2019-09-24 Priorities, Funding, Projects & Service: Club Conversation Part II

Click here to see documents relating to the latest Club Meeting

President Maureen Merrill rang the bell at 7:30

Your scribe, Tom Boylan, was asked to lead the flag salute

Our inspiration came to us by way of Allison Huber, who claimed to be channeling Susan Cole

Bill Arnone sprang up and led us in a rousing chorus of “God Bless America”

Photography provided by Sue Nelson

Guests of Rotarians include Justin Anderkenny (please excuse any misspelling of the last name) who works with Robin Resendez for an interior design company


Rene Hyde was once again recognized as the Powerhouse Rotarian for the month of September

Good thoughts for Ed Turner and John Hackenburg’s better half, Jean Hackenburg. Both are recovering from some surgical procedures. 

Carol Martin and JB Leep were mentioned as people who like to take a vacation.

The October 7th Windsor Rotary Board meeting will be held at Charlie’s. The evening will include appetizers and more conversation on fundraising among other topics. 

The Rotary District 5130 Foundation South dinner is to be held on November 2nd at the Doubletree ion Rohnert Park. Let’s see how many we can muster to sit at our own table.

Bill Conklin gave us an update on the Tri-Tip Tuesday fundraiser with funds going to the Windsor Rotary Community Foundation and The Windsor High Vineyard Academy. Great food at a great price. $50 gets you dinner for 4, $25 gets you Tri-Tip for four. We hope to have 200 dinners requested and are currently at the 1/3rd of that. Let people know they can always make a donation and Bill says he will deliver those donations by way of meals to Catholic Charities.  

Pres. Maureen recapped the last meeting with Windsor High principal Lamar Collins. It sounds like there are plenty of opportunities to become partners with the school.

Rene Hyde joined Heather Cullen as she was inducted to the club by Pres. Maureen. According to Heather, “Morning meetings won me over.” Glad to have her on board for breakfast!

Michael Juric and Brian Ling are moving forward as community liaisons for the club and its activities. The dynamic duo wants to engage businesses within Windsor to find out what they think is needed to make our community better and how Rotary can help make that happen. 


Pam Moulton facilitated our discussion on Fundraising and worthwhile projects. We broke out into smaller groups to discuss fundraising and the projects it benefits. Much discussion and a variety of good ideas were shared.  More to follow…