- Greeters, (supposed to be Karen Ricketts and Michael Rasch, but it was Susan Cole and Laura Buhrer)
- Inspiration: Jason Black: Inspiring words from Jerry Seinfeld and Colonial Sanders
- Song: JB Leep-“YMCA” (this was quite funny, and everyone really got into it! Singing the words and doing the hand gestures!)
- Visiting Rotarians: Barb Spangler-our Dist. Governor, visiting from The Valley of the Moon Rotary, Janet Hyde, and Jacks asst. Pam, as well as baby Abigail. Teresa from the Windsor Times, and Tim Curry from Exchange Bank
- Special Thank You from Pres. Sandie to Allen Christenson for the use of his office for a recent meeting.
- News from Carol Martin: Exchange student Satoski Mathias arriving Aug. 7th at SF airport, all invited to welcome him!
- Sandie also sent around ‘Thank You’ notes from a few 3rd graders that received dictionaries, most written in cursive!
- Kidspree-an email was sent out to sign up to be a helper for the shopping day coming up this Sat. Aug. 4th at 6:30am. Meet promptly at Target, Coddingtown. As of today, there are 320 kids signed up! So, we need more helpers, and if we are short, then some kids might have to double up, two kids to a helper.
- Tonight, July 31st 6:00 at the Bear Republic in Healdsburg, there will be a 3-club social! So, don’t be a poop, come meet new people, and join in on the fun!
- Jack’s bar, this Thurs. Aug. 2nd, Wonderbread 5 will be pounding out the tunes, so come help out, it should be a VERY busy night at the bar!
- Finemaster raised some funds with Pres. Sandie asking questions to some “off guard” members answering some of her great questions! $5 if you could answer her question, or $10 if you were wrong! Bring your $$$, so you don’t look like a penny pincher!
-Pam Moulton introduced District Governor Barb Spangler
Barb…out of her own mouth, “Being the District Governor is the best job” she has ever had. She attended our Board Meeting, and told the membership how proud she is to be a part of such a great Dist. and Windsor is among the best with all of the projects we have done in recent years. The group told her about the success of the Lobster Feed, and all of the funds raised from that (to include the $18,000 for the 20/30 club) she was very impressed!! She commented on how strong of a club, Windsor Rotary really is, with many past presidents, and also District Governors still in our membership. What a rare thing that is.
Her motto for her year is “Be the Inspiration”!!! Share her signature theme with everyone, in your own way!
She had the group do a project where we wrote on a postcard:
*Who is your inspiration?
*What did they teach you?
*Why is it important?
*How will this affect your life moving forward?
The date is set for a District Conference coming May 17th-19th, 2019 at the Peppermill in Reno. Speakers will be:
- Ron Burton, past RI President, and Rotary Foundation Chair
- Dave Dravecky, Pro Baseball Pitcher, Motivational Speaker, Author & Cancer/Amputee Survivor
- Mike McGuire, Calif. State Senator, and Healdsburg Rotary Club member