2020-09-15 District Governor Visit – Doug Johnson

Good Day fellow Rotarians and friends and family who are reading our weekly bulletin.

President Bill rang the bell at 7:30, following about 15 minutes of friendly chatter amongst the members on Zoom.

Proudly standing up and covering his heart, Jim Ruppert lead  us in the Pledge of Allegiance

The weekly Inspiration was presented by Mike Merrill.  He presented a story which lead to the message of having team effort allows for successful outcomes, not just for individual athletes, but for Rotarians.

From Mike Merrill, this is part of what he said….(sorry did not catch all of it!!)  “Out of a real life thing that happened this week after watching the Tour de France,  a young man from Switzerland won for the first time, in the 12th stage.  He said that he couldn’t believe how great he felt to ride with all these professionals!  The most that he enjoyed was riding with the team!”   It brought back a statement that in America  skill and talent alone, does not always  complete the job. You need  team action and integrity to win!”

Heather Cullen sang along with John How (unintentionally!! But a great team!!)  to the tune of “If you’re going to San Francisco wear flowers in your hair” but changed the words to If  “you’re going to my Town Windsor”. It was punctuated with a couple of giggles by John when it was recommended that we “brush the ashes from your hair!”

At 7:35, we had 34 members and increased to 37 members by the end of the meetingDistrict Governor Doug Johnson introduced Johrita Solari , Vice President from Rotary International, who hails from Anaheim, California.

Guests of Rotarians:

  President Samantha  Marshall Carpenter, joined us from the  active 20/30 club.  She spoke of the Kid’s Spree event(after explaining it to the group).  She made note that this year’s event was a DRIVE THRU, where they served over 300 kids!  She mentioned that it was time consuming to adapt, and suspect that they will continue with this format moving forward.  She made note that the kids were super excited about the event and thankful to be able to go back to school with all the new supplies and clothes!!  President Bill reiterated that he felt that the event was fun and fulfilling.


Diane Brabetz stepped up to be the Chairperson of the Rotary Foundation.  Thank you so much!!

Michael Juric is the September Rotarian of the Month – thanks for all the ZOOM assist.


Here is the latest information on COVID from your Rotary nurse, Diane Brabetz:

Total Cases:        6738    (6360  last week)

New cases             Fri   62

Sat  53

Sun 35

Mon 37

Deaths:  110     (last week 93 – most of our deaths continue to be in our senior population)

Hospitalized:      49           (last week 54)

We continue to see 19% of our cases in the 25-34 year olds and 17% in the 35-44 year olds

Public Health is quite worried about a new surge that we may see 2 weeks from Labor Day celebrations and socializing.  In addition, there is worry about a surge in cases when our flu season hits soon. Public Health and your Rotary Club Nurse are asking that everyone get their annual flu vaccine as soon as vaccine is widely available.  We need everyone in this County that can to get their Flu shot this year and help to protect all of us.

Sonoma County has worked to get their numbers reported in line with the State reporting guidelines – they are trying to ensure that as soon as we can move to another, less restrictive Tier, that we will be able to.   The Benchmarks to move to the next Tier are as follows:

  1. New cases / 100,000 population   – a County must be between 4-7;      Sonoma County is at 11.2
  2. Positive cases must be between 5-8% – Sonoma County is at 5.3%

If we are able to see our new cases reduce then we would be able to move to a less restrictive Tier which would allow indoor dining, more businesses to open again and increase our economy.    But this has to be done safely and without risk to increased infection and possible death.

Remember your “bubble or pod” are those that you live with; not extended family and friends.   Socialize safely and distance yourself.   Wear your masks, wash your hands and do not share communal food.

Help Wanted:

  • Tom Boylan is still looking for scribes
  • President Bill is hoping that we are going to have a virtual social this month.

Once information is available, we will likely use the clipboard to sign up.  WAIT FOR MORE DETAILS…they will be coming!.

  • September 17th – Reminder that the WINDSOR CANDIDATES forum is being hosted.  Sponsored by the club, and chaired by Maureen Merrill.
  • September 22thEamon O’Byrne will introduced the Sonoma Land Trust
  • September 29th – TBD
  • October 6th will be the information on the Smart Train
  • October 13th – Marie Gannister from WHS Vineyard Academy

A special board meeting was conducted last night in accordance with the expectations of the District Governor.  It is a meeting in which the DG is able to get information about what is going on in each of the clubs.  He was regaled with all the amazing things that the Rotary Club of Windsor is doing both locally and internationally.  During the meeting, DG Doug received a selection of CRAFT BEERS that were delivered to the DG at the outset of the meeting.  This was orchestrated by Sandie Krutz and John LeCave.

Thank you!  GREAT JOB!!!!

Fine master:

Leslie Lewis was pushed ahead to the end of the meeting to collect fines, so as not to interfere with the DG presentation.  Still, it proved to be plenty of time to collect the “bounty!”

Catherine Henron is donating $50 to the Rotary International Foundation as a thank you for her sister coming to visit for up to 10 days from Hilton Head!  She has not seen her since January! She will be joining Catherine at the Rotary meeting next week!

Leslie Lewis admitted that she and her husband, Nirmal, were out of town for a few days!  She decided to pay $80 against her fines. She and Nirmal went to Paso Robles  and on to Lake Naciemiento, where she was able to get up on the water skis on her 4th try.  She rode on a motor cycle, and reminded everyone to FIND JOY and play!

Heather Cullen reminded everyone that Alan Christianson (former amazing Rotarian!)  had a bad accident after being bit by a black wasp .. Please send a card!

Leslie reminded many that some of the Birthdays that are coming up are Bev Graham, and Mike Ragsdale…

She reminded Craig Curreri, and some others that they have anniversaries coming up.  I suspect she will come back to those members with some suggestions on how to contribute!

Glenn Sugden stepped up to the plate UNANNOUNCED and volunteered to pay $81 in his fines which paralleled the temp in Jackson Hole where he has been for three weeks.  He has also had CLEAR AIR!!!!

Not sure why, but then Glenn donated another $20 to the WRCF to make up for some of the earlier financial roller coaster losses!  Just feeling the love!! Thank you – again!!!

Sandie Krutz is getting a new right shoulder on Thursday!   Guess Wally will have to open the wine, stir the dinner pot, lift the groceries and unload the dishwasher.  Leslie reminded Sandie that she needs to keep us informed on how things are going !   With all of that, Sandie decided that she will  also make a donation.

Leslie encouraged the members to call or visit  Ed Turner and give him your credit card number, or just write a check in order to make sure that he gets the money that the foundation needs!!

Ed shared his mailing address so that members can go ahead with sending money!!  414 Aviation Blvd,  Santa Rosa, 95403

John How is thankful the increase in his family with two new baby boys coming into the fold and so he is donating to the foundation.  He mentioned that Ed won’t be the only one in the neighborhood pushing a baby carriage.  John mentioned that his daughter Heather and son –in-law Shane had a baby boy in May!!  His daughter Hilary and son in law, Dominic had their first child, and are living with John in Windsor!  He enthusiastically  mentioned that he is loving having the family with him.  John promised  donations!

Heather Cullen mentioned that September 17th is CONSTITUTION DAY CELEBRATION.  There is going to be a virtual singing event with a couple of speeches, games, prizes, at lunch time tomorrow!  Heather mentioned that she spent a BAZILLION  hours putting everything together for this event, but she also gave $50 to the Windsor Community Fund. Thank you!!

Today’s Program:

President Bill Introduced  Assistant Governor, and fellow Windsor Rotarian, Mike Ragsdale  who introduced District Governor Doug Johnson as a person who puts PEOPLE FIRST.

Mike reviewed DG Doug’s long history of where he is from, how long he has been in California (which this scribe missed!!)

He mentioned that DG Doug has three adult children and grandchildren.  He indicated that DG Doug’s 12 year old granddaughter ran a meeting at his club during his year as President and is curious as to when she can join!!

DG Doug is in sales and sounds like he runs a tight ship and gives tons of support to his team!  When not DG’ing , he is interested in travel and sports and is active in his church!

DG Doug started with thanks to everyone and reiterated that because of Covid, all Club visits will be virtual. He admitted that visiting the clubs and meeting the members is one of the joys of being a DG, so this has been  something that he misses.  He is hoping that the spring will open up time to be able to visit and possibly participate in a project!

He thanked the club for the gift of the CRAFT BEERS and stated that, at this point, the Windsor club is in the “running for club of the year due to our gift to him!

DG Doug mentioned that going to the International Assembly was one of his highlights in the training as District Governor.  He reviewed the format of socials, small and large meetings, as well as the large Assembly as means of getting together.  It provided him opportunities to meet with people from all over the world.  He reviewed the activities starting on the opening Monday with the introduction and presentations of past and current Rotary International presidents.  He noted that the announcement of the new Rotary year’s theme (Rotary Opens Opportunities) is what drives the year!

He indicated that during the International Assembly, he took a few notes, which he transcribed on a business card.  Doug mentioned some of the key phrase take ways were:  “Action, Adapt, being Relevant, Evolve, innovative, embrace change,  inventive , and flexible.”

This was the message two months before Covid and it resonated that this is exactly what we have to do, both in our lives and in Rotary.  It is important to understand how to adapt to be relevant (including with our families!!).

Rotary as we know it STOPPED in March.  Everything had to change whether it was our meeting format, our Rotary Bar, Youth exchange – everything “was taken away!”

He asked the question what is it that we have to have taken away to not have Rotary. He reminded us of the Rotary ‘s five core values

Service, Fellowship,  Diversity, integrity and Leadership,

DG Doug complimented the club on adapting to the changes that we have endured since the onset of Covid. He acknowledged that everyone is in a different place and have different levels of tolerance for being out in the open.

He encouraged us to stick together as a club and a family in order to make it through this unique time!

Quoting Charles Darwin, “Those who learn to collaborate and improvise will survive! “  He continued with

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one who is the most responsive to change.!

He citied the adaptability of our former exchange student, Vittoria Castelli, who had anticipated a different type of prom and graduation experience. But despite the odds, her ability to be able to celebrate a “different” prom (still wearing the dress that she brought from Italy) and her graduation parade proved  her to be flexible and adaptable.  Our outgoing exchange Kate Smith, despite having her experience postponed for a year, has renewed interest in being able to complete school BEFORE she goes to her country.

He cited the incident of Apollo, “where we need to see what can we do instead of what we can’t do.”

He talked about the Membership evaluation activity that Maureen Merrill is doing as a great way to light the fire for the future of Windsor Rotary.

DG Doug reviewed the number of committees at the District level.  He referenced the committee that addresses ethics.  He talk about his District Conference on October 8 and 9th in Rohnert Park.  He mentioned that he is going to open with an ethics presentation.  There will be a luncheon and an award ceremony to celebrate ethics in business.  He wants to align Rotary leaders with local leaders along the line of ethics.

He also talked about Direct giving to the Rotary International foundation.  He indicated that rather than give certificates for best performance, he will be awarding money.  He made note that the RI Foundation funds have been decreasing over the years.  He indicated that this is likely in part to the type of individuals who are members.  Rather than being able to write checks for large amounts, we are more diverse and perhaps not as flush financially.  He is encouraging members to donate DIRECTLY at least $20 a month.

He noted that Rotary is a members UP organization.  He indicated that the DG is the least important member and that the club members are the most important in Rotary!

He reminded the members that  “when going through hell, don’t stop…keep your chin up, your heads up and keep moving.” The Town of Windsor and its community needs us now more than ever.

He announced that on October 24th,   is the VIRTUAL CONFERENCE for Kathy Flamson, immediate Past District Governor.

The next international convention is in Taipei (2021) and then in 2022, it will be held in Houston.

The Rotary Zone Institute will be November 12 – 14, for Zones 26/27.  This is an institute open to all with “amazing speakers” from all over the world, with a cost of $49!  There will be a virtual governor elect event for Dustin Littlefield District 5130’s District Governor Elect.  He reminded the members that this .  type of institute and the DGE presentation is an annual event!

The Zone allows Rotarians to see the Broad base and support that Rotary gives is UNIQUE!

He closed his presentation with a sincere word of thanks to all members for their continued support and membership in Rotary!

President Bill thanked VP Johrita and DG Doug for attending. He also thanked Samantha from 20/30 Healdsburg.

President Bill closed the meeting with a quote from Albert Schweitzer, who said “I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know:  The only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve!”

Respectfully submitted,

Pam Moulton

Send the notes to the editor:

There are two people to send the finished document to, including:

[email protected]

[email protected]

Have fun with it and others will want to see what you have to offer the following week!

Thank you Sue Nelson for capturing these moments