Windsor Rotary – Minutes from the 11/13/18 meeting:
- President Sandie Krutz opened the meeting at 7:15 a.m. by ringing the bell.
- Introduction of guests:
Visiting Rotarians: No visiting Rotarian’s.
- Chester Santos, our speaker for the day.
- Camden, our out-bound Rotary exchange student for ‘19/’20 and his mother.
- Sato, our Rotary exchange student. He gave the club an update on some recent activities, including going to the Petaluma Speedway with Bill Bolster. He also went bowling for the first time. He is now living with Mike & Maureen Merrill.
- Dick Bishop introduced his assistant Pam.
* The club said pledge of allegiance (didn’t get a note as to who led that).
* Carol Martin did the inspirational moment.
* Susan Cole led us in a stretch.
*President Sandie updated the club on the following items:
- Dave Culey is having a social for the club at KC’s Grill on Wednesday.
- The Rotary holiday party will be on December 8th at Brian Ling’s home.
- The club will be participating in the Salvation Army bell ringing on Dec. 8th and 15th.
- John LeCave & Carol Martin gave a presentation about the mini fund raisers we did earlier in the year, and highlighted that we netted $5,600, which leaves the Windsor Rotary Community Foundation (WRCF) with about $7,800. The goal was to have $10,000 at the end of the year. John L. explained that we would like to hold a couple of small fund raisers in the New Year to get to the goal of $10,000.
- Wally Krutz discussed a Windsor Unified School District (WUSD) tech-fair that we are helping with. The event will be on Wednesday, November 28th and he is looking for volunteers to help him set up.
- Sue Nelson announced that Pegi Ball’s two daughters lost their homes in the Butte County fires. They are coming to live with Pegi and will likely need some assistance.
- JB introduced our speaker, Chester Santos (known as “the Brain Whisperer”). He started his presentation by naming each member in the club from memory after just meeting us all a few minutes prior to that. He then led us in an exercise where we memorized a series of random words through a story he told, and then had us recite the words from memory.
- President Sandie concluded the meeting at 8:35 a.m.