Rotary 10-02-18
President Sandie Krutz called us to order at 7:30
Art Diaz led us in the pledge.
Anna Smith let us know she is inspired when she hears, “Beat LA!”
Susan Cole got us to appreciate that you can raise your hands not only when the police request it.
Tom Boylan was the scribe.
Visiting Rotarians:
Susan Cole intro of past member Dennis Harris
Guests of Rotarians:
JB Leep introduced our speakers, Brandon Krueger Superintendent of Windsor School District and Justin Wilcox Sonoma Recovery Center
Dick Bishop, Pam, his assistant
Carol Martin introduced our Exchange student “Sato.”
Abigail made her presence known as well.
Bill Bolster told us that Mike Ragsdale’s birthday was special because his wife organized a gathering of Leukemia and Lymphoma walk. Team Rags was on hand to generate some dollars for the cause. They raised more than $2000.
Sato shared a little about what he has been up to. He went to the SCARC dinner, Sunday he went with Bill Bolster to the Giants game, Saturday he went with Ken Moulton to the Cal game. He had an adventure checking out the Golden Gate Bridge with Bill.
Bill Bolster presented a flag from the Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island East. Bill spent time wandering the world discussing software for kids benefit… You have to ask him about the adventure into a small world of 8 million people, whose neighboring community is 20 million.
Brandon Krueger told us that the books we have donated are being appreciated by the students that received them.
Carol Martin reminded us that we need to have 10 people at the Redwood Food Bank. This Thursday and let her know.
Pres Sandie says there are more balloon posters… Have at them.
October 6th Robin (used to be Phillips) and Carlos are having a celebration at their home to celebrate their wedding.
October 11th we are all invited to Chris Landwher’s sculpting studio… It is an opportunity to have a Ghost moment. Do it from 5-11 pm at his studio.
Windsor schools are having a technology fair on October 29th. If you want to learn a little about how to use tech and access tech, this is your moment.
Michael Juric announced there is a Gala that will happen on April 6, 2019. Potential beneficiaries will be reviewed by Tom Hassur and his volunteers… And that can be you. Pam Moulton is promoting a blend of a lobscar as the icon for the event. Never too early to start thinking of what auction items can be found.
There are a lot of special events to promote the recovery of fires everywhere.
Dave Koch is the fine master. He found Robin willing to spend for Abigail’s first flirtatious moment with Puddles the Duck from Oregon… Craig Curreri let us know that the replacement of the award for our policeman was due in large part because of Dennis Wilkinson and he made a donation to his John Lewis. Bev Graham said $50 to JL is worthy for what could be her newest Granddaughter… She hopes. Brian Ling and Dennis went on a golf outing and the money poured into the JL Foundation. Dennis then got into his new career as a professional golfer and his find of a hickory golf club set along with knickers. He played well, but he looked better. He added to his donation by sharing his ability to go to a ball game in Missouri. Joan Morra is spending money on the JL because she is having a resurgence of Exchange students dropping in on her.
Dave Culley took the short track to recover his blue badge and offered a few dollars toward the fines. Glenn Sugden joined him in the transition to blue.
JB Leep introduced our two speakers for the day, including Justin Wilcox, the business development and manager of Sonoma County Resource Recovery, and John Staton, the executive director of Sonoma State School of Economics.
Justin took the floor first and let us know that today is the anniversary of the new garbage company for Windsor. The company is actually a resource recovery company first since they recycle most of what they find along the way. Our update gave us information on the various partnerships they have developed in the past year including the Lobster Feed.
John challenged us to understand why an MBA educator would spend his time sifting through garbage for the summer. He did it because it gave him a view into the people of our world and their consumption habits.
We spoke about species extinction, Hong Kong 50 years ago. Carbon levels, Dubai growth, and a lot of plastic waste, and a lot of other stuff that we are using or discarding. That is a lot of waste that cannot be absorbed.
We were treated to a series of slides including the Systemic Context… You had to be here to see the slides because I could not possibly do justice to the amount of information that was shared. Somehow we then went on to the topic of training teens to become bike mechanics.
Now we are focusing on what can Windsor do to minimize waste. John suggests that we need to teach people of Windsor to sort their garbage. He and a group of his associates spent time at the Thursday Windsor Town Green event standing over garbage and recycling cans explaining to those looking to deposit their garbage the proper technique and process. The outcome of this was to see a diversion rate of 61% of the garbage for a Thursday night event.
Justin took back the mic and gave us a rundown on the new trucks. China does no longer want to purchase our garbage, and they have made restrictions as to the garbage/recyclables they are willing to have sent their way. We got to see a “Birds Eye” view of the split truck. Great video and it should be rated for Rotten Tomatoes. Sorry…I had to do that.