Click here to see documents relating to the latest Club Meeting
President Maureen Merrill kicked off the meeting at 7:30 A Flag salute was led by Jose Diego We were inspired by Susan Cole who didn’t need a microphone to get her words to be heard and appreciated… Change for the better of everyone. David Ruprecht led us in singing “It’s a Grand Old Flag”
Scribe for the day was Tom Boylan
Jose Diego introduced his guest, Gabe Velasquez. Announcements
Wally Krutz says that we are joining the Windsor High School’s program titled “Learning Through Interest.” On September 5, a few members will join in the MET Academy’s Career Day. Bev Graham was recognized for her knees. Nice to have her back. Our Powerhouse Rotarian of the Month is Renee Hyde! She follows Carol Martin (July) and JB Leep (August) Steve Klick and John LeCave are working on making it easy to donate to the Windsor Rotary Community Foundation through automatic recurring transactions. It is already quite easy to do this for The Rotary Foundation through the myrotary function. Please ask Steve or John LeCave if you need help with this. This coming Saturday, September 7th will be the debunking of Past President Sandie Krutz. We gather at Steve and Mapi Klick’s home, 220 Mark West Station Road, 5 PM. Paws for a Walk — take a walk with Rotary friends and Human’s Best Friends at Foothill Park on Saturday, Sept. 14 and 28. September 15, Thursday, Live Theatre — “NUTS” — a courtroom drama play at Left Edge Theatre. A mini-fundraiser benefiting club operations. Leslie Lewis gave us some insight into the world of arthritic thumbs and she showed off her purple cast… same cast next week. David Culley says he has a rotator cuff in repair and the matching slings were amazing. Rene Hyde says this is the last week to be a Beatles fan on the Town Green. The last of our bar is good news, especially when we consider the amount of money we have raised to promote our international efforts. The Hyde Bar was a huge success in 2019. Tri-Tip Tuesday is scheduled for October 8th. We can eat our way to raise funds for the Windsor High School. Bill Conklin gave us an invitation to get a Tri-Tip dinner or to help prepare as many as 400 dinners that will be sold in an effort to gain around $4000 for our Community Foundation. The meals will be prepared in advance at the Windsor High School, which is being converted into the community’s largest Drive-Thru restaurant. Give Bill a nod if you can be one of the assistants at the event.
Carol Martin got up and got us up and ready to discuss where we are spending our dollars to make the world and our community better through Rotary’s efforts, whether giving money or time. My is a gateway to understanding the ways you can provide support to the projects Rotary International. We were treated to a great graphic that explains the difference between dollars raised by our Rotary Club of Windsor and the Windsor Rotary Community Foundation.
Related documents and the entire slide deck from the meeting are available on the website, or you may request them from President [email protected] / 484.0320.
Donations to the Community Foundation can be designated funds to either the operating expenses or the Endowment Fund.
The club then broke into smaller groups to discuss options to touch the hearts o the community. Youth, Seniors, Veterans, and the homeless and underprivileged were within the discussion at the Scribe table. We then heard from the various tables about the projects that would get Rotarians involved and committed to helping. A strong request from throughout the room: this discussion should be continued.
Late-breaking news: in response to this request, a continued Club Conversation is scheduled for our meeting of September 24.