2018-09-11 Susan Hagen

September 11, 2018

Rotary Meeting Notes

The 17th Anniversary of the World Trade Tragedy

Maureen Merrill, was President of our Club at that time, and kept us focused on the present, as we tried to process the reality of what was actually happening in NYC! It was a somber day!

Today’s meeting began with Colleen Carmichael, President of the Healdsburg Sunrise Club, leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Allen Christiansen, then lead us in a very enthusiastic rendition of, Take Me Out To The Ballgame!

There were many guests to introduce, who were in attendance to hear our speaker, Susan Haygen, co-author of the book, Women at Ground Zero. Glenda introduced Susan, who in turn, introduced six members of her writing club who were there to hear her story, once again!

Art introduced Bob Cox, of the Cloverdale Club; Anna introduced Colleen Carmichael, President of the Healdsburg Sunrise Club, and Maureen introduced Maria Gonzalez from the Rancho Cotati Club. JB Introduced his guest, Carlos Reso; and, our past breakfast server, Zac, now working for Raley’s, reminded us of their upcoming (now past) Grand Opening! Dick Bishop introduced his assistant Pam, and Robin introduced her Daughter Abigale!

Our Exchange Student, Sato, shared the fun times he had this past week, with Carol & JB, Wally & Sandy, and Mike and Maureen! Don’t forget to “save a date” on his calendar, to do something special with him before his year is over; it goes by so fast!!

Up Coming events:

* Club social on Thursday 9/13, at Barley & Bine Beer Café, Bell Rd, 5:00PM ‘til thru socializing!

* On Sunday, September 23rd, we will be joining Sato, at the Rotary Youth Exchange Annual Picnic, 1:00 – 4:00, at Galvin Park, 3330 Yulupa Ave., Santa Rosa.

* Our October get-together will be on Thursday, the 11th, at 5:00 PM, at Chris Landwehr’s home; details to follow!! You won’t want to miss this one!!

Announcements & Fines: Glenda shared how we can become a Benefactor to the Rotary Foundation! She will help you get set up!! Jack announced that we cleared over $13,000 in proceeds from our Margareta Booth sales! Leslie was the Fine Master for the day, with Warren Parker donating $28 to Ken Moulton’s Paul Harris, for taking him to the CAL/BYU game, so he could see BYU beat the Bears; and, an additional $100 for his previous commitment. Joan Mora gave $500 to Paul Harris, in honor of her

son Jason, who is now a CHP Officer!!

Pam Moulton introduced our speaker, Susan Hagen. Many of us remember Susan, a volunteer with the Freestone and Graton Fire Departments at the time, being at our meeting 15 years ago! Today, Susan shared her story of how she and co-author Mary Carouba traveled to New York City to find and interview female firefighters, police officers, paramedics, and other women rescuers who had responded to the tragedy at Ground Zero. They had no financing, no credentials, and knew no one in New York City; but, were determined to find women rescuers that would tell their stories. The

collection of emotional stories of these women risking their lives to save others inspired the book Women at Ground Zero! Out of 11,000 firefighters in the NYFD, there were only 25 female firefighters!

The authors, bothered about the invisibility of women at Ground Zero by the media, were concerned since these brave women would make great role models for girls and young women, who might consider a career in public safety. Together, Susan and Mary were later, able to raise money to host 30 of these women, here in Sonoma County, in recognition of their bravery. It was a truly inspirational presentation, as Susan shared many of the female responder’s vivid experiences, being a part of the aftermath at Ground Zero!

Whew!!! A great, and fully packed meeting!

Bev Graham