renee Hyde confirmed that last week was a “ZERO”.  Heather encouraged the members to get out to the community and re-commit to the food drive.  President Bill reminded us that he has the routine of picking up his Spam! 
  • Pam Moulton announced a POETRY Reading at her house on October 1st at 4:30, in person if the air is good, or on Zoom.  Please send an email to Pam if you are interested at [email protected]
  • President Bill mentioned that he is having a “country Cocktail Party at his placePegi Ball will be setting up some tables and we will have an opportunity to do social distance hugs. Bring your own everything. The Date is October 8th at 5:30.  We are limited to 15 people, so please sign up early by sending a message to Pam Moulton at [email protected]
  • Don’t forget about the District 5130 Disaster Relief Fund
  • Alzheimer’s Association will be hosting a Walk to End Alzheimers


Our weekly update from Diane Brabetz, our COVID Nurse!!

Total Cases:        7412    (7112  last week) 

                New cases             Fri   58 

                                                Sat  49 

                                                Sun 43 

                                                Mon 52                            

This is a decrease in new cases being reported 

Deaths:  122     (last week 114 – most of our deaths continue to be in our senior population) 

Hospitalized:      28 confirmed and 5 suspected (last week 24) – hospitalizations have also dropped 

We continue to see 19% of our cases in the 25-34 year olds and 17% in the 35-44 year olds 

Public Health is quite worried about a new surge that we may see from celebrations and socializing as people seem COVID exhausted and taking fewer precautions.  In addition, there is worry about a surge in cases when our flu season hits soon.    Public Health and your Rotary Club Nurse are asking that everyone get their annual flu vaccine as soon as the vaccine is widely available.  We need everyone in this County that can get their flu shot this year and help to protect all of us.  Even if you do not feel you need it, you are protecting others by getting yours. 

Sonoma County has worked to get their numbers reported in line with the State reporting guidelines – they are trying to ensure that as soon as we can move to another, less restrictive Tier, that we will be able to.   The Benchmarks to move to the next Tier are as follows: 

  1.  New cases / 100,000 population   – a County must be between 4-7;      Sonoma County is at 11.2 
  2. Positive cases must be between 5-8% – Sonoma County is at 5.3% 

If we are able to see our new cases reduce then we would be able to move to a less restrictive Tier which would allow indoor dining, more businesses to open again, and increase our economy.    But this has to be done safely and without risk of increased infection and possible death. 

Remember your “bubble or pod” are those that you live with; not extended family and friends.   Socialize safely and distance yourself.   Wear your masks, wash your hands, and do not share communal food.  As any of you decide to venture out for Rotary socials remember that it is imperative to social distance, wear your mask, and do not share food.   The only way to do that safely is one server wearing masks and gloves and individual plates provided……… 



Help Wanted:

  • Tom Boylan is still looking for scribes.  Pam will pass the pen to Pegi Ball next month (thanks, Pegi!!)
  • Robotics is due to start training the Windsor Rotarians with President Nominee Glenn Sugden next meeting on Wednesday, October 7th at 9:00 am on  ZOOM.  Send an email to Glenn for the Zoom information.
  • Anyone interested in being District Governor, information is on the District website


  • October 1st – Poetry at Moulton’s – 4:30, the limit of 8
  • October 6th Matt Stevens will be sharing the information on the Smart Train
  • October 8th – Cocktails at President Bill’s – limit to 15 people
  • October 10th Alzheimer’s Association walk to End Alzheimer’s
  • October 13th – Marie Gannister from WHS Vineyard Academy
  • October 24th PDG Kathy Flamsen’s virtual District Conference

Fine master:

Leslie Lewis was not with us today but Ken Moulton is taking this week… Birthdays are Bev Graham and Michael Ragsdale (today!)He admitted that he and the family are going to have a BBQ with Ribeye steaks.  He promised that he will be talking to Diane Brabetz, RI Foundation Chair, regarding a donation to the Foundation.

Anniversaires – Arnone, Conklin, Black, Wilkinson, Curreri

Rotarian membership celebrations include many!! Recognition of  Heather Cullen as completing her first year and she will contribute $50 to Polio Plus.  Charter members were asked for any words of wisdom after all these years.  Asked where have all the years gone?   Ken said that he will do this again next week and ask that charter members think of something special to share with the club.  Charter Member and Past President John How mentioned that his father was in the Rotary Club.  He indicated that he has taken a lot of pride having brought new people into Rotary, and (Rotary’s role in) eradicating Polio.  He reminded us that it is a gift to be a member of Rotary! 

Diane Brabetz is our (Windsor) Rotary International Foundation Chair.  It was reminded that we have many options to give to Paul Harris, Polio Plus, and Direct Donations.

Today’s Program:  Diane mentioned that when she was in nursing school that there was no Polio immunization, so it is wonderful to see the differences in how we have approached eradication of this disease since then.   She introduced PDG Bob Rogers, citing his accolades which include Rotarian of the Year, Past President of the Sebastopol Club, and PDG.  He started Pedal for Polio earning $140,000 when he was DG.  Bob has traveled extensively with Rotary including RFE (Rotary Friendship Exchange)  and a NID (National Immunization Day) in India.

In 2021, he will serve as the chair of the Polio Committee for District 5130.  He also proudly holds a Paul Harris.

PDG Bob reviewed the impact that the Poliovirus has on its victims.  He mentioned that he was at a Lion’s Picnic when he was 5 years old.  He complained of not being able to walk and was examined the next day when he was diagnosed as having Polio. Bob was taken to Children’s Hospital and remembers that he was put in a crib by a window.  His mother would park the car in such a way that he could see his family.  He reviewed the type of treatment that was used called Sister Kinney where his legs were wrapped in hot blankets.  This method was developed and considered to be somewhat controversial.  He mentioned that (actor) Alan Alda had polio and used the same intervention.  He credits it with making a full recovery.  

Upon release PDG Bob was in  wheelchair from which he fell.  He mentioned that as time passed, the issue of polio did not restrict him from being able to participate in physical activities.  When he moved to Sebastopol, he was invited to join the local Rotary.  “As an afterthought,”  someone told him about Rotary’s involvement in eradicating Rotary, which he thought was eliminated. He mentioned that he had started to “forget” about the issue of Polio until someone noticed the way that he walked, and called him out on having Polio.  Larry Myers, PDG asked Bob if he would join the committee that addresses Polio eradication on an international basis.

Bob mentioned that he gave a presentation and subsequently realized that he had found his passion for talking about and supporting the END POLIO campaign.

He mentioned that he had virtually forgotten about his own polio until he joined Rotary!  He feels strongly that he was put in Rotary and in his current role for a reason, and that is, to fight POLIO!  He reviewed the progress of the Rotary Polio Fight over the last 33 years.  He noted that internationally, we are up to 120 cases of Polio despite past reports of significantly fewer cases.

Afghanistan and Pakistan still have polio cases. He reviewed some of the recent “staged” events which urged families to have their children vaccinated.  He also spoke of the recent deaths of polio workers, and that 2 million children were not vaccinated because of a fire to a facility where they would have received immunizations.   COVID 19 has also contributed to the limited access to children for vaccines.

In India, despite the hurdle of millions of people,  Polio was eradicated in 2011.  In Africa, it happened in 2013, although there was a short-term upsurge that has been taken care of recently. 

Due to political and geographic issues, particularly in Afghanistan, the disease hard to eliminate. On the other hand, given the magnitude of Africa, where it has been eliminated, he stated that “if Africa can do it – all countries can do it.”

At a previous NID, 40 million children were vaccinated, in Afghanistan.

He posed the question of “Why after 35 years are we still supporting this?  Well, because we haven’t been able to finish!”  The frontline workers will do their job, and our job is to support them!  The goal is to eliminate polio!  We have started the battle and we need to continue because we are so close to winning!

In many cases, the challenges are political and social. It was estimated that if we stopped vaccinating, we would have an upsurge of polio because “it is only a flight away!”

It is anticipated that Rotary needs another 3 years to fight this plague and we have to inoculate new babies.

A new program is being rolled out, called the Polio Plus Society, where you can donate $100 a year. This will be matched by the Gates society.  If you donate by October 24 (world polio day) you will get 100 points extra.  As a member, you will get double points and a Polio Plus pin, as well as a Certificate and an END POLIO NOW band!

Bob is going to send a pledge form to everyone after the presentation.  He reviewed how to donate, with the link that he is sending us.  He shared the forms and the process with the club members and encouraged us to sign in as a Rotarian, not as a guest!

He also reviewed the Monthly option, where the money is taken from your credit card on a monthly basis, or you can write a check!  The old fashioned way!!

He mentioned that this campaign is a way to PAY IT FORWARD.  While we may not directly benefit from this campaign, we are doing this for our future generations! He reiterated that this is a way to MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

He wants to assure that mothers in the future will not have to go through what his mother had to endure.


 JB Martin asked how do we get rid of the cases that exist and how to become virus-free.  Once you have polio, you have it.  You have it for your entire life and there is NO CURE.  There is only prevention.  Diane Brabetz mentioned that you are no longer contagious.  The problem is that when a child gets it, sometimes they will have a reoccurrence when they are older because of diminished immune capacity, however, the person is NOT contagious!

Bob mentioned that there are labs that are continuing to follow any potential strains of polio, which allows them to plan for future NID to eliminate the problem.

John How reminded us that Rotary was able to drive out polio above and beyond what the USA, CDC, and several other organizations could do!  He reminded us to be PROUD as Rotarians!  He commented that he had seen some of us drop the vaccine into the mouths of children!  He hopes at one time, to be able to get on a plane and inoculate children! 

Wally Krutz reminded us of the potential cost of a breakout, which would likely cost our economy $50 Billion a year.  He stated that we would likely not be ready to address this issue!

President Bill thanked PDG Bob for filling in on the details of what it takes to eliminate the Polio Virus!  President Bill just pledged $100 a year!

He thanked Bob for coming to the club today and closed with 

“Remember, Life is short, break the rules, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile!”

The meeting concluded at 8:31.

Respectfully submitted,

Pam Moulton