2017-08-08 Bill Keene

Flag Salute – Brian Ling   

Inspiration – by John Hackenberg with quotes from Mark Twain and Winston Churchill.  John’s favorite:  “Life is short.  Break the rules.”  By Mark Twain

Song   – The club did a reasonably on tune rendition of “Pick Yourself Up” led by Allen Christensen.  (I heard Bill Arnone from the floor, and he was very helpful in keeping us in tune and up tempo.”)

Introduction of Visiting Rotarians:

There were no visiting Rotarians today.

Introduction of Guests of Rotarians:

Brian LingBill KeeneOur speaker from the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District
Renee HydeMorganOur Outbound Youth Exchange Student to Germany last year.
Bill BolsterMinaReturning Outbound Youth Exchange student
Bill BolsterNatasha FigueroaOutbound Youth Exchange for 2018-19
Dick BishopMadisonDick’s Personal Assistant  


It’s Bill Bolster’s Birthday today!!

Bill Rash’ 50th anniversary was August 7.   He and his family went out to dinner in Occidental to celebrate.

Jack Hyde announced that we made $1,500 for Summer Nights on the Green last week.  He needs some sign-ups and help this week for Thursday night.   The music will be “Boys of Summer”, an Eagles Tribute band.

President Steve announced that August 19th is Pedal for Polio.  We are assisting the Healdsburg Rotary Club at Amy’s Wicked Slush that morning from 7:30AM to 9:30 AM to greet the riders.

President Steve announced that August 29th is our District Governor’s visit to our Club.  On August 28, there will be a joint social at Maureen Merrill’s home (6 PM) to welcome and socialize with the new District Governor.

Our “People’s Choice” Fall Fundraisers are coming, with a goal of $1,000 by each team.   Sandie Krutz introduced the team captains, who presented their team fundraising ideas (when they were known).

The Competition:

Team                                                                                                 Fundraiser

Kelly                                                                                                   Flock Insurance

Peach                                                                                                Premier Movie Night

Yellow                                                                                               ????

Blue                                                                                                    Poker Night

Pink                                                                                                    Glow Ball Golf

Lime                                                                                                   Shots & Guac

Red                                                                                                     Pop-Up Art Gallery

Jack Hyde is heading up Poker Night which will be held Sept. 9 at Dick Bishop’s home.   Buy-in is $100, with prizes for winners at $500, $250 and $100.

Wally Krutz is heading up the Red Team who will host a pop-up art gallery and sale on Oct. 20-21.

Carol is warning that we all need “Flock Insurance” for the herd of Pink Flamingo’s which are soon to descend on Windsor.   Stay tuned for how to insure yourself against pink flamingo’s.

Brian Ling is organizing “Glow Ball Golf”  sometime around Halloween.  They will have drinks and snacks in advance of golfing for about an hour and a half in the dark with a glowing golf ball.   He reports that it can be a lot of fun – especially because it is followed with drinks from the bar.

Bill Arnone is in charge of “Shots and Guac”, which will be held at the Arnone home on August 26.   Bill has wisely received Deneene’s approval to host at their home.  Since this event involves tequila, bocce ball, and guacamole, it is sure to be well[-attended.

President Steve has goals and awards prepared for all the fund-raising teams.

Our Goals

-Have Fun

-Raise $8000 plus for our Local Philanthropic work

-Create new opportunities to participate on a smaller scale

-Allow members to contribute in ways that work for them

-Try different activities to raise funds to see what is effective and fun for the club

-Get more name recognition for the Club

Awards – Awards – Awards

Peoples Choice Award

For the team that the club votes as “the Best of the Best”

Most “Mullah” Made

The Team that makes the most Money

OPM Kings

The Team that gets the most OTHER PEOPLES MONEY

Fun For All

The Team that didn’t work that hard and still made goal

Break the Mold

The Team that has the most unique way of making money

Speaker:  Bill Keene, Executive Director of Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District.

Soon to introduce:  Vital Lands Initiative, a new brand and logo

The Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District was formed in 1990, and it is the only one of its kind in the country.  It is funded primarily by a sales tax which was approved by voters.  The mission statement is to:  “Protect diverse, agricultural, natural and scenic open spaces of our county.”    The idea is to stay away from what has happened on the peninsula south of San Francisco, where one city blends into another, and there is no open space, trees, or natural environment – just cities blending into other cities.

The District protects open space in two ways:

  • Through conservation easements. These easements stay with the land in perpetuity and don’t allow for development.
  • Land purchases. Taylor Mountain was purchased by the District and remains protected open space/park land

There are 111,200 acres of land (over 10% of Sonoma County) protected forever from development.